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Thank you. This is collaborative " thinking outside the box " + common sense and

logical mental deduction which I do appreciate! I will go to the mat for you if

you get blasted. I do realize, and I hope others who read this as well,

understand that it is an " off the books " application that MAY work. I certainly

understand it :)

I will continue my search for an appropriate probiotic with out strep strain,

and with my luck, by the time I find it, they will have healed enough so that we

get the go-ahead from the doctor to try traditional BTVC goats milk yogurt.

Again, kind, kind thanks for your help.


> >I want to try it to prepare the nut milk yogurt

> >to see if it ferments - what are your thoughts?

> >Is there any reason that I am missing as to why

> >a fremented product prepared without the Strep

> >bacteria would be illegal or possibly damaging

> >to the gut? I'm pretty sure, based on my reading

> >about fermentation that it will ferment in some manner . . .


> Kim,


> I can appreciate your boys' distress over

> sauerkraut vs. SCD yogurt. You're

> evidently doing dairy-free SCD at this time,

> correct? Is it a casein issue for your boys? One

> of the things which has been observed is that

> intolerance of cow dairy does not equal

> intolerance of goat dairy -- and that the

> fermentation process alters the proteins in

> either so that they are more digestable.


> On to yogurt... first, per official definitions

> by the US government and other governments,

> YOGURT must have s. thermophilus and l. bulgaricus.


> However, in one of the older BTVCs, Elaine

> mentioned a lactose free sour cream which does

> not apparently have the same bacteria as yogurt, which was legal.


> This seems to indicate that it is possible to

> have fermented dairy which is not yogurt, yet

> which is SCD-legal. (But trying to find that

> particular sour cream, since Elaine never named a

> brand or anything has kept me entertained for most of my eight years on SCD.)


> If you can find a probiotic with the l.

> acidophilus and the l.caseii, both of which are

> SCD legal, and IF you can get them to ferment in

> the nut milk (addition of honey required), I am

> going to go out on a serious limb here, and say

> you might have a reasonable probiotic drink. If

> you were going to be using actual dairy, I think

> I would ferment it suitably, then add some

> lactaid drops and let it stand in the fridge to

> be sure all the lactose was gone.


> I don't know that the Bio-Kult would would be

> suitable because of its enteric coating. How do

> you get it open? You may have to continue

> searching for a suitable culture. (I would not

> recommend the liquid Bio-kult because it contains

> too many illegals to be considered as a starter.)


> Please understand that none of the above about

> making a non-yogurt probiotic drink is found in Breaking the Vicious Cycle.


> I expect someone will come along and leap all

> over me for daring to suggest something like

> this. The last time I went out on a limb with the

> cocoa butter, I got pounded for days.


> Whatever you make, it won't be yogurt, by the

> official definition of same. But it might help

> you get good bugs down your boys.











> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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