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Re: DMSA seems to cross my BBB

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One of the things that I had done some " research " on before learning

about Chelation/Mercury/etc was on Tight Junctions, basically this is

what allows stuff to pass through the intestinal layer and into the

body. And from what I understand the brain barrier behaves in a

similar way, though perhaps the chemical messengers and structures

are different.

Something that had me wondering about the BBB is if the mechanism

where gluten can cause an increased permeability of the gut via

zonulin in susceptable people, can also increase the permeability of

the BBB. If the gluten protiens made their way far enough through

the blood stream perhaps this might allow things to pass through the

BBB into the brain that should not. Perhaps this is part of what

explains the peripheral neuropathy found in Celiac Disease

sufferers. Or what causes brain ataxia (sp). (Is this the same thing

as peripheral neuropathy? I can't remember right now.)

Even if gluten is not the problem here perhaps some other similar

mechanism might allow things to pass, like DMSA, accross the brain


Finally, if one is chelating with DMSA, perhaps this might give the

body enough resources to allow the body to produce the ALA that the

brain needs to chelate and thus why one might feel that DMSA effects

the brain.




> I took a 100mg DMSA cap and attempted to divide it into 25mg


> Since Friday am I've been doing the every 4 hour dosage. (My


> have all been out for ten years)


> The first 24 hours I have had A LOT of flare in neuro symptoms:


> ear and eye and teeth pains, and brain burning.


> I have lyme (CDC positive testing) and these symptoms are familiar.

> After two years of antibiotic and herbal treatment they only got so

> much better. That's when I went back to thinking I could be metal

> toxic (I spent 3.5 years in a very polluted Asian city before


> ill).


> It sure feels like to me that the DMSA is doing something in my

> brain! Maybe my BBB is no longer a barrier? I do have MCS too.


> Anyhow, I ordered DMSA in 25mg amounts, and will next do it in


> amounts every 4 hours. Good idea?


> Also, is it normal to have worse sleep problems while on DMSA?


> I think I barely slept at all last night (2nd night of DMSA).


> Thanks for your insights and comments.

> Mtnwoman


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I woudl go even more gingerly at first. Maybe try just half of the

12.5 mg, but take it every 3 hours. Some folks do better with more

frequent dosing.


> I took a 100mg DMSA cap and attempted to divide it into 25mg amounts.

> Since Friday am I've been doing the every 4 hour dosage. (My amalgams

> have all been out for ten years)


> The first 24 hours I have had A LOT of flare in neuro symptoms: Left

> ear and eye and teeth pains, and brain burning................



> ...........Anyhow, I ordered DMSA in 25mg amounts, and will next do

> it in 12.5mg

> amounts every 4 hours. Good idea?


> .



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Try the lower dose. DMSA does get some Hg out and does seem to affect

" brain " like you describe despite not crossing the BBB. It may be the

mobilization of body mercury which facilitates your body to move some

out of your brain..don't know for sure. But when the symptoms are a

lot you do want to decrease the dose a bit for a while. I report lots

of " odd ball " symptoms in the beginning. I'm at the stall point now

but in the beginning, I had ear pain, my 3 year constant tinnitus

would change pitch in one ear, I would get a swooshing suction

sensation in one ear out of no where...bone pain (got rid of that by

taking a lot more calcium, so I think I was dumping some of my

childhood Lead), I had shortness of breath towards the end of two or

three rounds which only happened on those two rounds and never again,

back pain one time.

I do note one odd phenomenon that happened about a week after I had

all my fillings out. I had problems with burning feet for years. I was

sitting at my pc one night and all the sudden..my feet starting

burning like they were on fire..crazy burning like I was pregnant and

they were all swollen up in the summer, I was like.. " what is going

on? " the burning sensation lasted maybe a minute, and then my feet got

warm and felt normal. (usually they were freezing, my toe nails were

always blue). I took my socks off and my toe nails were normal color

for the first time in years. Never have my feet burned since, never

have I had blue toe nails. It was the oddest thing, but what else

could it have been but mercury? I also had neuropathy in my legs/feet

which seems to be " no longer there as the doc put it "

And for the love of peat is does stuff to your sleep! This will get

better. I found it made me feel like I was almost asleep all night..in

that pre-sleep almost unconscious state, but not out like a light.

