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Re: Help very cold and very tired.

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In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:

Ok room, I need some help here.

I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

and thyroid?

-----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is stress on the

body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie

Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

continue to chelate?

----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long, but it's

always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But when its time to

start another round, and if you're still feeling really rough, then I would take

more time off. Some people do a 3 day on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should

try that?-----Jackie

When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?

-----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too much armour

without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC might help your

tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't very much.--------Jackie

and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

-------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a very small

dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking about 500mg a day,

sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as 900mg a few times. If you

tolerate the ACE well that you are taking now, then I would certainly try more

to see if it helps.------Jackie

I feel very discouraged, in the

4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the help.

------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember you may be

entering the " hump " or period of time where you will naturally feel worse for

awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And remember, we have all had ups and

downs during chelation, and it can be discouraging, but hang in there and keep

working on things, and it will get better :)

And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's adrenal and

thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more adrenal support might be

just what you need. Again, hang in there, there are better days ahead:)


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In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:

Ok room, I need some help here.

I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

and thyroid?

-----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is stress on the

body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie

Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

continue to chelate?

----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long, but it's

always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But when its time to

start another round, and if you're still feeling really rough, then I would take

more time off. Some people do a 3 day on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should

try that?-----Jackie

When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?

-----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too much armour

without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC might help your

tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't very much.--------Jackie

and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

-------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a very small

dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking about 500mg a day,

sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as 900mg a few times. If you

tolerate the ACE well that you are taking now, then I would certainly try more

to see if it helps.------Jackie

I feel very discouraged, in the

4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the help.

------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember you may be

entering the " hump " or period of time where you will naturally feel worse for

awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And remember, we have all had ups and

downs during chelation, and it can be discouraging, but hang in there and keep

working on things, and it will get better :)

And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's adrenal and

thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more adrenal support might be

just what you need. Again, hang in there, there are better days ahead:)


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> My doctor not too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to

> see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> days.

If you keep getting worse with the addition of Armour, you need to look

seriously into the use of T3 alone, and Sustain Release T3 to be more


>What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> and thyroid?

There is not harm in doing this. If your adrenals and thyroid can't tolerate

chelation it hurts them further. Like putting an ICU patient on a treadmill.

>Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate?

You can try this first. Lower the dose of DMSA to 6mg and take a break from

the ALA for a while.

>When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I am too cold and need more


Yip, may be the Armour causing more problems if you have a tendency to

convert T4 into RT3.

>Incrase the HC to 15 mg?

This is a possible option and is nothing to fear as long as you stick under

20mg. Best to have highest dose in morning 7.5mg, 5mg and 2.5mg (with a

possible nightime dose of 2.5mg, only if you sleep better on it). Take all

with food.

>and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

This would be the 'safer' option. As Jackie said, 16mg is very small.

>I feel very discouraged, in the

> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the help.

When did you add ALA? It may have been to early. ALA is often the one that

knocks people.


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I agree with what the previous responding posters have said. I am

still a beginner. 8 rounds behind me. No adrenal or thyroid support.

Can't tolerate hardly anything, including the common basic

supplements everyone here is fine with. So when you are talking

about a rough time on chelation, believe me, I know what you are

talking about. Here's my take on your situation:

To sum it up: Lower the dose a lot, shorten the dose schedule, do

DMSA alone, switch to pure T3, don't let a bad round scare you off

but instead learn from mistakes, stay focused on the goal of

removing the villain causing your illnesses.

Lower the dose. If chelation is real hard, it probably means one or

both of these things: 1)You are more toxic than you thought; 2)The

dose is too high at this point and too much metal is being moved too

fast. Whatever your dose was, do 1/4th of it next time. Some people

here do 3mg DMSA and it works. I started at 25mg and found my

comfort level at 6mg. Studying the archives, I see a trend where the

more toxic a person is the more likely they are to need a very low

dose in the early weeks or months of chelation. The trend appears to

be tolerability of higher doses as toxicity comes down.

If you were on a 4 hour schedule, go to a 3 hour schedule instead.

Thanks to the advice of others here, I tried this strategy on my

last round and it felt a lot better.

Take just DMSA. Leave out the ALA for a few months. In the archives,

many people have had problems with ALA if tried too soon. Again, too

much metal being moved too fast.

Rather than a set schedule, take the time off that you need to

rebuild confidence and courage, but do not postpone it too long. For

me my breaks have lasted anywhere from 4 days to 4 weeks, depending

on how smoothly or badly the last round went.

As for the set schedule, if a round is going well, stretch it out

longer than you planned. Get the most out of it while the going is

good. If it is going badly and you are sure you cannot tolerate it

any longer, end it early. This is my own opinion and likely others

may differ with it. That's ok.

Try T3 alone, or T3 extended release even better. It is a bit

lengthy to explain, but basically if the thyroid system is messed

up, the good actie T3 in Armour will be useless and de-activated

because the rT3 being made from the T4 will clog up the T3

receptors. The T4 in Armour could actually be causing or worsening

your problems. Try just the good active T3. Take T4 out of the

equation to eliminate the elevated rT3.

Don't focus too much on perfecting illnesses, because you may become

distracted from the root cause of those illnesses...toxicity. Keep

the chelation going, even if it means doing 3mg DMSA 3 days every

two weeks.

