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neurosarcoid and more

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Hello! I have just joined and was wondering if anyone also has diabetes insipidus, adrenal insufficiency, fybromyalgia and had a stroke. Since being diagnosed with sarcoid (systemic) in 1989 with two craniotomies and now all these other conditions I'm pretty much bedridden since my lasted hospitalization for an adrenal crisis. Sarcoid is taking over and I'm not sure where to turn?tiodaat@... wrote: ,Damian has to be scared to death that you'll end up hurting yourself and he feels he cant help. I sure it comes out flippent-- but it's pure fear. It's easier to avoid being around than to fail at taking care of you. I do hope that you've got your parents nearby. Or at least ask for some in-home help--even if it's just a few hrs a

day. Arrrghh,Love to you my friend,Tracie

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