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Re: ridges on your fingernails

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> Does anyone have vertical lines or ridges on their fingernails? I

> read that they could indicate many health problems including heavy

> metals in your system.

> Barbara

Hi Barbara,

Page 62 of Amalgam illness.

" All heavy metals cause Mees' lines on the nails. these usually

begin a few months after significant exposeure starts and may be

useful in identifying the source of exposure - dental amalgams or

some unregcognised source - if you remember when they started. "

I did Google " Mees lines " and the pictures look like the ridges on

my nails, so i assume i have them.

That is the sum total of my knowledge of mees lines. Let me know if

u find something else out about them.


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Hi Barbara

Yes I have had strange ridges on my nails for over 15 years. I think

they are something of a cross between Beau's lines and Mee's lines,

but whatever they started around the time i had a bridging amalgam

over 2 pre-molars. Touching the gum tissue at both sides of course,

by the drill-and-fill obsessed moron who 'introduced' me to the

poison that is mercury. Funnily enough this is when my IBS started



It is mainly my thumbnails that are affected now; from the side they

appear to have grown in undulating 'waves'.

At one time they were incredibly dry and split down the middle too.

Thankfully they are just misshapen nowadays. Interestingly, my middle

fingernails have considerably smoothed out like the rest since

amalgam removal 30 months ago.

The ultra-skeptical doctors i have seen (and attempted to explain

about amalgam to) seem to dismiss my symptoms as 'psychological', but

i'm yet to hear their 'psycho-somatic' reason for THIS particular

symptom! lol



> Hi


> Does anyone have vertical lines or ridges on their fingernails? I

> read that they could indicate many health problems including heavy

> metals in your system.


> Barbara


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i have them too. they started on my toenails, suddenly when i became

disabled. now also fingernails starting to have ridges too.

fyi, this website below has gathered lots of info from different disciplines

on how normal fingernails grow. it seems general consensus that most

" vertical ridges are the result of the natural aging process, appearing

first in middle age and becoming more prominent with time. " however,

horizontal ridges can indicate a health problem.


learning as i grow,


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i have them too. they started on my toenails, suddenly when i became

disabled. now also fingernails starting to have ridges too.

fyi, this website below has gathered lots of info from different disciplines

on how normal fingernails grow. it seems general consensus that most

" vertical ridges are the result of the natural aging process, appearing

first in middle age and becoming more prominent with time. " however,

horizontal ridges can indicate a health problem.


learning as i grow,


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