I'm not sure about the adrenal stuff. My gut says T3 is a higher

priority, and to do one thing at time, which is T3. Other than that,

eat the healthiest food you possibly can and drink tons of clean

filtered water all the time.

If you need a medication for mood and energy, I believe the ones

that work on norepinephrine and dopamine are best for mercury

toxicity. Purely opinion and personal experience. Options would

include Modafinil, Wellbutrin, Ritalin, Adderall, Adrafinil

(overseas mailorder), and the one and only out of dozens that

actually helped me instead of making me feel worse...Milnacipran

(overseas mailorder).


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the


> Extreme tirednesa and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo

cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor


> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a


> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> and thyroid? Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate? When I go to the md, regardless of the

test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Incrase the HC to 15 mg? and or

> increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg? I feel very discouraged, in


> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse


> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.


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I agree with what the previous responding posters have said. I am

still a beginner. 8 rounds behind me. No adrenal or thyroid support.

Can't tolerate hardly anything, including the common basic

supplements everyone here is fine with. So when you are talking

about a rough time on chelation, believe me, I know what you are

talking about. Here's my take on your situation:

To sum it up: Lower the dose a lot, shorten the dose schedule, do

DMSA alone, switch to pure T3, don't let a bad round scare you off

but instead learn from mistakes, stay focused on the goal of

removing the villain causing your illnesses.

Lower the dose. If chelation is real hard, it probably means one or

both of these things: 1)You are more toxic than you thought; 2)The

dose is too high at this point and too much metal is being moved too

fast. Whatever your dose was, do 1/4th of it next time. Some people

here do 3mg DMSA and it works. I started at 25mg and found my

comfort level at 6mg. Studying the archives, I see a trend where the

more toxic a person is the more likely they are to need a very low

dose in the early weeks or months of chelation. The trend appears to

be tolerability of higher doses as toxicity comes down.

If you were on a 4 hour schedule, go to a 3 hour schedule instead.

Thanks to the advice of others here, I tried this strategy on my

last round and it felt a lot better.

Take just DMSA. Leave out the ALA for a few months. In the archives,

many people have had problems with ALA if tried too soon. Again, too

much metal being moved too fast.

Rather than a set schedule, take the time off that you need to

rebuild confidence and courage, but do not postpone it too long. For

me my breaks have lasted anywhere from 4 days to 4 weeks, depending

on how smoothly or badly the last round went.

As for the set schedule, if a round is going well, stretch it out

longer than you planned. Get the most out of it while the going is

good. If it is going badly and you are sure you cannot tolerate it

any longer, end it early. This is my own opinion and likely others

may differ with it. That's ok.

Try T3 alone, or T3 extended release even better. It is a bit

lengthy to explain, but basically if the thyroid system is messed

up, the good actie T3 in Armour will be useless and de-activated

because the rT3 being made from the T4 will clog up the T3

receptors. The T4 in Armour could actually be causing or worsening

your problems. Try just the good active T3. Take T4 out of the

equation to eliminate the elevated rT3.

Don't focus too much on perfecting illnesses, because you may become

distracted from the root cause of those illnesses...toxicity. Keep

the chelation going, even if it means doing 3mg DMSA 3 days every

two weeks.

I'm not sure about the adrenal stuff. My gut says T3 is a higher

priority, and to do one thing at time, which is T3. Other than that,

eat the healthiest food you possibly can and drink tons of clean

filtered water all the time.

If you need a medication for mood and energy, I believe the ones

that work on norepinephrine and dopamine are best for mercury

toxicity. Purely opinion and personal experience. Options would

include Modafinil, Wellbutrin, Ritalin, Adderall, Adrafinil

(overseas mailorder), and the one and only out of dozens that

actually helped me instead of making me feel worse...Milnacipran

(overseas mailorder).


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the


> Extreme tirednesa and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo

cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor


> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a


> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> and thyroid? Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate? When I go to the md, regardless of the

test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Incrase the HC to 15 mg? and or

> increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg? I feel very discouraged, in


> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse


> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.


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I agree with what the previous responding posters have said. I am

still a beginner. 8 rounds behind me. No adrenal or thyroid support.

Can't tolerate hardly anything, including the common basic

supplements everyone here is fine with. So when you are talking

about a rough time on chelation, believe me, I know what you are

talking about. Here's my take on your situation:

To sum it up: Lower the dose a lot, shorten the dose schedule, do

DMSA alone, switch to pure T3, don't let a bad round scare you off

but instead learn from mistakes, stay focused on the goal of

removing the villain causing your illnesses.

Lower the dose. If chelation is real hard, it probably means one or

both of these things: 1)You are more toxic than you thought; 2)The

dose is too high at this point and too much metal is being moved too

fast. Whatever your dose was, do 1/4th of it next time. Some people

here do 3mg DMSA and it works. I started at 25mg and found my

comfort level at 6mg. Studying the archives, I see a trend where the

more toxic a person is the more likely they are to need a very low

dose in the early weeks or months of chelation. The trend appears to

be tolerability of higher doses as toxicity comes down.

If you were on a 4 hour schedule, go to a 3 hour schedule instead.

Thanks to the advice of others here, I tried this strategy on my

last round and it felt a lot better.

