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headaches and irritability is ALA the cause?

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i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at

night. i didnt take the last dose as i was in a rush to get out and

didnt count my dosages properly (Aspergers can cause distratibility).

i finished my meds at 10:30am on saturday. Its now 13:26pm on Monday

and ive got a headache and im a bit ratty.

As im a lady it could be PMT. But im wondering if ALA is the cause? i

plan to start again at 7am on Saturday and do 52 hours this time but

im unsure of the dosage?

The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.

Any ideas?


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----- Original Message -----

From: is


i did 48 hours of ALA

====>The very minimum duration of a course of chelators is 66 hours, 72 hours

being the best recommendation. Your symptoms could well be related to short

courses of Ala.

The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.

====>Did you vary the dosage amount during the round? This is not

recommended. Stick with the 12.5 every 3 hours during the day, every 4 at night

for at least 66 hours.

Any ideas?


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> ----- Original Message -----

> From: is


> Hello


> i did 48 hours of ALA


> ====>The very minimum duration of a course of chelators is 66 hours, 72 hours

being the best recommendation. Your symptoms could well be related to short

courses of Ala.

Any idea how long they are likely to last? i will do a 66hour course next time.




> The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.


> ====>Did you vary the dosage amount during the round? This is not

recommended. Stick with the 12.5 every 3 hours during the day, every 4 at night

for at least 66 hours.

The 1st day was hit and miss as i put one capsules contents into some

juice and shook it before each dose (1/8 of the bottle). Then i found

measuring out 12.5mg was difficult so i switched to 25mg. i will try

and keep to 25mg in future as im using 100mg capsules and dividing

into 8 is not easy even with the powder.




> Any ideas?


> is




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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:


i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at


-----------Like said, a minimum round should be 3 days, or closer to

72 hours long, not 48 hours. Also, some people do fine with the 3/4 hour

schedule, and some find they need to take ALA more frequently, like every 2 to

2-1/2 hours, or they have to stay at 3 hours at night, they can't stretch it out

to 4 hours. That kind of stuff just takes some experimenting. Does it feel

like it's wearing off before you take the next dose? That's a sign that you

should dose more frequently.---------Jackie

i didnt take the last dose as i was in a rush to get out and

didnt count my dosages properly (Aspergers can cause distratibility).

i finished my meds at 10:30am on saturday. Its now 13:26pm on Monday

and ive got a headache and im a bit ratty.

-----------Some end of round symptoms is normal, and you'll have to be the

judge of how bad they are. If they are more than you would like, then you

should experiment with making sure your round is 3 days long, possibly take the

ALA more frequently, and/or lowering the dose. Once you find the right dose and

timing *for you*, then end of round symptoms shouldn't be too


As im a lady it could be PMT. But im wondering if ALA is the cause?

-----------Symptoms at the end of a round is very common and is confirmation

of toxicity, so it is very likely that ALA is the cause.----------Jackie


plan to start again at 7am on Saturday and do 52 hours this time but

im unsure of the dosage?

----------Is there any reason you couldn't start on Friday to get more hours

in, and make it closer to 3 full days?----------Jackie

The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.

------------Again, as said, you shouldn't be changing your dosage

during the round. This could have been the cause of your symptoms also. I'm

guessing this was maybe your first round? It would be best to stick with 12.5mg

then, if you are just starting out, and get your timing and length of rounds

ironed out, and to get an idea of how you feel on ALA, especially after the


Any ideas?

------------I think you're new here, right? So I have some questions for you.

You have had all of your mercury amalgams removed, right? Because you should

not be using any chelators until you have. Also, you're not supposed to use ALA

until 3 months or more after all amalgams have been removed, so I hope you

waited before trying it. You can use DMSA or DMPS sooner. And some use one of

those in combination with the ALA. For some, using DMSA with ALA, reduces end

of round side effects. Others do fine or better on just ALA alone, so it just

takes some experimenting.

