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OT/Cholestrol and Brain Development

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Red meat is very high in cholesterol. At 7 months old you can either give

her baby food meat (mix with veggies) or grind in a blender whatever you are

making for dinner. It worked great for my babies!


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Hi all! I have a 3 1/2 year old son with HFA. My 7 month old

daughter has displayed an intolerance to dairy so I have her on soy

formula. Since she is on soy formula, my pediatrician has

recommended I give her 3 egg yolks a week so that she can get the

necessary cholestrol needed for brain development. Unfortunately, I

do not like the response I am seeing in her after having egg. She is

more difficult to get to nap and starts becoming difficult to feed.

Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative to the egg?

Michele in Md.

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check with the doctor about maybe giving a saturated fat like coconut milk.

I think (am not sure so please verify it with the doctor) that saturated fat

and cholesterol do the same thing in the brain.

hum, you would think that the soy formulas would have everything that is

needed for development since they are marketed as whole foods for


Any nutritionists out there hear of this cholesterol needed for brain

development theory??


Since she is on soy formula, my pediatrician has

> recommended I give her 3 egg yolks a week so that she can get the

> necessary cholestrol needed for brain development. Unfortunately, I

> do not like the response I am seeing in her after having egg.

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> daughter has displayed an intolerance to dairy so I have her on soy

> formula. Since she is on soy formula, my pediatrician has

> recommended I give her 3 egg yolks a week so that she can get the

> necessary cholestrol needed for brain development.

Michele, I don't have an answer for you about the egg yolks, but I also have

a daughter on soy formula. She is 17 months old and I have never given her

cow's milk. I was just wondering about the need for cholesterol. How long

did your doctor say that she needed the extra cholesterol? If my daughter

is eating solid foods, is it still an issue? If you have any more info,

could you please send it to me?

Thanks, (Aidan's mom-autism) and

Kira (hopefully NT)

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> daughter has displayed an intolerance to dairy so I have her on soy

> formula. Since she is on soy formula, my pediatrician has

> recommended I give her 3 egg yolks a week so that she can get the

> necessary cholestrol needed for brain development.

Michele, I don't have an answer for you about the egg yolks, but I also have

a daughter on soy formula. She is 17 months old and I have never given her

cow's milk. I was just wondering about the need for cholesterol. How long

did your doctor say that she needed the extra cholesterol? If my daughter

is eating solid foods, is it still an issue? If you have any more info,

could you please send it to me?

Thanks, (Aidan's mom-autism) and

Kira (hopefully NT)

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He didn't say. However, in a book by B Ph.D. and

Melvin B. Heyman, M.D. entitled, " Feeding Your Child for Lifelong

Health " , which was my bible prior to the Autism diagnosis for my 3

1/2 year old, it states the following:

" The brain is 60% fat by weight, and most brain tissue is formed

after birth. A newborn starts out with only 30% of the number or

brain cells he'll possess as an adult, and yet he has fully 90

percent by 12 months of age and 95 percent by 18 months-a fact that

emphasizes the particular importance of early fat consumption.

Simultaneously, another critical process called myelination is taking

place, in which new brain cells, and other nervie cells throughout

the baody, are coated witha fatty myelin sheath. This allows the

transmission of essential electrical and chemical messages between

different parts of the brain and body.

It is this combination of an increase in brain cell number, growth

in brain cell size, and myelination, fueled by dietary fat, that

leads to the developmental stages that parents are so delighted to

witness. Being able to consciously grasp objects of interest at 5

months, having hands and eyes that work together to make self-feeding

possible, and crawling soon afterward are just a few of the many

skills that proud parents watch for in the first year of life. Brain

growth continues up until about age three, when an essentially adult

brain emerges from the whirlwind of developmental stages. "

Based on this, I would say it is essential at least until age 3. I am

thinking about consulting a nutritionist though to make sure that I

am giving her the proper nutrients and to find out all of my options

regarding alternatives to egg. Best of luck to you.

Michele in Md.

Mother to 3 1/2 HFA


> How long

> did your doctor say that she needed the extra cholesterol? If my


> is eating solid foods, is it still an issue? If you have any more


> could you please send it to me?

> Thanks, (Aidan's mom-autism) and

> Kira (hopefully NT)

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I'm not a nutritionist but I know that cholesterol is deinitely needed for

brain developement even while in the womb. I remember when I was pregnant

with my first child and I was eating as healthy as possible and I thought

cutting out cholesterol was healthy but it's not to the growing fetus. I'm

sure you can find out more about this on the internet somewhere.

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To everyone who responded:

I spoke to a nutritionist who said that the soy formula does have

everything needed for babies, including cholestrol for brain

development. I think my doctor wanted me to give her more because

she was not drinking enough formula; only 18 ounces a day instead of

the recommended 24. Once she is 10 months I can start her on meats

and give her 16 ounces of formula a day. The meats also contain the

necessary fats.


> I'm not a nutritionist but I know that cholesterol is deinitely

needed for

> brain developement even while in the womb. I remember when I was


> with my first child and I was eating as healthy as possible and I


> cutting out cholesterol was healthy but it's not to the growing

fetus. I'm

> sure you can find out more about this on the internet somewhere.


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