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Re: meat hater

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> >My son hates to eat meats

>>>Anyone elses kid hate meats.

> >


My son always hated meat. Never ate it as a baby/toddler, except for corned

beef hash with lots of ketchup (which he abruptly stopped eating at 2 1/2,

along with almost everything else he abruptly stopped eating at that age).

At age 4 he stated that chicken was an endangered species to him and God

told him he didn't have to eat it (little stinker). Now he is 7 and says he

wants to be a vegetarian, except for bacon (he'll only eat it if it's


Protein for us consists of refried beans (Bearitos) on corn chips; bacon

(nitritate/nitrite-free); soy milk, and sneaking legumes in chocolate cake

(Bette Hagman recipe). Eggs would be nice, but he's allergic (gets eczema).

We do peanut butter cookies (see how desperate I am for protein, that I

count that?). I have yet to find an tolerated gfcf protein powder (any

suggestions would be appreciated).

I think there is a definite sensory component (my son was an almost daily

gagger/throw-upper since infancy until 4yrs old). I think allergies play

into this too. I believe you need to respect his preferences (I understand

the gross-out factor: I refuse to eat seafood--the idea turns my stomach; so

I cannot force my son to eat what truly grosses him out). But you need to

be firm that if he refuses meat, he must get his protein from other sources.

(Who knows, if those other sources don't appeal to him, he may start to eat


Good luck!


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> Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 22:34:08 -0800


> Subject: Re: meat hater


> > >My son hates to eat meats


> >>>Anyone elses kid hate meats.

My son would NOT eat meat either. I think it may be a sensory issue with

these kids but I think as they mature, and the longer you are gfcf, you

may find he tolerates or even likes it. I fortified everything with

eggs, sunflower butter (as he was allergic to peanuts), soy milk and was

thankful that gf baking (at least my combo of brown rice, garbanzo bean

and potato starch) is a form of protein as it's a legume and grain combo.

When he was about 6 we got him to eat chicken burger. That was the ONLY

meat he would eat until he was about 8. Finally he began wanting " meat

with bones " as he called chicken and I was careful to use only brands

that advertised they had no hormones, etc in them. About that time the

chicken burger that had always been additive free, suddenly could only be

obtained with natural flavorings added like the turkey burger has. It

took weeks of phone calls to find out what the natural flavorings were

and they included rosemary which sounded ok until I asked what I thought

was a stupid question but paid off as I asked if it was liquid and

discovered it was alcohol based which meant it probably was not gluten

free. It was very frustrating as the dietian at that company was careful

to not give out any information until it was pulled out of her and she

was unwilling to try to find out if the alcohol might be gf or give me

brand name so I could find out myself. She admitted that they used

various brands so that made me know that even if one was ok, others might

not be. My son became curious about hamburgers so I bought some just for

him (as my husband had wanted us to cut out beef several years back) and

it took some getting used to but now he eats it and just recently decided

he LOVES beef roast cut in small chunks not slices. It took many

attempts to get him to eat eggs but now his pullets lay them so he gladly

eats 2 poached eggs for breakfast every day. My heart goes out to those

whose kids can't have eggs as that has been a good source of protein for

him all along, even when he wouldn't eat meat. He also likes Shelton

farms gfcf hotdogs in the freezer case at your health food store or Fred

Meyers nutrition centers.

But I think it comes with maturing and I think the longer these kids are

gfcf the more willing they are to try things they wouldn't touch before.

My son has lost most, if not all, of his sensory issues thankfully. He's

been gfcf for 6 years. So if you can fortify with eggs, nut butters and

sunflower butter, just keep offering meat and one of these days when you

least expect it he'll find something he will eat.

Carol in Oregon

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Re: meat hater

> > >My son hates to eat meats


> >>>Anyone elses kid hate meats.

My son was diagnosed with Carnosinuria/Anserinuria (can't digest meats,

except heart and liver, and can't digest salmon and tuna). So maybe your

son knows something about himself?

Love, Becky from OR>

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