Also, do you have Andy's book Amalgam Illness? And are you taking the

recommended supplements? Very important during chelation.

And there is lots of information in the links and files section of this group,

so I suggest you spend some time reading there, especially maybe TK's general

recommendations for chelation.

Also have you had a hair test? How did you determine you are mercury toxic?

A hair test can be very helpful and informative, and point to problems with

other metals besides mercury, and possible blood sugar, adrenal, and thyroid

problems too.

So please do some reading and ask alot of questions to make sure you really

understand this chelation protocol, because we want to see you get better, not

make yourself worse! Good luck------------Jackie


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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: is


> Hello


> i did 48 hours of ALA


> ====>The very minimum duration of a course of chelators is 66 hours, 72

hours being the best recommendation. Your symptoms could well be related to

short courses of Ala.

Any idea how long they are likely to last?

-----------Really hard to say. If chelation is done correctly, end of round

symptoms should only last a day or two. Hopefully yours will start to go


i will do a 66hour course next time.





> The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.


> ====>Did you vary the dosage amount during the round? This is not

recommended. Stick with the 12.5 every 3 hours during the day, every 4 at night

for at least 66 hours.

The 1st day was hit and miss as i put one capsules contents into some

juice and shook it before each dose (1/8 of the bottle). Then i found

measuring out 12.5mg was difficult so i switched to 25mg. i will try

and keep to 25mg in future as im using 100mg capsules and dividing

into 8 is not easy even with the powder.

-------------If you felt ok on 25mg, then that is fine, but many people find

that dose to be too high to start out with. Once again, that takes some

experimentation on your part, to find the dose you feel best at, and to make

sure you can handle the end of round symptoms. Also, 25mg capsules are

available at Kirkman's, so dividing that capsule in half isn't that hard.



The reason you want to keep your dose the same and the time in between the

doses the same is so that you keep a fairly constant level of chelator in your

blood, so there is a net movement of metals out of your body, instead of

redistributing it to other parts of your body, but the level fluctuating too

much. This is the core principle to Andy's chelation protocol.-----------Jackie



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> In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:


> Hello


> i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at

> night.



> -----------Like said, a minimum round should be 3 days, or closer to

72 hours long, not 48 hours.

*I have been told on an autism mercury list that 52 hours is enough

for ALA. (im not trying to be difficult here im just trying to get

things straight in my head). i am unable to work to 72 hours as i have

a 13 hour day at college/high school on Monday and my last lesson the

week before is 2-3:15pm.

Also, some people do fine with the 3/4 hour schedule, and some find

they need to take ALA more frequently, like every 2 to 2-1/2 hours, or

they have to stay at 3 hours at night, they can't stretch it out to 4

hours. That kind of stuff just takes some experimenting. Does it

feel like it's wearing off before you take the next dose? That's a

sign that you should dose more frequently.

* It was only my 1st round so its hard to tell what effects im

feeling. All i know is that my sight is better and fluorescent

lighting is easier to tolerate on sunday (day after chelation ends). i

can read road signs easier and ambulances with blues and twos dont

give me migraines anymore.






> i didnt take the last dose as i was in a rush to get out and

> didnt count my dosages properly (Aspergers can cause distratibility).

> i finished my meds at 10:30am on saturday. Its now 13:26pm on Monday

> and ive got a headache and im a bit ratty.



> -----------Some end of round symptoms is normal, and you'll have to be the

judge of how bad they are. If they are more than you would like, then you

should experiment with making sure your round is 3 days long, possibly take the

ALA more frequently, and/or lowering the dose. Once you find the right dose and

timing *for you*, then end of round symptoms shouldn't be too bad.-

* thanks for the reassurance there






> As im a lady it could be PMT. But im wondering if ALA is the cause?



> -----------Symptoms at the end of a round is very common and is confirmation

of toxicity, so it is very likely that ALA is the cause. ---------Jackie






> i

> plan to start again at 7am on Saturday and do 52 hours this time but

> im unsure of the dosage?



