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Re: bad bronchial/dry cough only on ALA

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> i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped

That's great!

> anyone else have anything like this??

I developed slight asthma about 8 months ago. I used to have more

significant bronchial problems as a kid and a little bit as a

teenager, then didn't have it for many years until it came back

last year.

I find it gets worse on the 2nd day of rounds, then improves for

the rest of the round and slightly noticeable again at the end of

the round.

The other thing that affects this symptom is killing pathogens.

When I am taking something that causes other die-off symptoms,

I notice the wheezy feeling gets worse. Alka-seltzer gold seems

to help.

> I presume it just is a function of ALA perhaps reaching/chelating some

> mercury stored in my lungs/chest somewhere??

I don't know. Could be. I've given up trying to figure it out.

My brain is tired.

By the way, thanks for posting your experience about taking lots

of HC at night to get back to sleep. I've tried this a few times,

big handful of HC at 4 am, works like a charm!


> Thanks



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> i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped

That's great!

> anyone else have anything like this??

I developed slight asthma about 8 months ago. I used to have more

significant bronchial problems as a kid and a little bit as a

teenager, then didn't have it for many years until it came back

last year.

I find it gets worse on the 2nd day of rounds, then improves for

the rest of the round and slightly noticeable again at the end of

the round.

The other thing that affects this symptom is killing pathogens.

When I am taking something that causes other die-off symptoms,

I notice the wheezy feeling gets worse. Alka-seltzer gold seems

to help.

> I presume it just is a function of ALA perhaps reaching/chelating some

> mercury stored in my lungs/chest somewhere??

I don't know. Could be. I've given up trying to figure it out.

My brain is tired.

By the way, thanks for posting your experience about taking lots

of HC at night to get back to sleep. I've tried this a few times,

big handful of HC at 4 am, works like a charm!


> Thanks



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Oh my gawsh..

Let me share. Last October I did a round of dmsa/ala, and increased my

dmsa (round 21 for me) from 12.5-25mg. Withing two days of finishing

that round I got sick. I got laryngitis, two days later I got my voice

back and my lungs were all full of junk and I couldn't not cough well.

I took antivirals, antibacterials, immune support..everything and

anything for the next few weeks trying to get better. I finally went

to the doctor and he said I had bronchitis. He gave me an antibiotics,

it did nothing. I went back, he tried a different one...nothing there

either. Then he gave me a prednisolone taper to " reduce inflammation " .

He said for some reason, my bronchioles were inflamed and that is what

is causing this. I took one dose of the taper..it make me feel sick.

(I have bad adrenals anyway, and this did not help). I tried some

homeopathy for it, and it helped somewhat. I still had tightness in my

chest and it felt like I have to hack, but nothing ever comes up. It's

a barking, hoarse cough, worse at night.

Just when I think it's gone..it comes back. This time it flared up

again with a sinus/ear infection to go with it. I have seen three

doctors...two say " allergies " , one said.. " it was bacterial but now

your lungs are just stuck in a process of inflammation which takes a

long time to go away "

I think they are all crazy. I have no idea what is wrong with my

lungs, or why I can't get rid of this. It's a dry cough, hurts

sometimes, you get bouts of tightness in your chest, where you feel

like it's hard to breath. But then other times..I'm fine.

What is this? I wish I knew...is this anything similar to what your

experiencing? I have hashed it over with a few chelation guru's via

email and we have the following conclusions:

Low cortisol leads to low epinephrine levels in the body, epinephrine

is what is responsible for dilation of the respiratory system (the

bronchiole), this dilation keeps mucus moving...if this is not

happening..your getting chronic inflammation and congestion. So theory

one is my low adrenals are causing this. In people that this is

happening in, they do well and find relieve with inhalers like

albuterol because it contains epinephrine. (which applies to me)

Theory Two: Mercury stores in bronchioles, if your exposed to mercury

vapor (amalgams). This was proven in a study done on mice exposed to

Hg vapors. So one would stand to say that removing the mercury from

the bronchioles or moving it around..might cause some type of problem.

