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Report of the first three DMSA rounds

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I have finished the third DMSA round: 4 days + 4 nights at 12.5mg of

DMSA each three hours. The only side effect was that my usual too

frequent urination changes to extremely frequent urination (about each

two or three hours, day and night).

The first and second rounds (3 days + 3 nights at 12.5mg, each four

hours at the begging and each three hours very soon) were similar but

I had a few hours of feeling spacey, brain fog and feeling angry

without apparent reason. This is what made me reduce the timing from

three to two hours.

I am on Vit. C, B50, E, B12, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, chromium

picolinate, milk thistle, licorice, hydergine, flax oil and borrage

oil. Overall I feel pretty well. Many of the problems I had when

started supplementation have disappeared or alleviated a lot: fatigue,

coldness, very frequent infections, muscular pain, constant brain fog,


The remaining problems are:

- when I try a serious, hard intellectual effort (like studying

something new or trying to solve a math problem) my brain easily shuts

down and brain fog comes back. However, I am able to read simple

(non-math) things, go for a walk, chat with friends or teach simple

stuff I know very well for years.

- Cold weather is still difficult for me and I improve considerably

when outside temperature increases a little bit.

- I have started to gain weight. I am far from being fat but I have

gained more that a 10% of weight. I am controlling it through the diet

since years ago I was really fat and don't want to come back to that.

I have planned to try CoQ10, B6, DHEA, pregnenolone and acetyl

L-carnitine. Maybe next round I will be five days ON and perhaps I

will also try 25mg DMSA.

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