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So Frustrated and scared.

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted anything since I joined this group but have been

reading alot and trying to eduacate myself....I joined this board

due to my brother having neurosarcoid...My brother lives in Seattle

now and his wife is a physicians assistant..well my mother calls me

late last night to inform me that my brother is driving a truck! I

couldn't believe this..this is a long story my brother and I aren't

close and won't get into it all cause sure no one really wants to

hear..but either way I do love my brother and care very much for

what is going on with him...I talk to my mother daily and she knows

how things are..I've sent my mom this site to hopefully get my

brother to join and also to email Matt since I know you also live

in Seattle...but I know my brother and doesn't and won't try to get

help and support from others who understand what he is going

through..but back to my story..

I was shocked to even hear number one my brother working..cause when

he was diagnosed and almost died....the doctor told my brother once

he's up and able to to go down to SSI and apply...cause he prob

wouldn't be able to work with this disease...I do know my brother

has it throughout his body and not just lungs...he used to be a

finance manager at a car dealership..well he had to quit cause he'd

be working a deal and then he'd forget what he was doing...and

wouldn't be able to finish or close a deal.... so I guess he felt

only thing he could do was drive a 18 wheeler..??i'm shocked and in

disbelief by all this....well it gets worse....he was driving and

had horrible headache and pulled over in a truck stop and crawled

back into cab to sleep and when he woke up....he couldn't remember

who he was/where he was/nothing......he got out of truck looked at

it..still no recall,pulled out his drivers liscense and knew who at

that point..but really no recall on that, then got his cell phone

and called the last number he dialed which was his wife...she wasn't

available so he left message...when she tried to call back...i guess

my brothers phone was dead..so she called the police and not sure on

time frame of all this..but as he was at truck stop a policeman

pulled up and asked if he was Jim and he said yes and police

said..your wife has filed a missing person....firstly..I'm worried

and upset by all this.. I mean I don't even understand how he'd even

get a liscense to drive a truck..I don't understand any of this..

Thanks for listening.


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