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Help us stop the screaming.

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I was just wondering if anyone has any advise on how to get my son to

stop screaming. He is 3 and a half and at the moment he is nov-

verbal. I have started him on the casein free part of the diet so

far but I don't think this has anything to do with it. He understands

a lot of what we are saying and his screaming is usually in response

to something we have said or something that he wants or doesn't want

to do. Should I just ignore it and let our whole family go deaf from

the screams or is there another way. He doesn't scream all the

time. It is just when he wants something. I know he is just

frustrated and we have been giving him other outlets for speech such

as signing and pictures. The speech therapists all have told me that

it is so frustrating to him not to be able to talk. You can see that

he deperately wants to communicate with us. Also, he is very much

into playing on his computer. He plays all kinds of computer games.

The problem is that he wants to be on it all day long. From the

minute he gets up to the minute he goes to sleep he wants to play on

this computer. The funny things is that I think he is teaching

himself how to read. I am absolutely amazed at how he know how to

operate the computer and the games. I have never showed him how to

play these games but he teaches himself how to do everything. I know

he knows all of this letters already and his numbers up to almost

20. We swear he is starting to read. When he wants a video on, he

will look through 20 of them and know exactly which one he wants. I

am so sorry to ramble, I am just so confused over everything. Should

I let him play on the computer as much as he wants? What do I do

about this screaming? I suppose it is only going to get worse when I

start the gluten free portion of this diet. Anyway, I would love any

suggestions on how to handle this behavior. Thanks for listening. -


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