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Re: chelation/diet?????

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REALLY!?!? Once again, there is hope for an end to all of this!

Now, does anyone have any suggestions for how to pay for all the

supplements and chelation? The diet, enzymes and multivitamins have

drained my pocketbook. I understand that insurance probably won't

pay for the chelation. How does everyone else afford it?


> Hi

> Some kids have returned to a regular diet after chelation.

> kelly




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Insurance often will pay for chelation. You need a talented

insurance billing clerk to figure this out. Some pay for lead

poisoning or other toxic overloads, but not mercury. When chelating,

all kinds of garbage comes out, not just mercury, and all the kids I

know about on chelation had high lead levels, too.

For those working outside of insurance policies (like with

naturopathic doctors), chelation is not so expensive any more because

the main med - DMSA - is available thru Kirkman labs. Another

internet source sells it for about $1/100mg pill.

We're on the 6th month of a 12 to 24 month program. So far, gfcf

infringements remain nasty, and rice is still a problem for my

child. We're hopeful that some day we can loosen up on the diet, but

I've read too much research on gluten and milk to ever actively

return it to our diets.

> > Hi

> > Some kids have returned to a regular diet after chelation.

> > kelly

> >

> >

> >

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We saw Dr. Holmes on Feb. 1st, and I asked her directly if her son was now

off the diet. She said he has been off of it since Oct. 2000 and was doing

great. Gives me sooooooo much hope. Like you, I don't like this diet

either (we are 11 mths GF/CF + a million other allergens free). We are

waiting on my son's numerous test results and then on to

chelation.........and god willing, eventually a cheeseburger, fries and a

milkshake (dreaming of a day when I don't have to cook from scratch :-)

Elsie (in Texas)

Re: chelation/diet?????

> Supposedly, up to this point(I believe 4months) Dr Amy Holmes son has


> back to eating gluten/casein and been alright. Wish I could ask her

> personally. I am hoping with all my heart that this is true because while

> some of you may like this diet, I do not. I am too worried about cross

> contamination and everything else to feel like we can even go to a

> restaurant. I realize my son is at an age where he notices his sister is

> eating french fries etc at restaurant and he cant understand why he cannot

> etc. So maybe it will improve with undrestanding but the stress of

> protecting every morsel that goes into his mouth--I would gladly live

> without it. :)

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