Take just DMSA. Leave out the ALA for a few months. In the archives,

many people have had problems with ALA if tried too soon. Again, too

much metal being moved too fast.

Rather than a set schedule, take the time off that you need to

rebuild confidence and courage, but do not postpone it too long. For

me my breaks have lasted anywhere from 4 days to 4 weeks, depending

on how smoothly or badly the last round went.

As for the set schedule, if a round is going well, stretch it out

longer than you planned. Get the most out of it while the going is

good. If it is going badly and you are sure you cannot tolerate it

any longer, end it early. This is my own opinion and likely others

may differ with it. That's ok.

Try T3 alone, or T3 extended release even better. It is a bit

lengthy to explain, but basically if the thyroid system is messed

up, the good actie T3 in Armour will be useless and de-activated

because the rT3 being made from the T4 will clog up the T3

receptors. The T4 in Armour could actually be causing or worsening

your problems. Try just the good active T3. Take T4 out of the

equation to eliminate the elevated rT3.

Don't focus too much on perfecting illnesses, because you may become

distracted from the root cause of those illnesses...toxicity. Keep

the chelation going, even if it means doing 3mg DMSA 3 days every

two weeks.

I'm not sure about the adrenal stuff. My gut says T3 is a higher

priority, and to do one thing at time, which is T3. Other than that,

eat the healthiest food you possibly can and drink tons of clean

filtered water all the time.

If you need a medication for mood and energy, I believe the ones

that work on norepinephrine and dopamine are best for mercury

toxicity. Purely opinion and personal experience. Options would

include Modafinil, Wellbutrin, Ritalin, Adderall, Adrafinil

(overseas mailorder), and the one and only out of dozens that

actually helped me instead of making me feel worse...Milnacipran

(overseas mailorder).


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the


> Extreme tirednesa and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo

cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor


> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a


> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> and thyroid? Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate? When I go to the md, regardless of the

test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Incrase the HC to 15 mg? and or

> increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg? I feel very discouraged, in


> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse


> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.


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I have the thorne brand 50 mg of ace but I cant take the whole

thing, I split it into 3 , 17 mg 2 times a day. If I take more I feel

weird. Any idea why this would happen? A lit high,yes more energy

but in totally artificial way. Also I been with problems with

adrenals and thyroid for 10 years, now that I realize the symptoms,

not treated till 2 years, first with herbs, no help and now with nat

thyroid and HC and ace. ALso on 12.mg of both dmsa and ala. This

time I only did ala to see if it would be more better but nope about

the same.


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

> Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

> and thyroid?


> -----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is

stress on the body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie




> Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate?


> ----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long,

but it's always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But

when its time to start another round, and if you're still feeling

really rough, then I would take more time off. Some people do a 3 day

on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should try that?-----Jackie




> When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?


> -----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too

much armour without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC

might help your tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't

very much.--------Jackie




> and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?


> -------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a

very small dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking

about 500mg a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as

900mg a few times. If you tolerate the ACE well that you are taking

now, then I would certainly try more to see if it helps.------Jackie




> I feel very discouraged, in the

> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the



> ------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember

you may be entering the " hump " or period of time where you will

naturally feel worse for awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And

remember, we have all had ups and downs during chelation, and it can

be discouraging, but hang in there and keep working on things, and it

will get better :)


> And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's

adrenal and thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more

adrenal support might be just what you need. Again, hang in there,

there are better days ahead:)


> Jackie





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I have the thorne brand 50 mg of ace but I cant take the whole

thing, I split it into 3 , 17 mg 2 times a day. If I take more I feel

weird. Any idea why this would happen? A lit high,yes more energy

but in totally artificial way. Also I been with problems with

adrenals and thyroid for 10 years, now that I realize the symptoms,

not treated till 2 years, first with herbs, no help and now with nat

thyroid and HC and ace. ALso on 12.mg of both dmsa and ala. This

time I only did ala to see if it would be more better but nope about

the same.


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

> Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

> and thyroid?


> -----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is

stress on the body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie




> Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate?


> ----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long,

but it's always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But

when its time to start another round, and if you're still feeling

really rough, then I would take more time off. Some people do a 3 day

on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should try that?-----Jackie




> When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?


> -----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too

much armour without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC

might help your tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't

very much.--------Jackie




> and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?


> -------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a

very small dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking

about 500mg a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as

900mg a few times. If you tolerate the ACE well that you are taking

now, then I would certainly try more to see if it helps.------Jackie




> I feel very discouraged, in the

> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the



> ------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember

you may be entering the " hump " or period of time where you will

naturally feel worse for awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And

remember, we have all had ups and downs during chelation, and it can

be discouraging, but hang in there and keep working on things, and it

will get better :)


> And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's

adrenal and thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more

adrenal support might be just what you need. Again, hang in there,

there are better days ahead:)


> Jackie





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I trully appreciate your help. I have questions for you though.

Regarding T3 alone, or T3 extended release , will lab work show no

progress on armour , or nat thyroid? Also will body temps not rise at

all if on the wrong thyroid med? I am trying to figure out if I need

more nat thyroid or if I am on the wrong type, how can I know this??

How does anything for adrenals make you feel? You stated you cant

take anything, how do you feel on it? THanks,


> >

> > Ok room, I need some help here.

> > I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> > again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the

> day.

