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RE: Remission of Sarc

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To all who have been told they are in remission: If you have been told by your drs. that you are in a state of remission , do you still have some of the muscle aches and pains , the fatigue, weakness, the rotten headaches especially when you over do it? Right now I am not on any immunosuppressants, because my drs. don't think I need them. But I still am having these symptoms. They say they maybe caused by Fibromyalgia. They don't seem to think my sarcoid is in an active phase. I was just wondering because I know a lot of you have had times in your past that you were in states of remission. Any feedback on this? thanks Debbie

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Your post was inspiratioal. And all you say is true. Three years

ago this Saturday I lost my best friend and husband to cancer. Once

he got sick he told everyone he had " Tumor Humor " . He went from

being a stuffed shirt to the funniest guy around always pulling

jokes on everyone....Many times in my worst flare ups I think of him

and then am encouraged to do the same. I was blessed to have shared

his journay with him and he blesses me still everyday by his courage

he left with me.




> In a message dated 6/19/06 11:24:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> anci3ntgoddess@... writes:



> > When the Neuro Dr trys to wean me down on the Imuran i end up in


> > hospital.. He told me i had a good chance of not seeing

remission at all.

> > whats your opinion ??? anyone.

> >


> Jessie,

> My opinion is that we can NEVER SAY NEVER.

> I refuse to believe that this is forever. It is for today-- and

it has it's

> limitations. But if we decide that this disease will take our

life-- we stand

> a greater chance that it will.

> Even if it cripples us, it will does not have the ability to take


> soul--our spirit --unless we let it.

> This last year has been a huge lesson of learning about illness

and watching

> several close friends pass away from cancers. The difference in


> personal journey and the quality of life they had-- was how they

decided to see their

> disease progressing.

> For me, it has been a lesson in humbleness. These people had end-


> cancers and lymphomas. They were incontinent, bed ridden, semi-

comatose, in

> extreme pain-- and they would come around for minutes at a time in

such incredible

> lucidness-- and crack some wise-ass joke, then smile and go back

into their

> process-- and they lived each day as the gift it is.

> I've been so blessed to get to go on the emotional journeys with

them- share

> their pain and sorrow and joy- at being alive " one more day " -- and

they all

> said that they wouldn't change any of the journey.

> Their voyage opened their hearts in ways that I never knew existed-

- and in

> many ways still am learning.

> Will this be hard-- it may be. It'll be harder if we fight or

fear it-- and

> even if we fight and fear the what if-- what a horrible waste of

time and

> energy that we lose-- if we stay in fear.


> Just for today- I will see the beauty of the spiders web on the


> Just for today, I will step outside, and listen for the laughter

of a child.

> Just for today, I will open my heart to my fears-- the unknown of

what this

> disease has in store-- and celebrate the fact my heart is still


> Just for today, I will tell someone that they are loved, truly


> Just for today, I will tell myself that I am loved-- by me.


> Blessings for us all,

> Tracie

> NS Co-owner/moderator


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