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Re: letter Freeman

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I agree that Dr Frick is competant. Just maybe not competant at

treating Grace. Maybe you have not been on board for 3 years; but

Grace is an extremely difficult case. It is not just that she has

rockerbottom .........she has other issues that may or may not be

related to the treatment she has had up to this point. Some where

along the course the rockerbottom occured and from everything I read

it happens when the foot is not corrected in the correct order or

from forceful manipulation......Anyway, now she has alot of problems

in her legs. She doesn't even bend her knees when she walks. It is

a mess. She walks so badly that I was having to take her allover to

try and determine if she has cerebral palsy. So far everyone says

no. Really the only thing that is leaning me away from the surgery

that Dr Frick mentioned is a part in Dr Ponsetis letter. Dr Frick

said he had operated on several rockerbottom patiens with good

results. Dr Ponseti came back with a comment that he has treated at

least on of those patients Dr Frick operated on with for relapse and

that I wonder why didn't Dr Frick know about this or mention to me?

Also he says the kids he operated on are OK.... It just seems with

everyone saying the surgery is a bad idea that maybe it really is?

The reason I say he would cast to appease me is that he said cast,

THEN surgery. Not cast and see if that helps. He was upfront and

told me at the appointment surgery was the way to go. He did not

make the comments about the internet parents(dr H. did). I think it

was just a bit offensive because of the way it read in the letter.

It wasn't a big deal to me in the grander scheme of life. Just at

the tiem given the circumstances that I am desperately seeking help

for Grace it seemed unneccessary for that comment to be made at all.

Like I said it was said as if since I am afraid of surgery we'll

give her this " super cast " llizorav method to deal with instead.

When I asked if surgery would be best and was extremely open to

surgery because I trusted Dr Fricks opinion. And I requested that

he email Dr Ponseti and Dr Herzenberg. I am very stressed

out....how could you tell? I do agree that Dr frick is very

competent. Like I said its not just him that doesn't know what is

best for Grace. Seems they all have different opinions and that is

why she is almost 3 and a half now and I still dont know what to

do. Anyways, I really appreciate the time you took to support dr

frick and also I would much rather parents in Nc go there than the

other option in this state! Take care and thank you again, JEnnifer

> Wow. There are several hot emotions about this topic. I think I

may have

> missed some posts on the topic (thanks Yahoo).


> I understand that you are really frustrated about Grace's feet.

You are

> confused about which doctor to listen to and how to proceed with


> Afraid of making the wrong choice....so many emotions.

Understandably so. I would

> probably be pulling my hair out right now and I completely

empathize with

> you. I am sorry you are going through this. It must be extremely



> All that said, I feel I must stick up for Dr. Frick. His letter

may have

> come across wrong or been taken wrong. I didn't find it

offensive, but maybe

> that's because we have been seeing him without any problems (other

than his

> sorry, rude receptionists). I don't think he intended to insult

any one. Phobia is

> the fear of something..I believe that every parent here is afraid

of surgery.

> It carries a horrible stigma of lifelong difficulty, weakness and


> " Especially the internet parents " ...seeing that our group is


> Nosurgery4clubfoot...I can see how he came to that conclusion.

and I do believe that most

> members (if not all) see surgery as a very negative thing that is

to be

> avoided if at all possible. Of course we are alot less open to

the idea of surgery

> than a good percentage of other parents out there, we are educated

and we

> believe that surgery is avoidable for the most part.


> Dr. Frick is a wonderful doctor. He is highly knowledgable about


> method. I believe that it's wonderful that he took the time to

consult the

> other doctors. Many, many, many doctors would just

say, " surgery's the answer,

> when shall I schedule it? " Dr. Frick does care, and I believe he

does his best

> to avoid surgery if possible. It is definently a last choice for

him. If he

> said Kaitlin needed surgery, I would be saddened, possibly email

Dr. Ponseti

> (if Dr. Frick didn't do it himself), question this group and then

> disapointingly schedule it.


> Dr. Frick has told me that this group is a good thing for us to

have. I have

> discussed this group with him on several occasions during our

visits. He

> knows that I would not have found him if it wasn't for this group.


> Once again, I am sorry about Grace's foot.


> I do think the Dr. Frick is competent and that it is honorable

that he

> consulted the other doctors, including Dr. Ponseti about it. I

don't think he is

> just casting to appease you...I think he optomistically hopes it

will work, but

> realisticly doubts it will. His own child has clubfoot, so I am

sure he

> understands your desire to take the least invasive and least

traumatic route

> possible and that is why he is willing to try casting first. Even

if it is to

> appease you, it may be that he wants you to be guiltlessly support

surgery, knowing

> that you tried all other avenues first. He has been in our

shoes...not many

> doctors have. He really does care and I respect and trust him



> Freeman




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