> > Extreme tirednesa and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo

> cold. I

> > am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor

> not

> > too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> > work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a

> few

> > days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> > and thyroid? Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> > continue to chelate? When I go to the md, regardless of the

> test , I

> > am too cold and need more armour? Incrase the HC to 15 mg? and or

> > increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg? I feel very discouraged, in

> the

> > 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse

> than

> > before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

> the help.

> >


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Wondering if my temps have decreased even more while on nat thyroid

, is that a sign that I need T3 alone? Regardless of lab work?

Should I continue to take my temps to check adrenals and thyroid and

bring that to my md?(proof) THanks so much.




> > My doctor not too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he

wants to

> > see lab

> > work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> > days.

> If you keep getting worse with the addition of Armour, you need to look

> seriously into the use of T3 alone, and Sustain Release T3 to be more

> specific.



> >What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> > and thyroid?

> There is not harm in doing this. If your adrenals and thyroid can't


> chelation it hurts them further. Like putting an ICU patient on a




> >Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> > continue to chelate?

> You can try this first. Lower the dose of DMSA to 6mg and take a

break from

> the ALA for a while.


> >When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I am too cold and

need more

> >armour?

> Yip, may be the Armour causing more problems if you have a tendency to

> convert T4 into RT3.


> >Incrase the HC to 15 mg?

> This is a possible option and is nothing to fear as long as you

stick under

> 20mg. Best to have highest dose in morning 7.5mg, 5mg and 2.5mg (with a

> possible nightime dose of 2.5mg, only if you sleep better on it).

Take all

> with food.


> >and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

> This would be the 'safer' option. As Jackie said, 16mg is very small.


> >I feel very discouraged, in the

> > 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> > before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.

> When did you add ALA? It may have been to early. ALA is often the

one that

> knocks people.

> DeanSA


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In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:


I have the thorne brand 50 mg of ace but I cant take the whole

thing, I split it into 3 , 17 mg 2 times a day. If I take more I feel

weird. Any idea why this would happen?

-----------I don't know, are you sensitive to other things too and can only

take small amounts? There seems to be such a variance in tolerance for things

like this, and I don't understand why. But when I first tried ACE a couple

years ago, I didn't like how it made me feel either, and I stopped taking it. I

should have probably experimented with it more, but I started taking Isocort and

that helped alot, so I never tried ACE again for a long time. Now I've been on

HC for a year, and just started taking more ACE the last few months, and I'm

tolerating alot of it. So I don't know why I didn't tolerate it before and I do

now, and I don't know why some people don't tolerate it at all. I wish I had

the answer to this. So you do feel some benefit from this small


A lit high,yes more energy

but in totally artificial way. Also I been with problems with

adrenals and thyroid for 10 years, now that I realize the symptoms,

----------Me too. Now that I know what the symptoms are, I have had adrenal

problems for a long time and had no clue. I had never heard of anyone talk

about adrenal stuff until I read Andy's book and joined these


not treated till 2 years, first with herbs, no help and now with nat

thyroid and HC and ace.

------------Yes I went years without treatment, and then took something called

CorEnergy that had ginseng in it that probably helped a little, and then started

learning here but couldn't find a local doctor who got it, so I used Isocort for

awhile, until I finally went to see a year ago and got


ALso on 12.mg of both dmsa and ala. This

time I only did ala to see if it would be more better but nope about

the same.

------------Sorry to say, but it seems you do just have to experiment with

some of this stuff some times. At least you tried the ALA only, and now you

know. How do you feel on just DMSA?-----------Jackie


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

> Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

> and thyroid?


> -----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is

stress on the body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie




> Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate?


> ----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long,

but it's always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But

when its time to start another round, and if you're still feeling

really rough, then I would take more time off. Some people do a 3 day

on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should try that?-----Jackie




> When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?


> -----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too

much armour without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC

might help your tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't

very much.--------Jackie




> and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?


> -------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a

very small dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking

about 500mg a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as

900mg a few times. If you tolerate the ACE well that you are taking

now, then I would certainly try more to see if it helps.------Jackie




> I feel very discouraged, in the

> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the



> ------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember

you may be entering the " hump " or period of time where you will

naturally feel worse for awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And

remember, we have all had ups and downs during chelation, and it can

be discouraging, but hang in there and keep working on things, and it

will get better :)


> And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's

adrenal and thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more

adrenal support might be just what you need. Again, hang in there,

there are better days ahead:)


> Jackie





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In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:


I have the thorne brand 50 mg of ace but I cant take the whole

thing, I split it into 3 , 17 mg 2 times a day. If I take more I feel

weird. Any idea why this would happen?

-----------I don't know, are you sensitive to other things too and can only

take small amounts? There seems to be such a variance in tolerance for things

like this, and I don't understand why. But when I first tried ACE a couple

years ago, I didn't like how it made me feel either, and I stopped taking it. I

should have probably experimented with it more, but I started taking Isocort and

that helped alot, so I never tried ACE again for a long time. Now I've been on

HC for a year, and just started taking more ACE the last few months, and I'm

tolerating alot of it. So I don't know why I didn't tolerate it before and I do

now, and I don't know why some people don't tolerate it at all. I wish I had

the answer to this. So you do feel some benefit from this small


A lit high,yes more energy

but in totally artificial way. Also I been with problems with

adrenals and thyroid for 10 years, now that I realize the symptoms,

----------Me too. Now that I know what the symptoms are, I have had adrenal

problems for a long time and had no clue. I had never heard of anyone talk

about adrenal stuff until I read Andy's book and joined these


not treated till 2 years, first with herbs, no help and now with nat

thyroid and HC and ace.

