Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 I am Ida a married mother of 4 teenagers my husband is Ken he is 38 been mostly healthy his life we have been together 19 yrs married for 16.the thing is when he was 12 he broke his arm and a cyst was discovered on lower forearm it was said to be non cancerous and thats all that was said.In 1998 he was in a truck accident at work and he had some pain.We had just bought a nice house everything was looking 99 the pain got worse he was sent to Cleveland clinic here in Ohio diagnosed with osteoartheritus and fibromyalsia.Finally in 2000 he got a job driving truck with his uncle and the pain let up some.Then in 2003 he started getting pain alot again in left Arm,hand shoulder,around shoulder blades and sometimes chest pains made a few trips to ER to rule out heart attack.He missed alot of work due to pain then depression started kicking in.h has been in pain for years now but as of Dec 04 when he went to get into bed his shoulder popped very loudly.Drs couldnt find anything except bones are deformed and some blood works come back abnormal.Sent him to a surgeon in Dayton Ohio who diagnosed him with pagents disease he had surgery to remove some bone from elbow because joint was crowded,and artheritus scrapped from shoulder.I did my research and discovered that there was alot more benificial things than just the vicodin the dr was giving him to treat it so I talked to family Dr and he sent us to a cancer Dr who put him on Aridia IV theraphy to strengthen bones.helped some but not to much so they sent him to another dr and another so far drs have said they think its pagents even though blood work dont show and Artheritus,Fibromyalsia,emphazema,heartburn Reflux problems and now Sarcoidosis.I was doing reading on it and some symptoms are Chest pain,spots on skin,fatigue,depression,joint pain, only things I didnt notice him having was enlarged liver or any kidney problems.He was off work all but 3 months last year and hasnt worked at all since july he has applied for disability.unable to go to kids plays or sporting event cant sit very long.he now has MAJOR DEPRESSION.They have him on Wellbutrin for it and Oxycotin40 mg 2xs daily,hydromorphone 12 mg every 3-4 hrs,amitriptoline 75 mg,some over the counter joint medication.he applied for social security last yr and dec it was denied they said he can work doing light duty all 14 drs he has saw in past year say he cant work using left arm at all EVER and cant till they get pain and depression under controle.So we are has been so rough lately on Easter he tooka overdose.luckily got a ambulance and to hospital in time it didnt do any damage.he said he is tired of being in pain feels nobody beleives him,he dont feel like a father anymore or a husband since he is on such strong meds and in such pain about the only thing he can do anymore is lay on couch.Sexlife is gone,he cant drive anymore,he didnt go with us to fair last year,cant go camping,dont play cards or hang out with friends anymore because he cant stand to be around people anymore,he has always been so sweet and loving and now he snaps at everything....What are some of the best ways to be diagnosed with this?the patches he has looks almost like a bright red rash mostly on his face.This is really starting to tear us apart in every way.We are located in NW Ohio Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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