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Neuro Visit

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HI..thought I'd let you all know about my latest dr visit. I went to the neurologist last Thursday. I was hoping he would see the amazing results of being on Remicade and be a bit more understanding. (yea-right!) I told him how much I had improved..Iritis is so improve, I can talk (yes I also mixed up words..couldn't remember names..or the name of things, not so dizzy, much less pain, not so much buzzing electical jolts, walking better and much more. Pain meds are much less...etc. He said he was glad I was better but even though the Rheumatologist and the eye doc are contributing my improvement to the Remicade...he still will not go out on the limb with the NS diagnosis. Went over what was abnormal and not normal tests while telling me this. Some of it I'd been told was normal before and now he was saying essentially normal. I know trying to talk to him wouldn't have helped so I told home at this point I just need to document the improvement so the insurance will consider covering it. Anyway as I was leaving the receptionist said I didn't need to make another appointment. I know he wasn't dismissing me as a patient, but I walked out the door thinking...great - now I can find a doctor who cares!!

So next week I am going to send a written request to have a copy of my records and the next time I need a neurologist I will find another one.

And I go in Tuesday for my pre surg PE for cataract surgery the following Monday. Not looking forward to it, but it will be nice to see again in one eye!! I have been quite a hermit of late.

Take Care...and have a good week



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