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Re: Re: Salycilates, adrenals and thyroid, temps - for Dean

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> Dean


> sorry to butt in here but I have a question about what you wrote. If

> your thyroid hormones are normal but you have symptoms, then the

> problem lies at receptor level. How does taking thyroid hormone solve

> this?


> thanks


> Nicola

Hi Nicola,

This applies to the work of Dr http://www.wilsonssyndrome.com/.

The pituitary makes TSH and this stimulates the thyroid to make T4 which is

then converted into T3 (which activates the thyroid receptor) or RT3 (which

blocks the receptor).

The theory is that if you have high sustained stress of whatever reason

(famine, war, dentistry, mercury poisoning etc), the human body starts to go

into conservation mode and makes more RT3 to slow down the metabolism to

make it through the sustained stress. Often it gets stuck in this way of

functioning. The only way to correct it medically is to take high enough

doses of T3 to clear the receptors of RT3 and make them functional again.

The safest way to do this is according to the 's protocol on the


Taking Desiccated Thyroid or T4 won't work, because when you supply more T4

more RT3 is made from it and it just makes things worse.

This explains why some people don't do well on Armour (like me) despite

having low output of thyroid hormones and low temperatures.

You must only use T3 to unblock the receptors. After that is achieved and

the temperatures are normal, some people with an output problem of thyroid

hormones will need remain on T4 meds or Armour. Others will need the T3 if

the do bad on the T4 or Armour, as the body likely going back towards the

pattern making more RT3.

The rule seems to be that if you can lift your temperatures with Armour you

are unlikely to need the T3 meds.

Or if you don't respond to Armour you are likely to respond to T3.

Using the Sustained release T3 is better because the levels of thyroid

fluctuate less causing less adrenals stress. Andy makes mention of using the

sustained release T3 in cycles in Amalgam Illness in reference to treatment

for 's (so it is part of the protocol).

You can find more info on T3 from www.drlowe.com and www.drrind.com

I have only been able to use fast-acting T3 so far, but am hoping to get

some sustained release T3 in time.

Anybody else has success with lifting temperatures either way?


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