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It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.

8 years ago I had dental work done... my house burned down at the same

time and the docs thought I was depressed/anxious. I was put me on

Paxil, Ativan, Buspar, Effexor, Zoloft and god knows what else. I let

all that go because it made me a zombie. Something was not right.

If this is how life is suppose to feel... I have been suffering for a

long time. The only time I have felt this feeling is briefly after

exercise and its short lived. I am going to wait a few months before

I start the DMSA. And just get a lot of sweating in first. This is

something I have not experienced in years. I should have just done

this in the first place. Life is too good and I want to enjoy this

before taking on the hell that DMSA may bring on. If its only going

to get better... then > Wow < . Thanks a lot for the list and being

here guys. I have not had a worthy test done yet. I was going on

symptoms from you guys here a lone. It was pretty black and blue.

My cousin committed suicide 4 years ago. Out of the blue. Nobody

understood why. He was not like that... was always happy. He had

dental work done shortly before. About 10 amalgams I believe. Now I

wonder if mercury was making him suffer. I'll never know... but...you

know I am gonna question the mercury.

Here is my DAILY regime for the past year in case your curious... Some

of these things I let go of recently...

- 15 minutes of sunlight when it was warm

- Rebounding/trampoline

- Yoga

- Exercise - elliptical plus lots of thick clothing to sweat while

continually rubbing sweat from my body with a clean tower(no

detergents - use borax + oxyclean + baking soda).

- clean water, bottled or using the aqua sauna filter if i have to use

tap. Getting a distiller soon and will add minerals.

- Filtered shower head with 20 minute hot/cold flash showers.

- D - 1k-3k through the day

- 10-20 grams - Ascorbic Acid twice daily with no food/drink

- 800 Mg of Mag + a pitch of Epsom

- 300 mg Calcium

- I have took Milk Thistle 3x daily for 2 years

- Caprylic Acid on/off for Candida

- GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.

- Copper on/off - not sure if this helped me. I never isolated just

taking copper alone. The 300 cap bottle is still 1/3 full and I got

it a year ago.

- Coffee(errrr, yes daily, sucked), following a potassium supplement.

(I eat a lot of beans too)

- Bentonite and Psyllium shakes - I can't stress this enough... That

mucoid plaque was gross. Get the mucoid plaque out. I read that the

clay is magnetic and binds. That pathway needs to be cleared.

Unfortunately I have to cut back on supplements when doing this stuff

because your window gets quite short. I do this before anything in

the mourning and wait 2 hours before I take ascorbic acid so it doesnt

suck it up. Then after 2 more hours I take the mag+d+cal. I skip

breakfast. I also notice my liver squirting often while taking the

shakes and skipping breakfast. This will make you a little tired and

the fiber will cost you energy.

I also did a lot of meditation until I took MSM. MSM made me worse.

I had also been taking lots of Flax which I noticed had ALA in it.

Meditation became something unpleasant. This was before I knew about

the dangers...Also I threw a few other things into the mix here and

there. But these are the things I felt were most effective. Lastly,

I have maintained a good diet for most of my life. I always listened

to my grandmother... as dorky as that sounds. I gave up sugar water

at around 15 because I didn't like how it made my teeth feel. My

grandmother told me not to get amalgams because of the mercury. I

didn't know the degree of this of course. I told the dentist this and

I remember he looked at me very frustrated. I actually did not know

what I was getting. I was only 18 and my mom forked the bill out from

our insurance money. But I did say no silver and I got

silver/mercury. I let myself get beat there...

I'm not going into my food diet but its pretty strict and long.

Thanks everybody, I know im not cured yet because its not even been a

month. But this is DEFINITELY good enough to live a wonderful life!

I hope this is here to stay :) because this is good enough to say

cured in my book.

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> - 800 Mg of Mag + a pitch of Epsom

> - 300 mg Calcium


Don't take Epsom salts near calcium suppplements as it will form Calcium

Sulfate which is insoluble.

> - GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

> chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.

Probably because you have a fast liver phase 1 and slow liver phase 2 and

GSE modulates this for you:


> - Copper on/off - not sure if this helped me. I never isolated just

> taking copper alone. The 300 cap bottle is still 1/3 full and I got

> it a year ago.

As far as I know Andy does not suggest any copper for mercury toxic people?

