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Roland's hair test, was Re: Adrenals

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> here is the

link.http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html It is

Test 138

As others have said, it is possible to have a test that doesn't meet

the counting rules and still be mercury toxic. When all of your

amalgams are safely out side effects with a trial of chelation will

confirm toxicity. There are so many points in what you have said that

point to mercury, and you certainly have had sufficient exposure.

Do you have the following adrenal symptoms: fatigue, poor response and

crashing with stress, frequent infections and difficulty shaking

infections, aches and pains (you already mentioned that one), low BP

and dizziness on first standing. Those are the ones I can think of

off the top of my head.

Your circulation problem sounds serious. I have adrenal fatigue and I

do seem to have some circulation problems, but not nearly as dramatic

as what you have described. I wonder if you have asked Andy if he

knows a doctor in your area.

> Yes I began charting my temp both basel and oral and found they were


> They have since risen back to around 98.

> I am eating 4 times as much as I used to when my weight was 246,and

now I am 181 still losing.

> Can yeast cause this?

Usually the yeast would be secondary to adrenal problems. Low

cortisol makes us more susceptible to infections and opportunists.

People with adrenal problems often crave sweets, and if they eat them

yeast would take off on the available extra sugar.

I think someone else mentioned taking betaine HCl pepsin and digestive

enzymes with meals. This would help make things more absorbable for

you and less available for things like yeast.

I have gained weight with the SCD. You might want to study that diet,

try it and see if it is suitable for you.

>When all my symptoms of burning hands and feet,weight loss,insommia

>started I also got a coated white tongue that I have to scrape off.

To me it sounds more like mercury would be the underlying cause. With

the many difficulties you have mentioned it would be nice to have a

professional (one familiar with Andy's protocol) to turn to during

chelation. I have heard people often complain of the burning hands

and feet. The circulation problem has me stumped.


> Started GSE yesterday.

> Thanks

> Roland

> Thanks

> Re: Adrenals




> Free T3 is missing from these tests. That one would be most helpful

> because T3 is the active form of the hormone. Antibody tests may be

> useful. The best indication of all is how many hypothyroid symptoms

> you have. Have you been taking your temperatures before rising and

> keeping a daily chart of them? Look up lists of other hypothyroid and

> hypoadrenal symptoms and keep track of which ones fit your



> Weight loss and joint pain can be from poor adrenal function.


> The low DHEA indicates that there is a problem, probably an adrenal

> problem.


> TSH and cortisol are not useful tests for most toxic people (TSH

> because the hypothyroidism is often secondary, and cortisol because

> blood levels fluctuate from sec to sec and a person has to be near

> death to get a low reading).


> I don't recall seeing your hair test (I haven't been well enough to

> read all the posts lately). Could you give me the link to where you

> posted it?


> J


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