Guest guest Posted March 21, 2001 Report Share Posted March 21, 2001 Hi, my name is Ilene Buchholz and I am coordinating Kirkman Laboratories Professional Division in San Diego. It was suggested that I respond to some of the questions and concerns that have been asked regarding the use of digestive enzymes, specifically EnZymAid. My intent is to clarify some concerns that may exist about possible reactions to this formulation. The question was asked if EnZymAid “could lead to serious bladder problems” as had been reported occurring with another formula. I would like to share that the mechanism of action of enzymes specifically occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, not having direct impact in the urinary system. It is difficult to link serious bladder problems with the use of ANY enzyme formulation and I would caution the linking of these two. Regarding the concerns relating to “regression” of symptoms when taking EnZymAid; the following may be of some help. Jon Pangborn, Ph.D. wrote a well-documented article entitled “EnZymAid and Dietary Peptides” which provides some understanding and explanation of this situation. Trust this is of help. Ilene Buchholz, R.N. EnZymAid and Dietary Peptides Jon B. Pangborn, Ph.D., F.A.I.C. Consultant to Kirkman Laboratories Dec. 2000 BACKGROUND In 1980, Drs. O. Trygstad, K. Reichelt and others published initial findings that psychiatric cases, including autistic individuals, present notably elevated levels of unusual peptides in their urine.1 Since that time, Reichelt and others have confirmed and expanded these findings and have identified particular peptides in autistics as having dietary origin. 2,3,4,5,6 Examination of these peptides by amino acid sequencing has shown them to be “exorphins”, or opiate-acting peptides.4,7,8,9,10 Passage of such peptides into human blood has been documented.11,12 Specific examples of exorphins are beta-casomorphins (from casein in dairy products), and gliadorphin and gluteomorphin (from gluten foods: wheat, oats, rye, barley). 7,8,9,12 On observational grounds, Jaak Panksepp predicted this neurochemical theory of autism in 1979 13, and it is an extension of deWied’s pioneering work on abnormal neuropeptides and psychopathology. 14,15 Abnormal intestinal permeability in autistic children has been confirmed16, allowing a pathway for uptake of exorphin peptides. That these peptides alter neuronal development in the CNS is also documented.17,18 Not only is there an opiate-like effect, but brain cell growth and structure is adversely affected by these peptides. Hence, removal of the peptides does not immediately reverse the condition; rather, gradual corrections must be hoped for. In addition to dietary-source exorphins, internally-generated (endogenous) endorphin excesses with associated immunoreactivity has been described in a type of autism (Rett’s syndrome).19 Thus, removal of the dietary source of the offending peptides is not expected to immediately reverse the autistic condition; instead, a gradual healing process might be achieved. Nevertheless, removal of the offending exorphin peptides can have some short-term, observable benefits in many autistics such as behavioral improvement, better eye contact and the beginnings of improved (or recovered) vocalization. POSSIBLE INITIAL RESPONSES TO EnZymAid EnZymAid is designed to digest dietary proteins and peptides, and this function begins in the stomach. (EnZymAid is not destroyed by normal stomach acidity.) With improved digestion, three previously on-going, improper processes may be temporarily accentuated. First, the exposure to dietary opiate peptides is decreased or eliminated. This usually brings about a period of opiate withdrawal, which may last 5 to 10 days or longer in some cases. During this period, the individual typically becomes irritable, may tantrum, or may present increased levels of inappropriate behavior. Cravings for discontinued foods may occur. At the same time, reduction of undigested dietary peptides from the gastrointestinal tract can discontinue a food supply that may have fostered the growth of dysbiotic, possibly pathogenic flora in the gut. Intestinal dysbiosis is commonly presented by autistics and may include yeast/fungi overgrowth, parasites and unusual or pathogenic bacteria. This, together with increased permeability of the gut wall allows for increased toxic burden in autism. A temporary result of using EnZymAid can be die-off of such flora with consequent release of even more toxins. The die-off period usually does not last more than two to three weeks but may continue longer with persistent, adaptable dysbiotic strains. With more complete digestion of dietary protein comes a more normal amount of free-form essential and protein amino acids. In some individuals, this can lead to a third effect if there is an underlying problem with transport and metabolism of amino acids. An example of such a problem is malabsorption of the essential amino acid tryptophan which can lead to an increase in indolylacroylylglycine (“IAG”). IAG itself is not known to be harmful, but dysregulation of tryptophan metabolism can be, and unconjugated (not detoxified) indoleacrylic acid can be harmful. So, an initial period of adverse response to digestive aids can occur in some autistics. And, if this problem period continues beyond two or three weeks, please consult the doctor who is attending the autistic individual. Clinical laboratory tests can be informative in cases of prolonged problems – a comprehensive stool analysis (such as Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab CDSA), an amino acid analysis (24-hour urine preferred but fasting plasma is OK), and a food allergy workup. (Food allergies can cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and worsening of the responses described above.) LIMITING ADVERSE RESPONSES EnZymAid (or any digestive enzyme) is not a substitute for an elimination diet: removal of casein sources (dairy products, goat too) and gluten/gliadin sources (wheat, oats, rye, barley, triticale, spelt, kamut, etc.) Progressive removal of such foods from the diet followed by introduction of EnZymAid stages the removal of dietary opioids and can lessen the intensity of the withdrawal (which is then extended over a longer period of time). Not all autistics have a casein or gluten exorphin problem, and