> I had also been taking lots of Flax which I noticed had ALA in it.

The ALA in Flax is different. It is a fatty acid called Alpha Linolenic


It is not the same as the Anti-oxidant and chelator Alpha Lipoic Acid.

> Meditation became something unpleasant. This was before I knew about

> the dangers...

The dangers of what?

> Thanks everybody, I know im not cured yet because its not even been a

> month. But this is DEFINITELY good enough to live a wonderful life!

> I hope this is here to stay :) because this is good enough to say

> cured in my book.

That is great to hear. Don't forget to chelate in case the honey moon goes.

If you are using low enough doses of DMSA you should expect no hell.


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> - 800 Mg of Mag + a pitch of Epsom

> - 300 mg Calcium


Don't take Epsom salts near calcium suppplements as it will form Calcium

Sulfate which is insoluble.

> - GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

> chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.

Probably because you have a fast liver phase 1 and slow liver phase 2 and

GSE modulates this for you:


> - Copper on/off - not sure if this helped me. I never isolated just

> taking copper alone. The 300 cap bottle is still 1/3 full and I got

> it a year ago.

As far as I know Andy does not suggest any copper for mercury toxic people?

> I had also been taking lots of Flax which I noticed had ALA in it.

The ALA in Flax is different. It is a fatty acid called Alpha Linolenic


It is not the same as the Anti-oxidant and chelator Alpha Lipoic Acid.

> Meditation became something unpleasant. This was before I knew about

> the dangers...

The dangers of what?

> Thanks everybody, I know im not cured yet because its not even been a

> month. But this is DEFINITELY good enough to live a wonderful life!

> I hope this is here to stay :) because this is good enough to say

> cured in my book.

That is great to hear. Don't forget to chelate in case the honey moon goes.

If you are using low enough doses of DMSA you should expect no hell.


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> My cousin committed suicide 4 years ago. Out of the blue. Nobody

> understood why. He was not like that... was always happy. He had

> dental work done shortly before. About 10 amalgams I believe. Now I

> wonder if mercury was making him suffer. I'll never know... but...you

> know I am gonna question the mercury.

90% of people who commit suicide are depressed. Andy says 95% of all

people with serious depression are mercury poisoned....

It's not unlikely that mercury made him do this.

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> My cousin committed suicide 4 years ago. Out of the blue. Nobody

> understood why. He was not like that... was always happy. He had

> dental work done shortly before. About 10 amalgams I believe. Now I

> wonder if mercury was making him suffer. I'll never know... but...you

> know I am gonna question the mercury.

90% of people who commit suicide are depressed. Andy says 95% of all

people with serious depression are mercury poisoned....

It's not unlikely that mercury made him do this.

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> It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

> been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.


This is the normal pattern after amalgam removal - there is a feel

good period at about the one month point.

At about 3 months this can turn to a feel not so good point. The best

thing to do to keep yourself feeling as good as possible is to start

chelating appropriately NOW, so that chelation will help you through

the possible " roller coaster ride " that might be on it's way.

> 8 years ago I had dental work done... my house burned down at the same

> time and the docs thought I was depressed/anxious. I was put me on

> Paxil, Ativan, Buspar, Effexor, Zoloft and god knows what else. I let

> all that go because it made me a zombie. Something was not right.


> If this is how life is suppose to feel... I have been suffering for a

> long time. The only time I have felt this feeling is briefly after

> exercise and its short lived.

>I am going to wait a few months before

> I start the DMSA. And just get a lot of sweating in first. This is

> something I have not experienced in years. I should have just done

> this in the first place.

>Life is too good and I want to enjoy this

> before taking on the hell that DMSA may bring on.

I think that you may be misunderstanding what chelation can be like.

When people use chelators inappropriately, like DMPS IVs, DMSA or ALA

once a day, then, yes it can be hell.

When chelators are used appropriately at the right doses for the

individual, chelation is comfortable. With Andy's protocol, the side

effects are minimal, and if there are side effects that are anything

more than comfortable it is an indication that the dose is too high.

A person can manipulate the dose down to the point where they get no

side effects if they want.

For me, I feel way better while taking DMPS and much worse when I

stop, so prefer chelating. I spent a year on the roller coaster after

amalgam removal, and realize now that if I had only understood proper

chelation back then I could have saved myself a lot of misery.


