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Terri G.

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Thanks for the information, Terri! I'll check it out! I'd love to see her in person. I also missed the Women of Faith conference when it came out a couple of years ago... I'm watching for that one to come back this way, too! Have you ever watched Marilyn Hickey? In my younger days when we lived in RI I was a Marilyn Hickey addict - I learned so much. Since we've moved to PA I've only been able to catch her a couple of times - her teaching seems to have really changed. I love Joyce Meyers, though. She's so direct and shoots straight from the hip - but how she makes us laugh! I love her messages! I hardly ever sleep anymore, so I guess both books would be good for me! I'll have to check them out next time I'm up at the mall! Thank you for the recommendations! I'll pray for you and your husband. Try to remember that the Lord is the third person in your

marriage. He will take care of you no matter what happens when you speak with your husband. I'm hoping that everything will turn out all right for you, Terri. Try not to be afraid. Your heart must be strongly leading you to this difficult place. I will pray that God gives you the right words and your husband a receptive, loving heart... and that God makes a way, even when there seems to be no way. I will pray for you all day. I promise. Warm hugs, Jeannie mosaicgirl1 wrote: Jeanne,Joyce Meyers was so uplifting. It was wonderful to hear her preach inperson and she has the greatest praise and worship team. They reallygot us moving. I watch her

everyday that I am able and I take notes onher sermons so I can go back and look up the scriptures and I helps meso much.You can go to joycemeyer.org and find out when she might be coming toyour area. Where are you located. You may have said in a previous postbut with my memory...... I go on the site once or twice a week and willkeep an eye out for you. Plus there are great books and differentthings you can order. I just purchased "Starting Your Day Right" whichis a daily devotional and she has one for the end of your day if that ismore your style of studying called "Ending Your Day Right".Well, I am off to church today so gotta go. Hope everyone has a greatday. By the way Clair, you asked what biscuits are - they are differentfrom the biscuits you eat. Sorta like a scone but they are made withflour, milk and butter. We make them round and bake them and they

arefluffy (if you make them right). We can also buy them premade in thegrocery store and just bake them. You can eat them plain, with butterand jelly or jam or like our discussion, with sausage gravy (white milkgravy with fried pork sausage in it). Well, gotta get ready.I hope everyone has a good day and keep me in your thoughts and prayers;I am going to confront my husband this afternoon about some stuff and Iam afraid he is going to tell me to hit the road (no health insurance!!!). I have some where to go if this happens but I am very nervous. Ican't live like this anymore.Thanks for being there. I love all of you for it.Terri G. Good Morning All:> Thought I would wish you a good day before I went to the Joyce MeyersConference; I will be praying lots for our group

today. I went for theresults of my neuropsych testing yesterday and I am not sure if it isgoing to help me a lot. It depends on what the neurologist thinks. Thetests showed declining speed in thought processing and some short termmemory decline. I am not trying to make it sound better than it was itis just to lengthy to list. Because I live in a tough situation like, he thought that some of mine problems have an emotional componentto them - well we all know what any kind of stress will do to us and howit make us feel worse.> I am going to mail out my report to all the different docs and seewhat they say. Just keep me in your thoughts as I plod along on thisjourney that hopefully will bring treatment for one diagnosis or theother. By the way, in Norfolk, if you ever require neuropsychtesting, Dr. Stutts at EVMS is wonderful. He will give it tooyou straight, not sugar coated and he does not talk

down to you. He isvery knowledgeable about NS. (This is a first for me - I didn't knowanyone in this area was knowledgable about this disease).> Take care of yourselves. I will write later. Kim - don't forget tohave those shingles double checked; you should be seeing someimprovement.> Love to all of you.> Terri G.>>>>>>>>> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~> The Neurosarcoidosis Community>> NS CHAT:- Has been cancelled for now.>> Message Archives:-> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messages>> Members Database:-> Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database>>

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