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Help me please starting diet with 9 yr old

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The school finally realized my oldest has a social disorder. He has

Adhd but I believe there is more going on. He has always been

selfinjurious banged his head on the floor till he was bruised as a

baby and will still hurt himself when he is under stress now. He has

always avoided eye contact, hates to be touched and is extremely

sensitive to noise and the tiniest bit of pain. His speech is normal

except for the fact he speaks without emotion and is very literal. He

has speech therapy for " s " pronunciation. Since My youngest was dx

with ASD I now am suspect of the same thing with Jay. He can make

friends but cant keep them. At school he cant tolerate transitions

from class to class without meltdowns and this year has flunked the

majority of his classes. His hand wrighting is not readable. Where

would I go to have him at his age evaluated for ASD? Since he is

verbal our regular ped does not feel ASD is possible. The school is

testing him to see if he qualifys for spec ed services but said no

space is available for him even if he does. His dad and I are

divorced and he loves with his dad but his father finally agreed to

try gf/cf. I need instructions for gf/cf in laymans terms for him .

He tried to read lisa book but it confused him, any other

suggestions? I have agreed to cook his food for the week and send it

to him any large batch recipies for me? Also he requested a

substitute for combos snack and ask if gatoraid is ok,IS it? Any one

out there with experience on starting an older child on this diet

please email me privatly. I have a thousand questions. Can the school

legally tell me he needs spec ed and then tell me no services

available right now? School thinks the diet is crazy, will I need a

doctors note to have them follow? I am so sorry this is so long ,my

life just keeps getting more complicated each day. God promised me

not to give me more than I can handle but some days I wonder what he

is thinking,lol, F

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You need a specialist in HFA and aspergers. Everything you write is

very aspie - right down to the handwriting problem. Too

many " experts " think it can't be ASD if the child speaks. HFA and

aspie kids speak like your child - very literal. There are many

websites specifically about Aspergers, some of which list

diagnoticians familiar with it. If I hadn't found one, my son would

be labelled social disorder/ADHD/ODD/anxiety disorder/(and a few more

things) and wouldn't receive the help he needs.

Legally, no the school can't say he needs services and then deny

them. In reality they do - if no one calls them on the carpet about


I will email you privately about the diet tonight or tomorrow. My

child was 9 and so unhappy that he was willing to try it and

understood the basics of the opioid theory. Perhaps he will offer

some suggestions for your boy. One of the many great improvements is

that he isn't severely sensitive to pain any more. These poor kids

are living in a very frightening, pain-filled world.

Good luck. The diet may be a real blessing for him! - And you...life

became much easier for both of us when G&C left our diets.

> The school finally realized my oldest has a social disorder. He has

> Adhd but I believe there is more going on. He has always been

> selfinjurious banged his head on the floor till he was bruised as a

> baby and will still hurt himself when he is under stress now. He


> always avoided eye contact, hates to be touched and is extremely

> sensitive to noise and the tiniest bit of pain. His speech is


> except for the fact he speaks without emotion and is very literal.


> has speech therapy for " s " pronunciation. Since My youngest was dx

> with ASD I now am suspect of the same thing with Jay. He can make

> friends but cant keep them. At school he cant tolerate transitions

> from class to class without meltdowns and this year has flunked the

> majority of his classes. His hand wrighting is not readable. Where

> would I go to have him at his age evaluated for ASD? Since he is

> verbal our regular ped does not feel ASD is possible. The school is

> testing him to see if he qualifys for spec ed services but said no

> space is available for him even if he does. His dad and I are

> divorced and he loves with his dad but his father finally agreed to

> try gf/cf. I need instructions for gf/cf in laymans terms for him .

> He tried to read lisa book but it confused him, any other

> suggestions? I have agreed to cook his food for the week and send


> to him any large batch recipies for me? Also he requested a

> substitute for combos snack and ask if gatoraid is ok,IS it? Any


> out there with experience on starting an older child on this diet

> please email me privatly. I have a thousand questions. Can the


> legally tell me he needs spec ed and then tell me no services

> available right now? School thinks the diet is crazy, will I need a

> doctors note to have them follow? I am so sorry this is so long ,my

> life just keeps getting more complicated each day. God promised me

> not to give me more than I can handle but some days I wonder what


> is thinking,lol, F

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