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Hi all, Im back home from the hospital, biospy went well, and

pathologist were doing study while i was still on the table. Three

insicions on my side. Lung tube for drainage and breathing was

painful, dont ever want that again!!! Nurses were wonderful except

for one who i did get into a screaming match with. She gave me

morphine via IV, and the vein had collapsed so no medication got

through vein, just under my skin which my hand immediately blew up

like a catchers mit. when i told her the IV was out, she accused me

of wanting more morphine, and i exploded at that. Anyway another

nurse came in and i showed her my hand and i showed her my other arm

(wrist) where they had a blood gas needle in and told her that was

also collapsed, to please call my doc to get permission to have them

pulled. She was back in ten minutes with orders to pull them, and

the nurse who was so rude was repromanded by her superior. so there

is justice in the world!!! My veins collapsed within 6 hours of

being put in. So the doc came in that night to visit me and he

asked if he could do the surgery for my port, that they were all in

agreement that poking me over and over was not a good idea. He put

the port in the following morning and while i was under he pulled my

lung line. He explained its rght below my collor bone on the left

side and i will receive chemo, hydration adn nutrician thruough

this, and im grateful for that. Im black and blue everywhere there

was something done. The insicion for the lung tube has no stitches,

no steri stiches nothihg just a big gaping hole, right beneath where

the breast and chest meet up again, and it is still draining, which

is good, i just wish it would stop and heal.. The port sight is

swollen like a golf ball, he said that was normal, and it hurts so

bad, i feel at night like i will rip my hair out, and im on plenty

of pain medication. the evenings when its quiet, is when it bothers

me the most. and im extremely tired. They did take MH precautions,

and that was good since they didnt understand mito much, but they

sure knew about MH. I will meet with chemo nurses this week, to

discuss everything, three days of chemo, three weeks off. WEll i

have to go lay down cant keep my eyes open, Thanks for all the

prayers and good wishes!!! Now we can get those drangonflies to do

thier jobs!! Love ya's, Barb

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