> ----------Is there any reason you couldn't start on Friday to get more hours

in, and make it closer to 3 full days?----------Jackie

* im staying at a friends bedsit (friday evening) and dont wish to

wake him up when the alarm goes off to take my chelation meds. i can

only stay over friday as hes at college all week.


> The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.



> ------------Again, as said, you shouldn't be changing your dosage

during the round. This could have been the cause of your symptoms also. I'm

guessing this was maybe your first round? It would be best to stick with 12.5mg

then, if you are just starting out, and get your timing and length of rounds

ironed out, and to get an idea of how you feel on ALA, especially after the


* The problem with 12.5mg is that i have 100mg capsules that need to

be split into 8 parts. This is hard to get the dosage right. i might

be able to manage 1/6 of a capsule which is 16mg approx.




> Any ideas?


> ------------I think you're new here, right? So I have some questions for

you. You have had all of your mercury amalgams removed, right? Because you

should not be using any chelators until you have. Also, you're not supposed to

use ALA until 3 months or more after all amalgams have been removed, so I hope

you waited before trying it.

*ive never had amalgams. i asked my mum and she tells me ive never had

fillings. i will check again by phoning my dentist tommorrow. (would

they tell me if i asked about amalgams?)

You can use DMSA or DMPS sooner. And some use one of those in

combination with the ALA. For some, using DMSA with ALA, reduces end

of round side effects. Others do fine or better on just ALA alone, so

it just takes some experimenting.

*i cannot afford the expensive tests that go with other chelators so

im using the " no doctor needed " ALA instead.


> Also, do you have Andy's book Amalgam Illness? And are you taking the

recommended supplements? Very important during chelation.

* i have access to some chelation literature including the cutler

protocol. i am taking supplements including selenium and zinc to

balance out the copper increase during chelation.


> And there is lots of information in the links and files section of this

group, so I suggest you spend some time reading there, especially maybe TK's

general recommendations for chelation.

*ok will do thanks 4 that.


> Also have you had a hair test? How did you determine you are mercury toxic?

A hair test can be very helpful and informative, and point to problems with

other metals besides mercury, and possible blood sugar, adrenal, and thyroid

problems too.

*i havent had a hair test as ive had conflicting advice on how to do

one. Does anyone know of a home test i could do with clear

instructions on how to do it? i have aspergers syndrome/autism,

fibromyalgia, food allergies, sensory problems, dyslexia and motor

coordination problems.


> So please do some reading and ask alot of questions to make sure you really

understand this chelation protocol, because we want to see you get better, not

make yourself worse!

*one question is, do we have to stop chealation due to

virus/bacteria/yeast overgrowth? If so why?

Good luck------------Jackie

* thanks for your help

> is

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Hello Jackie

(message clipped to make it clearer)


> -------------If you felt ok on 25mg, then that is fine, but many people find

that dose to be too high to start out with. Once again, that takes some

experimentation on your part, to find the dose you feel best at, and to make

sure you can handle the end of round symptoms. Also, 25mg capsules are

available at Kirkman's, so dividing that capsule in half isn't that hard.



*so like any regular medicine, your body has to adjust gradually to the dosage?


> The reason you want to keep your dose the same and the time in between the

doses the same is so that you keep a fairly constant level of chelator in your

blood, so there is a net movement of metals out of your body, instead of

redistributing it to other parts of your body, but the level fluctuating too

much. This is the core principle to Andy's chelation protocol.



*Ps are there any supplements/OTC medicines that should NOT be taken

with chelators? im on antifungals for a nail infection and probiotics

to prevent yeast buildup.


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> --- is,


> Kirkman labs has 25 mg doses so you could just divide that in 2. 25mg

> seems a lot to start with. Everyone is different, I started with 6 mg.

Im in the uk and dont have a credit card. Do smaller capsules cost more?


