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I just found out today I am prego too :) I just went for blood work and am

waiting nervously. I will fill ya'll in later. Congratulations, yeah for us



Age- 41

TTC#4 -






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Glad you didn't do the D&C either. Isn't it wonderful seeing that

little heartbeat when you know things could have turned out

drastically different if you had followed the initial advice?


Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy, labor and delivery!


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Glad you didn't do the D&C either. Isn't it wonderful seeing that

little heartbeat when you know things could have turned out

drastically different if you had followed the initial advice?


Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy, labor and delivery!


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Woo Hoo! Congrats for you too Robin!


Re: good news


I just found out today I am prego too :) I just went for blood work and am

waiting nervously. I will fill ya'll in later. Congratulations, yeah for us



Age- 41

TTC#4 -






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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Woo Hoo! Congrats for you too Robin!


Re: good news


I just found out today I am prego too :) I just went for blood work and am

waiting nervously. I will fill ya'll in later. Congratulations, yeah for us



Age- 41

TTC#4 -






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 4 1/2 yrs.

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/21/2005 11:59:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

laurie.fitzgerald@... writes:

I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine and blood

testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than last

time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium again.

Hi Laurie,

I'm glad your kidney tests look better!

Is your blood level of mag low and your urine level high? Or is it just a

high urine mag? The reason I ask is b/c I had a very high level of mag in my

last 24 hr urine but b/c my blood level is okay, the nephrologist said it was

fine. Just curious what your experience has been.


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Great to hear, sorry about the " legwork " . Do you mean weighing

liquids in and " out " ?

Take care,


> Hi


> I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine and


> testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than last

> time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium again.


> I still have to do in/out for at least another 2 weeks and then can

> monitor with daily weighing. If there is an increase in weight,

then I

> have to do the in/out to stabilize it again. The in/out is a real

> pain.


> laurie

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I have to measure, not weigh and don't have to worry about what liquid

is in food.




> Great to hear, sorry about the " legwork " . Do you mean weighing

> liquids in and " out " ?


> Take care,

> RH



> > Hi

> >

> > I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine and

> blood

> > testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than last

> > time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium again.

> >

> > I still have to do in/out for at least another 2 weeks and then can

> > monitor with daily weighing. If there is an increase in weight,

> then I

> > have to do the in/out to stabilize it again. The in/out is a real

> > pain.

> >

> > laurie







> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.



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I have to measure, not weigh and don't have to worry about what liquid

is in food.




> Great to hear, sorry about the " legwork " . Do you mean weighing

> liquids in and " out " ?


> Take care,

> RH



> > Hi

> >

> > I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine and

> blood

> > testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than last

> > time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium again.

> >

> > I still have to do in/out for at least another 2 weeks and then can

> > monitor with daily weighing. If there is an increase in weight,

> then I

> > have to do the in/out to stabilize it again. The in/out is a real

> > pain.

> >

> > laurie







> Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements contained herein

> are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of this e mail

> is entirely responsible for its content. List members are reminded of their

> responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and consult with

> their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.


> Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who sends one is

> automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of the attack.



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That's easier than I thought. I thought the 24-hour urine was

annoying, tracking it for weeks must be moreso.

BTW, talking about output, how often does anyone have the 24-hour

urine amino acids and organic acids done? The only result I got from

the organic acids test was " normal profile " , no details. Some of my

amino acids were off, like taurine, but the neuro told me " don't

worry about it " .

Take care,


> > > Hi

> > >

> > > I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine


> > blood

> > > testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than


> > > time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium


> > >

> > > I still have to do in/out for at least another 2 weeks and then


> > > monitor with daily weighing. If there is an increase in weight,

> > then I

> > > have to do the in/out to stabilize it again. The in/out is a


> > > pain.

> > >

> > > laurie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Medical advice, information, opinions, data and statements

contained herein

> > are not necessarily those of the list moderators. The author of

this e mail

> > is entirely responsible for its content. List members are

reminded of their

> > responsibility to evaluate the content of the postings and

consult with

> > their physicians regarding changes in their own treatment.

> >

> > Personal attacks are not permitted on the list and anyone who

sends one is

> > automatically moderated or removed depending on the severity of

the attack.

> >

> >

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My blood magnesium is low and my urine magnesium is high. I am

currently taking 3000 mg per day of magnesium. You'd think my blood

level should be okay on that much, but it isn't. I have the blood

level checked regularly (every 3 months or more often) and just have

the 24 hour urine done once every couple years, unless my neuro things

that it needs to be done.




> In a message dated 3/21/2005 11:59:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> laurie.fitzgerald@... writes:


> I just talked with my nephrologist and my last 24 hour urine and blood

> testing showed that my overall kidney function is better than last

> time. I am still spilling, and have to increase my magnesium again.





> Hi Laurie,

> I'm glad your kidney tests look better!