------------Yes I went years without treatment, and then took something called

CorEnergy that had ginseng in it that probably helped a little, and then started

learning here but couldn't find a local doctor who got it, so I used Isocort for

awhile, until I finally went to see a year ago and got


ALso on 12.mg of both dmsa and ala. This

time I only did ala to see if it would be more better but nope about

the same.

------------Sorry to say, but it seems you do just have to experiment with

some of this stuff some times. At least you tried the ALA only, and now you

know. How do you feel on just DMSA?-----------Jackie


> Ok room, I need some help here.

> I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

> Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

> am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

> too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

> and thyroid?


> -----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is

stress on the body, and taking a little break might help.----------Jackie




> Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> continue to chelate?


> ----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long,

but it's always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But

when its time to start another round, and if you're still feeling

really rough, then I would take more time off. Some people do a 3 day

on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should try that?-----Jackie




> When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

> am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?


> -----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too

much armour without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC

might help your tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't

very much.--------Jackie




> and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?


> -------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a

very small dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking

about 500mg a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as

900mg a few times. If you tolerate the ACE well that you are taking

now, then I would certainly try more to see if it helps.------Jackie




> I feel very discouraged, in the

> 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the



> ------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember

you may be entering the " hump " or period of time where you will

naturally feel worse for awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And

remember, we have all had ups and downs during chelation, and it can

be discouraging, but hang in there and keep working on things, and it

will get better :)


> And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's

adrenal and thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more

adrenal support might be just what you need. Again, hang in there,

there are better days ahead:)


> Jackie





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Hi Vivian, Jackie here, not Dean. Somebody said he's gone for a couple days, so

it might take him awhile to respond. So in the meantime, I would suggest

reading at his website about 's Temperature Syndrome and yes, continue to

take your temps and record them. There are charts you can print out for

recording them. I believe Dean has the link at his website, otherwise they can

be found at www.drrind.com

In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:


Wondering if my temps have decreased even more while on nat thyroid

, is that a sign that I need T3 alone? Regardless of lab work?

Should I continue to take my temps to check adrenals and thyroid and

bring that to my md?(proof) THanks so much.




> > My doctor not too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he

wants to

> > see lab

> > work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> > days.

> If you keep getting worse with the addition of Armour, you need to look

> seriously into the use of T3 alone, and Sustain Release T3 to be more

> specific.



> >What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> > and thyroid?

> There is not harm in doing this. If your adrenals and thyroid can't


> chelation it hurts them further. Like putting an ICU patient on a




> >Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> > continue to chelate?

> You can try this first. Lower the dose of DMSA to 6mg and take a

break from

> the ALA for a while.


> >When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I am too cold and

need more

> >armour?

> Yip, may be the Armour causing more problems if you have a tendency to

> convert T4 into RT3.


> >Incrase the HC to 15 mg?

> This is a possible option and is nothing to fear as long as you

stick under

> 20mg. Best to have highest dose in morning 7.5mg, 5mg and 2.5mg (with a

> possible nightime dose of 2.5mg, only if you sleep better on it).

Take all

> with food.


> >and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

> This would be the 'safer' option. As Jackie said, 16mg is very small.


> >I feel very discouraged, in the

> > 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> > before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.

> When did you add ALA? It may have been to early. ALA is often the

one that

> knocks people.

> DeanSA


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Hi Vivian, Jackie here, not Dean. Somebody said he's gone for a couple days, so

it might take him awhile to respond. So in the meantime, I would suggest

reading at his website about 's Temperature Syndrome and yes, continue to

take your temps and record them. There are charts you can print out for

recording them. I believe Dean has the link at his website, otherwise they can

be found at www.drrind.com

In frequent-dose-chelation email4ebay2005 wrote:


Wondering if my temps have decreased even more while on nat thyroid

, is that a sign that I need T3 alone? Regardless of lab work?

Should I continue to take my temps to check adrenals and thyroid and

bring that to my md?(proof) THanks so much.




> > My doctor not too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he

wants to

> > see lab

> > work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in a few

> > days.

> If you keep getting worse with the addition of Armour, you need to look

> seriously into the use of T3 alone, and Sustain Release T3 to be more

> specific.



> >What should I do take a month off chelation to help addrenals

> > and thyroid?

> There is not harm in doing this. If your adrenals and thyroid can't


> chelation it hurts them further. Like putting an ICU patient on a




> >Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> > continue to chelate?

> You can try this first. Lower the dose of DMSA to 6mg and take a

break from

> the ALA for a while.


> >When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I am too cold and

need more

> >armour?

> Yip, may be the Armour causing more problems if you have a tendency to

> convert T4 into RT3.


> >Incrase the HC to 15 mg?

> This is a possible option and is nothing to fear as long as you

stick under

> 20mg. Best to have highest dose in morning 7.5mg, 5mg and 2.5mg (with a

> possible nightime dose of 2.5mg, only if you sleep better on it).

Take all

> with food.