If its only going

> to get better... then > Wow < . Thanks a lot for the list and being

> here guys. I have not had a worthy test done yet. I was going on

> symptoms from you guys here a lone. It was pretty black and blue.


> My cousin committed suicide 4 years ago. Out of the blue. Nobody

> understood why. He was not like that... was always happy. He had

> dental work done shortly before. About 10 amalgams I believe. Now I

> wonder if mercury was making him suffer. I'll never know... but...you

> know I am gonna question the mercury.





> Here is my DAILY regime for the past year in case your curious... Some

> of these things I let go of recently...




> - 15 minutes of sunlight when it was warm


> - Rebounding/trampoline


> - Yoga


> - Exercise - elliptical plus lots of thick clothing to sweat while

> continually rubbing sweat from my body with a clean tower(no

> detergents - use borax + oxyclean + baking soda).


> - clean water, bottled or using the aqua sauna filter if i have to use

> tap. Getting a distiller soon and will add minerals.


> - Filtered shower head with 20 minute hot/cold flash showers.


> - D - 1k-3k through the day


> - 10-20 grams - Ascorbic Acid twice daily with no food/drink


> - 800 Mg of Mag + a pitch of Epsom


> - 300 mg Calcium


> - I have took Milk Thistle 3x daily for 2 years


> - Caprylic Acid on/off for Candida


> - GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

> chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.


> - Copper on/off - not sure if this helped me. I never isolated just

> taking copper alone. The 300 cap bottle is still 1/3 full and I got

> it a year ago.


> - Coffee(errrr, yes daily, sucked), following a potassium supplement.

> (I eat a lot of beans too)


> - Bentonite and Psyllium shakes - I can't stress this enough... That

> mucoid plaque was gross. Get the mucoid plaque out. I read that the

> clay is magnetic and binds. That pathway needs to be cleared.

> Unfortunately I have to cut back on supplements when doing this stuff

> because your window gets quite short. I do this before anything in

> the mourning and wait 2 hours before I take ascorbic acid so it doesnt

> suck it up. Then after 2 more hours I take the mag+d+cal. I skip

> breakfast. I also notice my liver squirting often while taking the

> shakes and skipping breakfast. This will make you a little tired and

> the fiber will cost you energy.


> I also did a lot of meditation until I took MSM. MSM made me worse.

> I had also been taking lots of Flax which I noticed had ALA in it.

> Meditation became something unpleasant. This was before I knew about

> the dangers...Also I threw a few other things into the mix here and

> there. But these are the things I felt were most effective. Lastly,

> I have maintained a good diet for most of my life. I always listened

> to my grandmother... as dorky as that sounds. I gave up sugar water

> at around 15 because I didn't like how it made my teeth feel. My

> grandmother told me not to get amalgams because of the mercury. I

> didn't know the degree of this of course. I told the dentist this and

> I remember he looked at me very frustrated. I actually did not know

> what I was getting. I was only 18 and my mom forked the bill out from

> our insurance money. But I did say no silver and I got

> silver/mercury. I let myself get beat there...


> I'm not going into my food diet but its pretty strict and long.


> Thanks everybody, I know im not cured yet because its not even been a

> month. But this is DEFINITELY good enough to live a wonderful life!

> I hope this is here to stay :) because this is good enough to say

> cured in my book.


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> It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

> been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.


This is the normal pattern after amalgam removal - there is a feel

good period at about the one month point.

At about 3 months this can turn to a feel not so good point. The best

thing to do to keep yourself feeling as good as possible is to start

chelating appropriately NOW, so that chelation will help you through

the possible " roller coaster ride " that might be on it's way.

> 8 years ago I had dental work done... my house burned down at the same

> time and the docs thought I was depressed/anxious. I was put me on

> Paxil, Ativan, Buspar, Effexor, Zoloft and god knows what else. I let

> all that go because it made me a zombie. Something was not right.


> If this is how life is suppose to feel... I have been suffering for a

> long time. The only time I have felt this feeling is briefly after

> exercise and its short lived.

>I am going to wait a few months before

> I start the DMSA. And just get a lot of sweating in first. This is

> something I have not experienced in years. I should have just done

> this in the first place.

>Life is too good and I want to enjoy this

> before taking on the hell that DMSA may bring on.

I think that you may be misunderstanding what chelation can be like.