What I had to do was take 1mg of melatonin an hour before bed. I had

to do this on a round and for a few nights after. I did find that when

I went on adrenal support, the sleep problem got less.

After about 10 rounds I stopped having the dmsa keep me up all night.

My kids both had the same prob with the dmsa at first too and we used

melatonin. Hope this helps!


> The first 24 hours I have had A LOT of flare in neuro symptoms: Left

> ear and eye and teeth pains, and brain burning.


> It sure feels like to me that the DMSA is doing something in my

> brain! Maybe my BBB is no longer a barrier? I do have MCS too.

>> Also, is it normal to have worse sleep problems while on DMSA? Whew..

> I think I barely slept at all last night (2nd night of DMSA).


> Thanks for your insights and comments.

> Mtnwoman


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Try the lower dose. DMSA does get some Hg out and does seem to affect

" brain " like you describe despite not crossing the BBB. It may be the

mobilization of body mercury which facilitates your body to move some

out of your brain..don't know for sure. But when the symptoms are a

lot you do want to decrease the dose a bit for a while. I report lots

of " odd ball " symptoms in the beginning. I'm at the stall point now

but in the beginning, I had ear pain, my 3 year constant tinnitus

would change pitch in one ear, I would get a swooshing suction

sensation in one ear out of no where...bone pain (got rid of that by

taking a lot more calcium, so I think I was dumping some of my

childhood Lead), I had shortness of breath towards the end of two or

three rounds which only happened on those two rounds and never again,

back pain one time.

I do note one odd phenomenon that happened about a week after I had

all my fillings out. I had problems with burning feet for years. I was

sitting at my pc one night and all the sudden..my feet starting

burning like they were on fire..crazy burning like I was pregnant and

they were all swollen up in the summer, I was like.. " what is going

on? " the burning sensation lasted maybe a minute, and then my feet got

warm and felt normal. (usually they were freezing, my toe nails were

always blue). I took my socks off and my toe nails were normal color

for the first time in years. Never have my feet burned since, never

have I had blue toe nails. It was the oddest thing, but what else

could it have been but mercury? I also had neuropathy in my legs/feet

which seems to be " no longer there as the doc put it "

And for the love of peat is does stuff to your sleep! This will get

better. I found it made me feel like I was almost asleep all night..in

that pre-sleep almost unconscious state, but not out like a light.

What I had to do was take 1mg of melatonin an hour before bed. I had

to do this on a round and for a few nights after. I did find that when

I went on adrenal support, the sleep problem got less.

After about 10 rounds I stopped having the dmsa keep me up all night.

My kids both had the same prob with the dmsa at first too and we used

melatonin. Hope this helps!


> The first 24 hours I have had A LOT of flare in neuro symptoms: Left

> ear and eye and teeth pains, and brain burning.


> It sure feels like to me that the DMSA is doing something in my

> brain! Maybe my BBB is no longer a barrier? I do have MCS too.

>> Also, is it normal to have worse sleep problems while on DMSA? Whew..

> I think I barely slept at all last night (2nd night of DMSA).


> Thanks for your insights and comments.

> Mtnwoman


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> I took a 100mg DMSA cap and attempted to divide it into 25mg


> Since Friday am I've been doing the every 4 hour dosage. (My


> have all been out for ten years)


> The first 24 hours I have had A LOT of flare in neuro symptoms:


> ear and eye and teeth pains, and brain burning.


> I have lyme (CDC positive testing) and these symptoms are familiar.

> After two years of antibiotic and herbal treatment they only got so

> much better. That's when I went back to thinking I could be metal

> toxic (I spent 3.5 years in a very polluted Asian city before


> ill).


> It sure feels like to me that the DMSA is doing something in my

> brain! Maybe my BBB is no longer a barrier? I do have MCS too.


> Anyhow, I ordered DMSA in 25mg amounts, and will next do it in


> amounts every 4 hours. Good idea?


> Also, is it normal to have worse sleep problems while on DMSA?


> I think I barely slept at all last night (2nd night of DMSA).


> Thanks for your insights and comments.

> Mtnwoman


Dear MTN If you see my posts you will see that I had a terrible time

with DMSA and ended up at the A&E thats britains version of the ER.

My sleep pattern has been ruined and am now on Temazepam or other

sleep pills. I am considering just using ALA in the future. Kind

regards RObert -UK

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