> >and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

> This would be the 'safer' option. As Jackie said, 16mg is very small.


> >I feel very discouraged, in the

> > 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> > before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for

the help.

> When did you add ALA? It may have been to early. ALA is often the

one that

> knocks people.

> DeanSA


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I'm a grateful recipient of your advice. I was planning on writing my

dilemma when I read this post. I am on my 20th chelation round (12.5

DMSA/ALA 3-4 hrs) I was feeling like it was going smoothly & planning

on increasing DMSA a tad. My adrenals are next to not functioning and

I have been on HC (20mg now) for 5 months. I have just figured out

that I am also hypothyroid & did a trial dose of Armour, which made

me feel worse. I have a doctor appt in 2 days about trying T3, as I

am sure that I have 's and probably RT3 resistance.

Everywhere I turn (other than this group) does not understand the

complexity of toxicity. I feel that chelation must be the primary

focus, yet it is such a dilemma as how to chelate AND treat

adrenals/thyroid. Often the advice is to get adrenals healthier so as

to be able to tolerate chelation, but I feel one would never get well

until the root cause is addressed. Chelation stresses adrenals,

thyroid treatment stresses adrenals, so how does one achieve balance

while trying to support both and dealing with the whole root cause of


I am severely toxic, so I started with ALA and have seen cognitive

improvement. I don't know if I should change my chelation dosages or

not. Also, I am wondering when one should go above the " safe " dosage

of HC. It concerns me, yet 20mg seems to do very little for me. I was

told on another forum that the 20mg max was a bunch of bunk & others

have needed a much bigger dosage to feel better (again that advice is

without knowledge of toxicity) Then the general concensus is that you

shouldn't treat thyroid until adrenals are stable. Is it just

experimentation? Appreciate all feedback-



> I agree with what the previous responding posters have said. I am

> still a beginner. 8 rounds behind me. No adrenal or thyroid


> Can't tolerate hardly anything, including the common basic

> supplements everyone here is fine with. So when you are talking

> about a rough time on chelation, believe me, I know what you are

> talking about. Here's my take on your situation:


> To sum it up: Lower the dose a lot, shorten the dose schedule, do

> DMSA alone, switch to pure T3, don't let a bad round scare you off

> but instead learn from mistakes, stay focused on the goal of

> removing the villain causing your illnesses.



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You can get an RT3 lab test that will show if you are better off on

regular T3 instead of Armour. I've seen people say it takes at least a

few months of just T3 before their RT3 receptors clear out and then

they can take Armour. Other things that might cause problems with

Armour are your ferritin status (ferritin lab test) and B12 status.

Your daily average temps will show if you need more adrenal support.



> Stringworship,

> I trully appreciate your help. I have questions for you though.

> Regarding T3 alone, or T3 extended release , will lab work show no

> progress on armour , or nat thyroid? Also will body temps not rise at

> all if on the wrong thyroid med? I am trying to figure out if I need

> more nat thyroid or if I am on the wrong type, how can I know this??

> How does anything for adrenals make you feel? You stated you cant

> take anything, how do you feel on it? THanks,

> Vivian


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> I'm a grateful recipient of your advice. I was planning on writing my

> dilemma when I read this post. I am on my 20th chelation round (12.5

> DMSA/ALA 3-4 hrs) I was feeling like it was going smoothly & planning

> on increasing DMSA a tad. My adrenals are next to not functioning and

> I have been on HC (20mg now) for 5 months. I have just figured out

> that I am also hypothyroid & did a trial dose of Armour, which made

> me feel worse. I have a doctor appt in 2 days about trying T3, as I

> am sure that I have 's and probably RT3 resistance.


> Everywhere I turn (other than this group) does not understand the

> complexity of toxicity. I feel that chelation must be the primary

> focus, yet it is such a dilemma as how to chelate AND treat

> adrenals/thyroid. Often the advice is to get adrenals healthier so as

> to be able to tolerate chelation, but I feel one would never get well

> until the root cause is addressed. Chelation stresses adrenals,

> thyroid treatment stresses adrenals, so how does one achieve balance

> while trying to support both and dealing with the whole root cause of

> toxicity?


> I am severely toxic, so I started with ALA and have seen cognitive

> improvement. I don't know if I should change my chelation dosages or

> not. Also, I am wondering when one should go above the " safe " dosage

> of HC. It concerns me, yet 20mg seems to do very little for me. I was

> told on another forum that the 20mg max was a bunch of bunk & others

> have needed a much bigger dosage to feel better (again that advice is

> without knowledge of toxicity) Then the general concensus is that you

> shouldn't treat thyroid until adrenals are stable. Is it just

> experimentation? Appreciate all feedback-

> Joy



Dear Joy,

I have the cold thing too. I definitely have adrenal fatigue.

So I hope I can help you.

First of all Joy, the adrenals don't only make cortisol(which

you probably already know). You are already supplementing cortisol,

but what about the mineralcorticoid Aldosterone?

I have known for a while that I have low Aldosterone, and this

has recently been confirmed by a blood test.

Aldosterone makes your body retain sodium. This makes you hold

on more water in your body and your bloodpressure rises. I am

no doctor, but I am sure this makes the body warmer.

Aldosterone controls electrolytes like sodium, potassium. I think

magnesium, calcium are also controlled by aldosterone. Too much

aldosterone is not good, but too little isn't good either.