When people use chelators inappropriately, like DMPS IVs, DMSA or ALA

once a day, then, yes it can be hell.

When chelators are used appropriately at the right doses for the

individual, chelation is comfortable. With Andy's protocol, the side

effects are minimal, and if there are side effects that are anything

more than comfortable it is an indication that the dose is too high.

A person can manipulate the dose down to the point where they get no

side effects if they want.

For me, I feel way better while taking DMPS and much worse when I

stop, so prefer chelating. I spent a year on the roller coaster after

amalgam removal, and realize now that if I had only understood proper

chelation back then I could have saved myself a lot of misery.


If its only going

> to get better... then > Wow < . Thanks a lot for the list and being

> here guys. I have not had a worthy test done yet. I was going on

> symptoms from you guys here a lone. It was pretty black and blue.


> My cousin committed suicide 4 years ago. Out of the blue. Nobody

> understood why. He was not like that... was always happy. He had

> dental work done shortly before. About 10 amalgams I believe. Now I

> wonder if mercury was making him suffer. I'll never know... but...you

> know I am gonna question the mercury.





> Here is my DAILY regime for the past year in case your curious... Some

> of these things I let go of recently...




> - 15 minutes of sunlight when it was warm


> - Rebounding/trampoline


> - Yoga


> - Exercise - elliptical plus lots of thick clothing to sweat while

> continually rubbing sweat from my body with a clean tower(no

> detergents - use borax + oxyclean + baking soda).


> - clean water, bottled or using the aqua sauna filter if i have to use

> tap. Getting a distiller soon and will add minerals.


> - Filtered shower head with 20 minute hot/cold flash showers.


> - D - 1k-3k through the day


> - 10-20 grams - Ascorbic Acid twice daily with no food/drink


> - 800 Mg of Mag + a pitch of Epsom


> - 300 mg Calcium


> - I have took Milk Thistle 3x daily for 2 years


> - Caprylic Acid on/off for Candida


> - GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

> chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.


> - Copper on/off - not sure if this helped me. I never isolated just

> taking copper alone. The 300 cap bottle is still 1/3 full and I got

> it a year ago.


> - Coffee(errrr, yes daily, sucked), following a potassium supplement.

> (I eat a lot of beans too)


> - Bentonite and Psyllium shakes - I can't stress this enough... That

> mucoid plaque was gross. Get the mucoid plaque out. I read that the

> clay is magnetic and binds. That pathway needs to be cleared.

> Unfortunately I have to cut back on supplements when doing this stuff

> because your window gets quite short. I do this before anything in

> the mourning and wait 2 hours before I take ascorbic acid so it doesnt

> suck it up. Then after 2 more hours I take the mag+d+cal. I skip

> breakfast. I also notice my liver squirting often while taking the

> shakes and skipping breakfast. This will make you a little tired and

> the fiber will cost you energy.


> I also did a lot of meditation until I took MSM. MSM made me worse.

> I had also been taking lots of Flax which I noticed had ALA in it.

> Meditation became something unpleasant. This was before I knew about

> the dangers...Also I threw a few other things into the mix here and

> there. But these are the things I felt were most effective. Lastly,

> I have maintained a good diet for most of my life. I always listened

> to my grandmother... as dorky as that sounds. I gave up sugar water

> at around 15 because I didn't like how it made my teeth feel. My

> grandmother told me not to get amalgams because of the mercury. I

> didn't know the degree of this of course. I told the dentist this and

> I remember he looked at me very frustrated. I actually did not know

> what I was getting. I was only 18 and my mom forked the bill out from

> our insurance money. But I did say no silver and I got

> silver/mercury. I let myself get beat there...


> I'm not going into my food diet but its pretty strict and long.


> Thanks everybody, I know im not cured yet because its not even been a

> month. But this is DEFINITELY good enough to live a wonderful life!

> I hope this is here to stay :) because this is good enough to say

> cured in my book.


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> It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

> been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.

That's not too surprising, I felt better the very day I got my last

crown redone at age 43. Like a fog had lifted. I ate my first meal

without breathing/absorbing mercury gases since I was 4 years old! I

did feel the difference and it WAS literally in my head! I started

having colored dreams within 2 or 3 nights, first time in many, many


Debbie in NE Texas

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> It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

> been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.

