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Vegetarian WLS Yahoo Group

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Hi. I have formed another WLS group.....wlsVegetarian. Please feel free

to repost this informational post to other WLS groups.


subscribe: mailto:wlsv-subscribe

In reading the various WLS groups I am on, I realize that many people

are interested in vegetarianism.

Perhaps they have discovered that, post surgery,veggies are easier to

eat, or because they have been a vegetarian before or perhaps have

decided to engage in healthier eating for personal reasons.

Many believe the SAD (Standard American Diet) is the reason we became

obese to begin with. The thought of returning to that diet is

unattractive and may be unnecessary.

Your WLS doctor or nutritionist is the primary source of your recovery

food intake, but perhaps with help, they can understand that

vegetarianism is a viable option to pre and post surgery patients.

This group is not surgery specific although surgery differences can make

food options different, we hope to be able to cover banding, R-n-Y and

DS, open and lap.

This is a new group, formed May 15, 2001 by Elle -Cook, owner and

moderator of the VEGWR list. VEGWR has been in existence for 5 years

and encourages low fat vegetarian eating for weight loss.

You can find VEGWR at


or on Yahoo at


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