I know that too much of it, makes you excrete minerals, but too

little probably decreases your kidneys ability to retain minerals.

I am not sure about this, so if anybody would like to comment on

this, that would be very helpful.

Hope this helps.

Also try adding salt to water a few times a day.

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Sorry to say, but it seems you do just have to experiment with

some of this stuff some times. At least you tried the ALA only, and

now you

know. How do you feel on just DMSA?-----------Jackie


I dont feel any better on it, I just feel lousy before chelation

and one step down with chelation. I think chelation is adding to it

but not the cause, def having arsenic, mercury, and prob more metals

is more of the cause. IT def has made my candida horrible and noq

doing the no sugar diet, no carbs, very lit fruit, 1-2 slow sugar ones

a day and lots of veggies. Flax crackers, alkalizing foods daily and

plenty of them. Protein also.I wonder too if the candida made worst

with the chelation is the cause of the last 2 months of decreased

energy and body aches etc. Thats why I am doing the diet , in the

past it has helped sooo much. I soo appreciate the help from everyone

in this room. I learned more here than with doctors and books etc.

This is the reality of being ill with heavy metals, the downs and the

ups of some people. Thanks Jackie .


> >

> > Ok room, I need some help here.

> > I just finished my 1st 4 day chelation round. Will not do that

> > again. MY temps today have been 97 at 7am to 94-95 most of the day.

> > Extreme tiredness and feeling quite depressed also. I am soo cold. I

> > am on 2 grains thyroid, 10 mg HC and about 16 mg ace. My doctor not

> > too happy to increase the dosage of the armour, he wants to see lab

> > work first. Hopefully can have lab work tomorrow and see him in

a few

> > days. What should I do take a month off chelation to help adrenals

> > and thyroid?

> >

> > -----------You'll have to be the judge of this, but chelation is

> stress on the body, and taking a little break might


> >

> >

> >

> > Lower the dose of dmsa or ala or both to 6mg but

> > continue to chelate?

> >

> > ----------I don't remember what dose you were on and for how long,

> but it's always ok to try lowering the dose and see how you do. But

> when its time to start another round, and if you're still feeling

> really rough, then I would take more time off. Some people do a 3 day

> on 11 day off schedule. Maybe you should try that?-----Jackie

> >

> >

> >

> > When I go to the md, regardless of the test , I

> > am too cold and need more armour? Increase the HC to 15 mg?

> >

> > -----------I guess I would increase HC before armour. Taking too

> much armour without enough adrenal support may make you worse. The HC

> might help your tiredness and possibly raise your temps. 10mg isn't

> very much.--------Jackie

> >

> >

> >

> > and or increase the ace to 2 doses of 16 mg?

> >

> > -------------What kind of ACE are you taking? This sounds like a

> very small dose, if you're talking about capsules. I have been taking

> about 500mg a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, and as much as

> 900mg a few times. If you tolerate the ACE well that you are taking

> now, then I would certainly try more to see if it helps.------Jackie

> >

> >

> >

> > I feel very discouraged, in the

> > 4 months chelating, its been like going downhill. I feel worse than

> > before, I just hope I moved some metals out. Anyway thanks for the

> help.

> >

> > ------------So you are 4 months post amalgam removal? Remember

> you may be entering the " hump " or period of time where you will

> naturally feel worse for awhile. See the graph on page 52 of AI. And

> remember, we have all had ups and downs during chelation, and it can

> be discouraging, but hang in there and keep working on things, and it

> will get better :)

> >

> > And it does seem like the stress of chelation often makes people's

> adrenal and thyroid problems worse, especially adrenals, so more

> adrenal support might be just what you need. Again, hang in there,

> there are better days ahead:)

> >

> > Jackie

> >

> >

> >

> >

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SO I should have the rt3 test and then see. I cant do b12 shots, has

some kind of stress response when I had a few of them, back a yr ago.

I am taking it orally. Is the ferritin a sep test also? Thanks ,

going to the doctor this week, so I need to really understand or ill

waste time and money. Also doing the body temps , is that accurate

enough or should I have a test, if so which one? THanks

> >

> > Stringworship,

> > I trully appreciate your help. I have questions for you though.

> > Regarding T3 alone, or T3 extended release , will lab work show no

> > progress on armour , or nat thyroid? Also will body temps not rise at

> > all if on the wrong thyroid med? I am trying to figure out if I need

> > more nat thyroid or if I am on the wrong type, how can I know this??

> > How does anything for adrenals make you feel? You stated you cant

> > take anything, how do you feel on it? THanks,

> > Vivian

> >


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If your doctor refuses to test RT3, you can get it done on your own

(one place is healthcheckusa) if you are in the US. The ferritin test

is described here:


but if you are mercury toxic, I don't think it is advisable to

supplement iron as it is a pro-oxidant. I think there was an earlier

post from Jackie about her ferritin rising by supplementing the

antioxidants that Cutler recommends for chelation.

These two threads give you some more information on RT3 testing and




there's lots more on 's yahoo group (she is valharley on

STTM): http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

I can't recommend NTH-adrenals enough for endocrine issues:


You can post your labs and symptoms there too and you'll get feedback.

The average temps are just a marker for if adrenals need more support.

