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No [final] Surgery For CYNTHIA

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To Everyone:

Here are two posts from 's sister. One's from the AM,

the other is from the afternoon. This whole thing is effecting

's family very badly. They all feel pretty helpless to

find answers so they feel baffled by the fact that just

doesn't seem to be getting better.

On the GOOD side is that 's spirits have improved a great

deal. I'm positive it is due to all your prayers and


and spiritual supports really do help. I spoke to her briefly today.

She was very drowsy.

While 's family is hovering near-by, demanding answers

and worrying, is content with the care she's receiving.

She has complete faith in her caregivers and I think this is as it

should be. In her unenviable position, she needs her energy for

healing. I think it's prudent that she not waste that energy on

anger, criticism and finding fault. Those are tasks best left to her

ever-vigilant family

[start of 1st message]

's husband got in touch with the patient advocate person

yesterday and told her what we have been up against.not seeing

Dr. Deviny often and not having

questions answered. Soon after that Dr. Deviny showed up and

talked to 's husband, apologized for not staying in touch

more...'s husband said that he wants to be shown the

scans from now on and have them explained to him.

Dr. Deviny suggested that they send home and see how

she does with the infection, 's husband told him that was

not an option and he did not want her released until she was

well. They also thought they would stop the

antibiotics and see if the infection showed itself more, as they do

not know where it is coming from.

Her white blood count was up to 22000 and her red blood count

was very low; low enough that Dr. Deviny said she might need a

blood transfusion. They did a CT scan last night and we could

not stay long enough to find out what it was, guess maybe we

will know something today (hopefully). She is having shortness

of breath again and the doctor said it was due to her low red

blood count.

[Next day]

Cynce really has been far from well for weeks, she did seem

better but they could not seem to find out for us why her blood

count was so high and her red blood count going down.

The CAT scan they ran last night showed shadow around her

lung. I talked to her today and they drained that fluid around her

lung. She said they got about a half-liter of fluid and she has

been able to breathe better since. They are testing it for


We will be going up to see her later this afternoon, so will let you

know what I find out. I should rephrase that...I will let you know if

I'm able to find anything out.

The doctor has been keeping her husband informed lately.

If you could send me your home phone # again, I will call you

and it would be easier to talk one on one.

Thank you for all you have done, you have been wonderful and a

great ear to confide in.



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