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Re: Proof that ALA chelates metals, anyone? + Alternate OTC DMPS/DMSA? -

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Barb. This has been thoroughly discussed. What you need to do is go

back in the archives and dig. You might get started here:


I don't know your case, but how did you diagnose mercury toxicity in

your daughter? How did you diagnose lead toxicity in yourself?

I am sure you are aware that you should expect that there should be a

long period of things getting worse, after the initial, short, phase of

improvement. And, in your case, if you are indeed dealing with lead, as

someone has just pointed out on this list, you should expect slow

gradual improvement, rather than anything immediately noticeable.

Also, notice that DMPS _will not do anything for lead_! So, you do not

want to switch chelator. You are going to have to find a way to improve

the situation with DMSA. I would suggest mixing it with juice, so it

will go down easier. If lead is the real problem you are dealing with,

then you don't need to chelate more than 3 days a month.

And do you have a really good reason to do TD-DMPS with your daughter,

rather than oral?

Finally, be aware that most of the people doing this stuff are toxic

themselves. It is important to learn how to recognize what that means

and understand what kind of behavior you should expect. Apply that kind

of cautionary principle, particularly to any new doctor you may be

considering for advice.



Posted by: " barb_reaching_out " barb43230@...



barb_reaching_out http://profiles.yahoo.com/barb_reaching_out>

Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:27 pm (PDT)

At long last we were able to get " into " Bradstreet's practice to see if

he could review our

PDD daughter's case and he mentioned that ALA only had one (or at most a

few) studies

showing inconclusive at best data that ALA could chelate mercury or lead

at all. I had

been taking ALA oral for my adult Asperger's issues along with her, to

whom I'm giving TD

ALA and DMPS. While I'm very sold on giving chelators at low and

frequent doses, I was

suddenly aware that I had not tested whether ALA on her or me by itself

showed a result,

and don't recall seeing much if anything happen when either of us do ALA

by itself (as

happens when she runs out of DMPS and we are awaiting our prescription

by mail).

Does anyone who uses ALA by itself oral or TD on themselves or their

child show that, for

example in a urine toxic metals test, you show more coming out than if

no chelator is

used? Andy, if you're listening, how did you conclude that ALA was a


chelator as you have said? Is this a purely theoretical (chemical

engineering) or tested in

the field, and if so, how? My daughter showed a burst of improvement on

DMPS and I did

on DMSA, and then we both were plateauing and then I added ALA to her

regime and

discontinued DMSA entirely, thinking that ALA could suffice, but haven't

noticed anything

really improving while ALA was added/substituted.

By the way, I have the lead problem primarily, my daughter seems to have


poisoning, primarily. I am awaiting a doctor's appointment to start

trying to take DMPS

oral, because VRP DMSA has been " sticking in my throat " during night

dosing, requiring

excessive drinking and time awake to wash down, and contributing to

further sleep

disruption because of needing to use the bathroom sometimes additional

times in

addition to waking to take doses. If anyone can get DMPS over the

counter or DMSA OTC

that is not from VRP, let me know.


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