a trial avoidance period (30 days) followed by reintroduction of casein/gluten can often show need for such an exclusion. Note that food allergy tests which measure immunologic response to casein or gluten via IgE or IgG levels do not apply to exorphin chemistry. A negative IgE or IgG to these foods does not tell the tale. A stool analysis with bacteriology and mycology performed ahead of dietary therapy and EnZymAid can also lessen effects if the analysis leads to early rectification of bowel flora. Getting the bad bugs wiped out and replaced with beneficial probiotics (Kirkman Pro-Bio Gold, Pro-Culture Gold) just ahead of dietary therapy, or along with it (but before starting EnZymAid) is a good idea. This also stages the responses and gets the die-off (or most of it) over with before EnZymAid is introduced. Often, an amino acid analysis, when done up front with the stool analysis, can forewarn of metabolism problems. This, however, is not foolproof because dietary restrictions plus use of EnZymAid can significantly alter the amino acid picture. If adverse response to EnZymAid persists beyond three weeks, then an amino acid analysis and a food-allergy workup are advisable through your doctor. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS, ANSWERS 1. Q. Can I reduce the gluten and casein foods in my child’s diet and use EnZymAid to take care of the rest? A. No, not a good idea. You’d be depending on EnZymAid to contact all the gluten and casein molecules that were eaten and to digest all of it quantitatively. Remember the casomorphin and gliadorphin exorphins are active as false neurotransmitters at micro-quantities. 2. Q. I completely control my child’s diet and he/she gets zero casein and gluten. Why do I need to use EnZymAid at all? A. Four reasons: (1) Food that you buy, even “ingredient” foods, may contain unlabelled casein/gluten; (2) It is not proved that offending exorphins come only from traditionally-recognized casein/gluten foods, (3) As your child develops, attends remedial programs or is out of direct care, dietary mistakes will occur; (4) Autistics as a group are typically deficient in zinc, the activator of most digestive peptidase enzymes and EnZymAid can partially compensate for this likely deficit in digestive capability. (Zinc supple-mentation, away from meals, is also recommended if an element analysis of blood cells or hair shows need. Rectification of zinc levels can take considerable time in autism.) 3. Q. Before my child started using EnZymAid, his urine IAG was 15. After a month on the enzyme, his level was at 25. Why? A. Although most show a decline in the IAG peptide with use of EnZymAid, some show an increase. This response probably means that a lot more free tryptophan has become available from dietary protein. There are two reasons: i. The digestive enzyme is working; ii. The protein content of the diet is higher in tryptophan because meat, fish and poultry have been substituted for dairy and grains. Also, there is a third concern. Tryptophan may not be doing what it’s supposed to. Either there is underlying intestinal malabsorption (investigate pancreatic dysfunction and allergic sensitivity to foods now in the diet), or there is a problem in tryptophan metabolism (check via amino acid analysis). 4. My child is in his fourth week of extreme inappropriate behavior and irritability after starting EnZymAid. What do I do now? A. Contact your doctor. Continue or discontinue the enzyme per his advice. Suggest to him that he evaluate your child for: intestinal dysbiosis, food allergies, amino acid metabolism disorders. Also, review your child’s diet; is he/she really off casein and gluten? 5. A lab measured my child’s exorphin peptides (e.g., beta-casomorphin 7), and his levels have increased while on EnZymAid but his behavior and functioning have improved. What’s going on? A. The behavioral and functional improvements are of key importance; continue what you are doing. Stopping or changing because of one perverse lab result has disappointed several parents. The exorphin peptides were originally measured as a group and individually by a procedure called HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography). Not all labs do this; some use RIA (radioimmune assay). Cross-reactivities and uncertainties currently plague this particular analysis. Children guaranteed by their parents to not be consuming any casein have lab reports with high casomorphins (ditto for gliadomorphin and gluten). We hope that with experience and improved testing procedures that this will be sorted out in the future. Jon B. Pangborn, Ph.D., Ch.E. Fellow, American Institute of Chemists Consultant to Kirkman Laboratories REFERENCES FOR EnZymAid AND DIETARY PEPTIDES PAPER 1. Trygstad OE, KL Reichelt et al., Brit J. Psych. (1980) 136 p.59-72. 2. Reichelt KL et al. J.App.Nutr (1990) 42 p.—(preprint from author) 3. Reichelt KL et al. Brain Dysfunction 4 1991 p.308-319 4. Shattock P et al. Brain Dysfunction 3 (5-6) 1990 p.328-345 5. Shattock P. DAN Communication, “The Evaluation of Urinary Profiles in Autism and Associated Disorders” 1998 6. Cade R et al. “Autism and Schizophrenia: Intestinal Disorders”, research report for grant from M and R Cade Foundation and from U of Florida, Gainesville (undated, ca.1995) 7. Reichelt to Pangborn, private communication, “Amino Acid Sequences of Exorphins Found in Autistic Urine”, 16 Aug 1995 8. Fukudome S and M.Yoshikowa FEBS (1992) 29 (1) p107-111 9. Zioudrou C et al. J.Biol.Chem (1979) 254 (7) p.2446-2449 10. Reichelt KL et al. Dev.Brain Dysfunct.(1994) 7 p.71-85 11. Chabance B et al. Biochimie (1998) 80 p.155-65s 12. Meisel H. Biopoly (1997) 43 p.119-128 13. Panksepp J. Trends in Neurosciences (1979) 2 p.174-177 14. DeWied D “Psychopathology as a Neuropeptide Dysfunction” p.113-122 in J. van Ree and L.Terenius, eds., Characteristics and Functions of Opioids, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press (1978) 15. DeWied D, Endeavor, New Science (1980) 4 154-159 (Pergamon Press) 16. D’Eufemia P et al. Acta Pediatr (1996) 65 p.1076-1079 17. Zagon IS and PJ McLaughlin Brain Research (1987) 412 p.68-72 18. Hauser KF et al. J.Comp Neurol (1989) 281 p.13-22 19. Leboyer M et al. Am J Psychiat (1994) 151 no12 p.1797-1801s __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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