> Colette



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I don't think 2-day rounds are recommended by Cutler due to potential

psychiatric symptoms. Here are his previous posts on the length of rounds:



> >

> > Hello

> >

> > i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4

hours at

> > night.

> >

> >

> > -----------Like said, a minimum round should be 3 days,

or closer to 72 hours long, not 48 hours.


> *I have been told on an autism mercury list that 52 hours is enough

> for ALA. (im not trying to be difficult here im just trying to get

> things straight in my head). i am unable to work to 72 hours as i have

> a 13 hour day at college/high school on Monday and my last lesson the

> week before is 2-3:15pm.


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I don't think 2-day rounds are recommended by Cutler due to potential

psychiatric symptoms. Here are his previous posts on the length of rounds:



> >

> > Hello

> >

> > i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4

hours at

> > night.

> >

> >

> > -----------Like said, a minimum round should be 3 days,

or closer to 72 hours long, not 48 hours.


> *I have been told on an autism mercury list that 52 hours is enough

> for ALA. (im not trying to be difficult here im just trying to get

> things straight in my head). i am unable to work to 72 hours as i have

> a 13 hour day at college/high school on Monday and my last lesson the

> week before is 2-3:15pm.


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I don't think 2-day rounds are recommended by Cutler due to potential

psychiatric symptoms. Here are his previous posts on the length of rounds:



> >

> > Hello

> >

> > i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4

hours at

> > night.

> >

> >

> > -----------Like said, a minimum round should be 3 days,

or closer to 72 hours long, not 48 hours.


> *I have been told on an autism mercury list that 52 hours is enough

> for ALA. (im not trying to be difficult here im just trying to get

> things straight in my head). i am unable to work to 72 hours as i have

> a 13 hour day at college/high school on Monday and my last lesson the

> week before is 2-3:15pm.


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is, my experience with ALA prior to learning about frequent dose

chelation always led to a disabling, vise-grip like sinus area

headache after a day or two, which kept me from using it.

Now with frequent dosing (very low amounts of ALA - 6mg, although

I'm able to increase it next round), a very typical pattern

happens. I feel great the first day, most of the 2nd, but by that

night a mild version of that 'sinus' area headache sets in and I

don't get sleepy at night as I should. The 3rd day my mind is only

able to focus on one thing (going off on tangents), but the headache

is gone. Isomnia continues. If willing, I try to push the ALA

through that night, but perhaps it's not a good idea at that point.

My experience with trying to go through the next day results in

extreme irritability & intolerance of everything, loss of

coordination, etc., so I don't push it. Instead, I stay on DMSA,

but my mind is pretty vacant; no thoughts seem to stick at all. The

next (4th) morning, off round, concentration is returning, but I'm

more physically fatigued & achy/fibromyalgic than usual. After

three days I'm ready to start a round again.

I take a higher proportion of DMSA (50 mg), which I really don't

noticeably react to, because ALA brings such a strong reaction. My

blood tests show an extremely high immune reaction to Hg. I don't

know if the worsening achiness/fatigue result from freed-up Hg in

the bloodstream, the immune reaction, or both, but taking ALA alone

is intolerable due to the headaches & irritability. On ALA alone,

my rounds would have to end before 48 hrs.

If you start to see a trend, you can hopefully schedule your life

around days that you know you won't function well.

Best wishes,



> Hello


> i did 48 hours of ALA following 3 hours during the day and 4 hours


> night. i didnt take the last dose as i was in a rush to get out and

> didnt count my dosages properly (Aspergers can cause


> i finished my meds at 10:30am on saturday. Its now 13:26pm on


> and ive got a headache and im a bit ratty.


> As im a lady it could be PMT. But im wondering if ALA is the

cause? i

> plan to start again at 7am on Saturday and do 52 hours this time


> im unsure of the dosage?


> The least i took was 12.5mg, the most being 25mg.


> Any ideas?


> is


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