A saliva test would give you more information on your actual cortisol

status through the day. All the adrenal tests are explained here:



> > >

> > > Stringworship,

> > > I trully appreciate your help. I have questions for you though.

> > > Regarding T3 alone, or T3 extended release , will lab work show no

> > > progress on armour , or nat thyroid? Also will body temps not

rise at

> > > all if on the wrong thyroid med? I am trying to figure out if I


> > > more nat thyroid or if I am on the wrong type, how can I know this??

> > > How does anything for adrenals make you feel? You stated you cant

> > > take anything, how do you feel on it? THanks,

> > > Vivian

> > >

> >


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Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if I have potassium intolerance but

I definitely have low blood pressure, so I'm thinking that aldosterone

would be counterproductive. I also take pregnenolone which is suppose

to help make a little more glucocorticoids & mineralcorticoids

(according to AI). Hopefully this discussion on thyroid tx will be

helpful - the adrenal problem is sure frustrating & problematic!!

> Dear Joy,


> I have the cold thing too. I definitely have adrenal fatigue.

> So I hope I can help you.


> First of all Joy, the adrenals don't only make cortisol(which

> you probably already know). You are already supplementing cortisol,

> but what about the mineralcorticoid Aldosterone?


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In frequent-dose-chelation joy480674 wrote:

Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if I have potassium intolerance but

I definitely have low blood pressure, so I'm thinking that aldosterone

would be counterproductive.

------------I'm still learning about all of this too, but I was reading a good

link last night about adrenals, and it talked about aldosterone too. It was

very long, so I didn't read it all, and certainly didn't absorb it all, but it

explains alot. And my understanding is that aldosterone helps control your

potassium/sodium balance in the body, and this gets messed up with adrenal

fatigue, and explains our need/craving for salt. And low blood pressure is a

sign of adrenal fatigue, and I believe salt is good for that. So you need to

avoid excess potassium and get more sodium, like drinking salt water. And I

think this is why ACE or adrenal glandulars help, because they supply more than

just cortisol, they help with the other hormones that the adrenal glands make

also. So for me, taking both HC and ACE has been more helpful than just taking

one of them alone. Anyway, here is the link, and the stuff about aldosterone is

near the end. http://tuberose.com/Adrenal_Glands.html


I also take pregnenolone which is suppose

to help make a little more glucocorticoids & mineralcorticoids

(according to AI). Hopefully this discussion on thyroid tx will be

helpful - the adrenal problem is sure frustrating & problematic!!

> Dear Joy,


> I have the cold thing too. I definitely have adrenal fatigue.

> So I hope I can help you.


> First of all Joy, the adrenals don't only make cortisol(which

> you probably already know). You are already supplementing cortisol,

> but what about the mineralcorticoid Aldosterone?


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Hi Joy,

I'm not very involved in this group, but I read the e-mails sometimes and this

time yours caught my eye.... First, I have problems with potassium, I have very

strange episodes at which time my potassium levels are almost always low at the

emergency room when I've gone in during these episodes....Next...My doctor who

is an M.D. but also a D.O. is very alternative minded and tested my saliva

cortisol(the 4x a day test) and my levels were very low, especially in the

morning, afternoon....Not even in range! I get very cold feet and had issues

since May 07 with even the ceiling fans in the heat of summer blowing on me, I

couldn't handle even the air blowing on me....I too get low blood pressure and

feel very weak at different periods throughout every day since May 07.... Do

you or anyone here have similar things going on? If I were to send through my

lab results in an email, would some of you be able to give me some direction or

personal opinions?



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Hi Joy,

I'm not very involved in this group, but I read the e-mails sometimes and this

time yours caught my eye.... First, I have problems with potassium, I have very

strange episodes at which time my potassium levels are almost always low at the

emergency room when I've gone in during these episodes....Next...My doctor who

is an M.D. but also a D.O. is very alternative minded and tested my saliva

cortisol(the 4x a day test) and my levels were very low, especially in the

morning, afternoon....Not even in range! I get very cold feet and had issues

since May 07 with even the ceiling fans in the heat of summer blowing on me, I

couldn't handle even the air blowing on me....I too get low blood pressure and

feel very weak at different periods throughout every day since May 07.... Do

you or anyone here have similar things going on? If I were to send through my

lab results in an email, would some of you be able to give me some direction or

personal opinions?



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> Hi Joy,


> I'm not very involved in this group, but I read the e-mails sometimes and

this time yours caught my eye.... First, I have problems with potassium, I have

very strange episodes at which time my potassium levels are almost always low at

the emergency room when I've gone in during these episodes....Next...My doctor

who is an M.D. but also a D.O. is very alternative minded and tested my saliva

cortisol(the 4x a day test) and my levels were very low, especially in the

morning, afternoon....Not even in range! I get very cold feet and had issues

since May 07 with even the ceiling fans in the heat of summer blowing on me, I

couldn't handle even the air blowing on me....I too get low blood pressure and

feel very weak at different periods throughout every day since May 07.... Do

you or anyone here have similar things going on? If I were to send through my

lab results in an email, would some of you be able to give me some direction or

personal opinions?

* Did this problem happen before or after you started chelation? There

is a circulation problem called " raynaurds " which is a disruption to

the blood flow to the extremities.


> Thanks

> Jonnie



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