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vaccination lawsuit

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I dont think it would be all that hard to prove the relationship

between Autism and vaccinations. There is always the risk of brain

inflamation with vaccination and not every child gets that reaction

either. Just have the lawyer look at the increase of autism since the

introduction of the MMR to the childhood vaccintion schedule. Then

Also make sure he looks at the increase since the intruduction of the

hep b vaccine. The hep b vaccine contains high concentrations of

thimerosol and has been linked to immune system disorders for a long

time. My son recieved the hep b vaccine in the delevery room just

minutes after he was born. And I also saw a great regression in him

after him MMR vaccine. Then he had seizures after his poilo vaccine.

That was the only seziure he has ever had so I do believe it was

connected to OPV. I tried to fill out a VARS form myself but Autism

isnt one of the reportable reactions so I did not ever file it. Good

luck with the lawyer if a lawsuit is filed people will take notice so

it would raise public awareness of the dangers of vaccinations given

too quickly. Even if you dont win the suit at least your voice will

be heard. LISA

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