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Good Morning/Question about Ear problems associated with Sarc

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Good Morning,

Before I get started asking my question...Just let me say this....Im

mad as H e double toothpick and I aint taking it no more....lol....No

serious....Heres hoping that all of you are spiritually high

today...no matter how hard it is please keep on fighting....I was

reading someones post about tremors....I dont know if what i

experience is called tremors, seizure, shakes or that im just losing

my ever loving mind....I have not had them to the point of losing

conscousness or being incontinent...not that i can remember

anyway...however my kids have told me that lost consciousness....my

episodes usually effect the left side of my body...where my arm starts

jerking, my mouth gets twisted and tongue gets heavy....most times i

know when they are coming on...just last night i had what the docs are

calling a seizure...where i couldnt lift my head off the bed ...and i

just started yelling out, and then started sounding like a babbling

idiot....or what my kids tell me (making duck sounds lol) now im a

friggin duck....hahahahahaha...(have to laugh in the face of adversity)

It is the scariest feeling in the world ....to lose control of your

mind and body that way....thats why i stress to " RAGE AGAINST THE

DYING OF THE LIGHT " , always....thats when i rage the hardest cause I

feel that I'm losing my mind....cant control my thoughts nothing...so

i give it a serious fight...and I say to anyone that experience these




Now onto my question:

Last week Thursday, when i woke up I noticed that my ear was opening

and closing on the inside on me...like it was getting stuck and i had

topull on it to get the opening to open....I went to clean my ears

(which i do , a normal thing you know) anyway all of a sudden it felt

like something was swelling in my ear...like my canal was closing on

me...now I've always had an ear wax problem thats why i make sure to

keep them clean.....however i thought maybe i was experiencing a

backup of wax...so i flushed my ear with hot water first...didnt help,

bought an over the counter ear drop that is suppose to flush out the

buildup of wax...(didnt help) meanwhile my ear is still feeling like

its closing up on me ...and the hearing in my ear is going ......my

right ear that is....

So i went to the doctor who said that its not an infection(thank god)

he said he couldnt see in my ear, said that its wax build up.....gave

me some drops that suppose to dissolve the wax...so far (not helping)

My question is has anyone experienced this...Im afraid that I may be

losing my hearing in my right ear...after i finish this post im going

to call and make an appointment with an ear specialist.....I just

wanted to see if there was anyone out there that could shed some light

on this for me ....cause im scared....after being blessed with hearing

for 39yrs...the thought of losing my hearing....is something that i

dont think i can bear....(notice i said i dont think, but if its

something that i have to face then the Rage is gonna definitely become

stronger against the light......

something is swollen in there that is causing the hole to close

up....i dont think its wax build up....im scared...not even gonna

lie ....terrified....if anyone can shed some light on this i would

appreciate it......

I am getting my vision back somewhat to the point where i may be able

to read again....gonna have laser surgery next week to remove a

membrane that has developed in the back of the lens that was put there

when i had cataract surgery.....so im feeling blessed....but im angry

as well cause its like as soon as i get one part fixed another wants

to malfunction on me....lol

ny 5 is being disassembled.....hahahahahaha

look forward to hearing from you all.....keep your chin up and let a

smile be your umbrella......

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