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Getting the MD on your team

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asked about a comment that Rose used on her MD-- and it finally helped to get her treatment started.

I believe it was something like this:

Doctor, if you were unable to work, to do your finances, to drive, to just do the things you need to do on a daily basis- laundry, getting showered, dressed, out for groceries, balancing the checkbook-- just the "normal activities of daily living"-- wouldn't you be looking for an answer to what is going on with you? Wouldn't you want aggressive treatment- and the chance to get back at least those "simple" activities of daily living?

Doctor, I'm willing to try whatever medication is out there. Investigational or not. We know the prednisone is not stopping the progression of my sarcoidosis. I've done alot of studies on xxx (Remicade, Humira, Enbrel, Imuran, Methotrexate, Plaquenil) and I feel that I need your help.

Then give them the articles that you'll find in our LINKS and ARCHIVES. Tell them that there has been clinical trials with Remicade and MTX and that it helps with the sarcoid induced arthritis. and that it helps with the pulmonary fibrosis of sarcoidosis. and that it shows promise with the visual effects of sarcoidosis. It's all in the documentation-- and the articles by Dr. Baughman and Dr. Sharma is excellant.

Let your MD know that they are a part of your team-- and as such-- you need their help in getting this under control.

If they blow you off-- fire them.

Rose- if there is more you can add- please do so.



NS Co-owner/moderator

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