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Pacreatin and other enzymes...

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I've tried a couple of different enzymes on my 2 year old with no

luck. He ends up with really nasty diaper issues that keep getting

worse (but when I stop enzymes, diapers go back to fairly normal).

Our nutritionist recommended that we add an enzyme that had protease,

amylase, and lipase (bromelain was okay but no cellulase or papain).

Anyway -- so I ordered Lipo from Enzymedica. I haven't really seen

any reactions from that (although I only gave a tiny amount). I then

became concerned about the ratio of protease and lipase. I think my

son needs as much help with protein as he does fats or more even. So

I found a product by Twin labs called Pancreatin. No where on the

label does it say the source of the pancreatin, only that it supplies

pancreatin with a certain amount of protease, amylase, and lipase

activity. Can any of you shed any light on this product? I'm

assuming that the source is probably mammal since it doesn't say

plant derived anywhere (although it doesn't say animal either).

Also if anyone can recommend a basic enzyme with pretty good ratio of

protease, amylase, and lipase, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for any advice,


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