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Update on Darlene

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Hi everyone,

I imagine by now you are all wondering if I survived the first Remicade treatment ---well, the answer is "yes" but I have had a rough few days......I had to be at the Doctors office at 8:00am and they started going through my papers and one of the nurses said "she is only covered at 80%"! (they had called me and told me it was a 100%). So they stopped and asked me if I could pay the rest -- which of course, I could not! So, I thought about it for a few minutes and told them I wanted to try it at least one time and see how I did.......so we started it and during the infusion, their Insurance rep called and said I WAS covered at 100%....so.......we shall see if they follow through and pay it.

Anyway, it took a little over 3 hours and I had them add Benedryl for the allergies and something for my stomach (because I always have trouble)....I had no problem with the infusion at all! I was really tired when I got done and hubby made me eat lunch and we came home......I slept some on the way home and then took a 2 1/2 hour nap when I got home -- ate supper -- and went to bed early..:-) The next morning (Friday) I got up and felt pretty good for a couple of hours and then got a headache and a tiredness that I have NEVER felt before and I really cannot describe it! I was so tired that I could not hold my head up.......so I slept most of the day Friday and Saturday. Yesterday (Sunday) I was better --still had a headache but better. So far, I think I will be able to take the Remicade and HOPE I can and that the Insurance will pay for it. I really need those prayers from all of you about this.

Tracie was right about not doing much right after the treatment.....you need to rest!!!!!

I have not noticed much difference yet --after just one treatment --- but.......I am breathing better, so that is a blessing!!! Sure hope it continues.........I had some computer problems last night and today so have just now been able to get on here and let you all know that I am still among the living! Thanks to all who sent well wishes and prayers....they were very much appreciated.

Sending lots of love and prayers to all and especially to the others who are taking the Remicade these last few days......I know there are several........

More later


NS Co-Owner/Moderator

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