> Is your blood level of mag low and your urine level high? Or is it just a

> high urine mag? The reason I ask is b/c I had a very high level of mag in

> my

> last 24 hr urine but b/c my blood level is okay, the nephrologist said it

> was

> fine. Just curious what your experience has been.

> Malisa




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Hi, and so glad to hear an update from you and a positive one too! I'm

so happy that Audrey is doing so well. What a miracle little girl she has

proven to be. Hope she has a great 4th birthday party. I know you'll be going


out. :) Also congrats to your daughter on being accepted to the Nursing

program. She will have so much empathy and already has the skills from caring


Audrey. I think of you and pray for you daily. Thanks for taking the time to

share with us the good news. Hope the streak continues.

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Thanks for the post. I am glad Audrey is doing fairly well. Be sure to

give her a hug from me for her 4th birthday.

Please pass onto Amie that she has my congratulations and warm wishes.

Way to go Amie.


> Hi All,


> It has been along time since I lasted posted but I have just been reading and

being quiet for a while. Audrey is doing fairly well at the moment. She will

soon be 4, and the docs said she would never see 2! We are looking forward to

having a big party for her in August.


> The other good news is that Amie, Audrey's mommy, for those newcomers, has

been accepted into the Nursing program at our local college. There were over

300 that applied and only 40 were accepted and she was in the top TEN! We are

so proud of her and she is going to make one terrific nurse. She is going to

have a tough couple of years ahead of her, but I know she can do it.


> Anyway, I just had to brag a little.


> Prayers to all of you and your families that have been having some difficult

times lately,

> Kathy, grandma to Audrey, 3 years




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  • 2 months later...

Jay: I am having difficulty accessing your website to look for the essay.

Can you post the web address again? Also, are the photos of the group there?

Are you receiving any more?

Thanks so much for everything.

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Congratulations to your son. This is truly an achievement. I cannot

wait to read the essay he wrote. Our sons have suffered as much as we

have with this disease and the fact that he wrote about tells me he is

fifinding a healthy way to deal with this. My boys are 10 and 12 and

ithas been very difficult for them. I am so happy to hear you are

doing well and going back to work soon. Are you a pilot? Just want to

know to pass it on to my pilot son - the one who flies Cessnas. He

learned on a simulator and has a virtual airline website, etc. His

passion is flying.

With love and blessings for good health and joy,

in California

> My son (8) won the Denver region Essay Contest!! He won 8 VIP

tickets to the Rockies game and an opportunity to be on the players

field to accept the award!!


> He wrote about my battle with cancer. It was a tear jerker!

Especially when you realize it is through the eyes of an 8 year old!


> I will post the essay tomorrow on my web site.


> Thanks for all your continued support! Love you guys! JAY



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Congratulations to your son. This is truly an achievement. I cannot

wait to read the essay he wrote. Our sons have suffered as much as we

have with this disease and the fact that he wrote about tells me he is

fifinding a healthy way to deal with this. My boys are 10 and 12 and

ithas been very difficult for them. I am so happy to hear you are

doing well and going back to work soon. Are you a pilot? Just want to

know to pass it on to my pilot son - the one who flies Cessnas. He

learned on a simulator and has a virtual airline website, etc. His

passion is flying.

With love and blessings for good health and joy,

in California

> My son (8) won the Denver region Essay Contest!! He won 8 VIP

tickets to the Rockies game and an opportunity to be on the players

field to accept the award!!


> He wrote about my battle with cancer. It was a tear jerker!

Especially when you realize it is through the eyes of an 8 year old!


> I will post the essay tomorrow on my web site.


> Thanks for all your continued support! Love you guys! JAY



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Congratulations to your son. This is truly an achievement. I cannot

wait to read the essay he wrote. Our sons have suffered as much as we

have with this disease and the fact that he wrote about tells me he is

fifinding a healthy way to deal with this. My boys are 10 and 12 and

ithas been very difficult for them. I am so happy to hear you are

doing well and going back to work soon. Are you a pilot? Just want to

know to pass it on to my pilot son - the one who flies Cessnas. He

learned on a simulator and has a virtual airline website, etc. His

passion is flying.

With love and blessings for good health and joy,

in California

> My son (8) won the Denver region Essay Contest!! He won 8 VIP

tickets to the Rockies game and an opportunity to be on the players

field to accept the award!!


> He wrote about my battle with cancer. It was a tear jerker!

Especially when you realize it is through the eyes of an 8 year old!


> I will post the essay tomorrow on my web site.


> Thanks for all your continued support! Love you guys! JAY



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Jay, your son wrote a beautiful essay. It brought tears to my eyes. What a

precious sweet boy you have there. God bless

~Deb from Kansas

Jay in the Mile Hi City! jayishome@...> wrote:

What a wonderful day it was! I was nervous as heck! The essay is now posted.

It is through the eyes of my precious eight year old. Enjoy! Jay



Jay: I am having difficulty accessing your website to look for the essay.

Can you post the web address again? Also, are the photos of the group there?

Are you receiving any more?

Thanks so much for everything.

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