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An update on Darlene--

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Guys, I received this from Darlene, she is currently at home- but way to sick to respond to anyone. Know that she and I are keeping in touch as she is able. Do keep her in your prayers and hearts and thoughts.

Love to all,


NS Co-owner/moderator

Dear Tracie,

I hope I can set up here long enough to send you some info. I really want your input so I am going to tell you all I know.......it will be long, I know, so you can pick and choose what to let the list know and of course, the Mods. As you know, I have not really been well for the last two years and last summer was HELL. Last winter was not much better and when I got home this spring, I knew I was in trouble. I washoping the Remicade treatments would see me through it. Anyway, around the first of June, I got really sick and started throwing up--could not keep much down. I tried and tried but just got sicker and sicker so on June 27th after 5 days of not being able to keep food, medicine, or water, down, hubby took me to the hospital.( I am skipping the ER visits). By the second day there, I had 6 doctors working on me. Naturally, my Sarc doctor was out of town on vacation! At first they thought kidney infection--tests said no--then they said gall bladder--again, altho I do have a couple of stones, the gall bladder was not inflamed or anything, so they said no.........then I developed pneumonia in both lungs. Tracie, I had just about every test under the sun run and most of the results are coming back with nothing! I still have a few pending. By the second week, my Sarc Doctor was back in town and hubby called him and he came immediately. He did chest xrays, said I had fluid on my lungs and did a bronchospy and at the same time, he took a quart and a half of fluid off my right lung. He said it was a wonder I did not drown!!! He said I was close. I have fluid still on my left lung but we are hoping it will work itself out. He did not want to take the chance of doing the other one right now. I was on oxygen in the hospital the whole time and ran a high fever. Once, my oxygen level dropped to 50 and they thought they were losing me.........scared the nurses (and me) to death! Anyway, after 10 days, I BEGGED him to let me come home and I know I came home too early but I am trying to rest and take care of myself. Still battling a little fever and once in a while, upset stomach, but I am better. I go see my Sarc doctor a week from Monday and then he will decide what we are going to do.......he is considering small doses of prednisone and bad as I hate it, I will accept it. I really believe he saved my life. As far as my Remicade, I was supposed to get my next infusion this coming Monday, but I called my Doctor and he wants to wait until I am over this. He said we could just pick right up from where we were.

One thing this did was to really show my children how sick I really am. You and I both know that until you experience this illness, you canot fully understand. They are scared but now they do understand more. Even me............I guess I always thought that I would not get this sick until I was ready to die. He told the children that ""if one of you sneezes, you say God Bless you--------but if Darlene sneezes, you say "HOLY SHIT". He said that is how serious it is. He is very blunt and you always know where you stand with him.

Please give my love to the list I think of you guys every day.

Much love,


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