That's not too surprising, I felt better the very day I got my last

crown redone at age 43. Like a fog had lifted. I ate my first meal

without breathing/absorbing mercury gases since I was 4 years old! I

did feel the difference and it WAS literally in my head! I started

having colored dreams within 2 or 3 nights, first time in many, many


Debbie in NE Texas

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> >

> > It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This week has

> > been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> > when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.



Some of the problem is due to oral galvanism which is due to

affect of the electrical component of the metals in our

mouth. My jaw felt great after all removal, and I noticed a

differnce with removal of my gold crown.. I and my freinds

with similar problems all notice how electrical and magnetic

things affect us.. I got soooo ill after an MRI ,magnetic

resonance , for a scan of my brain, and adrenal...... I finally

found a homeopathic.. called homeopathic phosphurus to help me

with my third MRI>...


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Josh, I just wanted to point out that, in my opinion, when such immediate

results are experienced after amalgam removal, it has little/nothing to do with

the mercury factor. As evidenced by what it takes for mercury to be removed

from the body, simply removing the source, doesn't remove the mercury or the

damage it's done to the body. It has always been my feeling that immediate

improvements are due to the removal of the electrical current and its effect on

the brain and body. : Donna

>>Josh wrote: It has not even been a month yet since the removal... This

week has

>>been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

>>when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.

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Josh - Glad you're feeling good!

Just a cautionary note. The GSE can kill everything in your gut, not

just the candida. So, you might want to be a bit careful of that. I

mean, you do need your gut bugs. Perhaps a different yeast protocol?

And take probiotics.


(PS - I see Dean thinks this might be helping balance the liver detox

mechanisms. I understand from Andy that grapefruit does this, though

I'm not sure about GSE. In any case, if that's what it's doing, then

you could replace the GSE by some grapefruit every day. Oh, and Ya - I

second Dean on staying away from the copper. You get enough in your food.)

Posted by: " Josh Hulgan " neautika@...

neautika@...?Subject=%20Re%3AWow> dazflux


Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:52 pm (PDT)


- GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.


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Josh - Glad you're feeling good!

Just a cautionary note. The GSE can kill everything in your gut, not

just the candida. So, you might want to be a bit careful of that. I

mean, you do need your gut bugs. Perhaps a different yeast protocol?

And take probiotics.


(PS - I see Dean thinks this might be helping balance the liver detox

mechanisms. I understand from Andy that grapefruit does this, though

I'm not sure about GSE. In any case, if that's what it's doing, then

you could replace the GSE by some grapefruit every day. Oh, and Ya - I

second Dean on staying away from the copper. You get enough in your food.)

Posted by: " Josh Hulgan " neautika@...

neautika@...?Subject=%20Re%3AWow> dazflux


Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:52 pm (PDT)


- GSE - LOVE THIS STUFF, Its for the Candida. But for some reason it

chilled me out a lot. Which is really why I started taking it so much.


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Very interesting! Thanks to all for listening to the rambling... :)

As previously mentioned in another post. I am a sound engineer with

some tinnitus/exhaustion/brain fog curiosity. I'm around a lot of

equipment daily. This is a very interested read that I will look

into. Any good sources to read? I'm reading cutlers book for free on

google books right now(ill buy it when I hit the free limit).

I will begin chelating next week and take everyones advise.

Thanks, you guys rock!

It has not even been a month yet since the

removal... This week has

> >>been incredible. I feel like a million bucks. I can not tell you

> >>when I felt this calm... it almost doesn't fill right.



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  • 3 years later...
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Just a wild guess:) SharonThis email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. To: MSersLife Sent: Sat, July 16, 2011 1:05:44 PMSubject: Re: wow

AAwww, how'd ya know I named my teddy bear that?



Pragmatic Visionary


-- wow

Just got my first call on my new Skype number. It was from India. Sharon...you know who...



Pragmatic Visionary



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.. Well considering you've reached the point where you've spilled the beans, I'm guessing things are going well :))) ... hugs, Cait


Just got my first call on my new Skype number. It was from India. Sharon...you know who...



Pragmatic Visionary


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So far so good!




Pragmatic Visionary


-- Re: wow

 . Well considering you've reached the point where you've spilled the beans, I'm guessing things are going well :))) ... hugs, Cait


Just got my first call on my new Skype number. It was from India. Sharon...you know who...



Pragmatic Visionary


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