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Hi Everyone.

First, regarding ER, I was just as shocked and disappointed as all of you.

I sent my e-mail, sited the offeding parts of the episode, and told them it

would be nice if they could air a flip side episode where the ER has a day

of free vaccines in the clinic and then the next day a parent comes in with

a child who was vaccinated the day before and now has an adverse reaction

from the vaccine. I also said that it would be nice if the character of

Dr. was the one to give the vaccine and then the next day assess the

damage, thereby having to eat his words from this episode. Then, I pointed

out that since the episode was clearly paid for by vaccine companies, my

flip side idea would probably never see the light of day. I left them with

one positive comment, though. I told them that ER episode made me take

action in joining my fellow parents of autistic kids in warning others about

the dangers of vaccines.

ER aside, when the episode was over my local news came on. They announced a

possible measles out break here in the Seattle area! Talk about scare

tactics! But, then, they said something really disturbing. They said that

of all the drugs that are prescribed for our children, from drugs for severe

illnesses like athsma to drugs for the common cold, of all those drugs being

given to children every day, 80% are NEVER TESTED FOR USE IN CHILDREN!!! I

was horrified! They showed a young girl of about 10 years old who suffers

from extreme athsma, and all the drugs she takes to help her condition.

There must have been at least 15 different pill bottles on her kitchen

counter...all for her. Her mother was saying that she doesn't know whether

her daughter is even getting the proper amount of the drugs, because they

normally are not given to children.

This is scarey stuff if you ask me.

By the way, they showed the Prevnar commercial here in Seattle too, during

the ER episode. And get this...I recently saw a commercial for a drug

(Prilozec?) they called the purple pill, and they didn't even say what

condition it was supposed to help, but at the end of the commercial they

showed this woman grinning from ear to ear...absolutely elated....as they

named off all the possible side effects. I found that amusing.


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