At least temporarily.

I know this does not give you " definite " answers..I don't have one

either yet..but I have been working on this since last November.

If it helps any..I have found oil of oregano restores breathing in

minutes, opens the lungs right up. Tastes like the dickens so go for

capsules..rather than liquid. I am inclined to think mine has

something to do with adrenals...but again...could be Hg...


> i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped


> anyone else have anything like this??


> I presume it just is a function of ALA perhaps reaching/chelating some

> mercury stored in my lungs/chest somewhere??


> Thanks



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I also forgot to add that I experience tightness in the chest and

shortness of breath during my first year of chelation if I got yeasty.

Would be nice if that was what it is now...but I'm not yeasty

> >

> > i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> > cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> > believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> > well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> > round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> > and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped


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I also forgot to add that I experience tightness in the chest and

shortness of breath during my first year of chelation if I got yeasty.

Would be nice if that was what it is now...but I'm not yeasty

> >

> > i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> > cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> > believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> > well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> > round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> > and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped


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Any thoughts on us trying out a few dmsa only rounds and see if this

lets up?? I'm desperate enough..

I did 10 rounds of dmsa only. I have 23 round down..13 with ala..hate

to back track..but I like breathing!!

> >

> > i just stopped a round of ALA and lo and behold this

> > cough/cold/bronchial problem which first started a month or so ago (I

> > believe it started approx the same time I started ALA) stopped as

> > well... I actually think it got worse when i started this last ALA

> > round..but did not put two and two together until I stopped the round

> > and like magic the cough/weakness in my chest/lungs stopped


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Jada and

---Jada your explanantion makes a lot of sense. When this brovchial

---infection first came on, I had green phlegm and just a really

---bad/sinus headache for about a week. I started taking oreganol

---P73. It is supposed to be a very pure concentrated form of

oreganol. I think it knocked out the bacterial infection. I believe

---green phlegm is an indication of bacterial infection...

---One of the google articles on the oreganol is below. It is

--- supposed to be anti-bacterial, anti microbial, anti parasitic;

--- anti yeast...They say you should take lots of probiotcs with it

--- cause i guess obviously it kills most everything


In frequent-dose-chelation , " Jada "


>> It's a dry cough, hurts

>> sometimes, you get bouts of tightness in your chest, where you feel

>> like it's hard to breath. But then other times..I'm fine.

---This is exactly how mine sems to be for the most part, my chest

gets really sore and i go through coughing fits where I feel like I

am going to throw up

>> I have hashed it over with a few chelation guru's via

>> email and we have the following conclusions:

>> Low cortisol leads to low epinephrine levels in the body,

>> epinephrine

>> is what is responsible for dilation of the respiratory system (the

>> bronchiole), this dilation keeps mucus moving...if this is not

>> happening..your getting chronic inflammation and congestion. So

>> theory one is my low adrenals are causing this. In people that

>> this is happening in, they do well and find relieve with inhalers

>> like albuterol because it contains epinephrine. (which applies to

>> me)

---I also think you are right with the adrenal being a big part of

---this as the one night i woke up just feeling terrible, coughing

---like I had TB, achey, sweaty, etc.. That was the night I tool 15-

---20 mgs of HC and it was like a miraculous magic pill.. in minutes

--- the cough was gone, the aches were gone and i fell back asleep

Thanks that was very informative

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Here's my trouble..

I used echinacea and Immuno Aid for two months. That alone should have

killed it. Then I went on to Olive leaf extract, and echinacea,

virastop. I used antivirals for probably two months. So long that I

cured my plantar wart. So viruses are dead. Then I went with

antifungals trying to get rid of this. Nothing there either. Including

drinking oil of oregano a few times a day for a few weeks. While I no

longer have yeast...I still have this cough, tightness in the chest

thing that comes and goes. I noticed it gets worse at night and that

would be when my adrenal cortex has wore off.

The doctor tried zithroymcin which is for bacterial lung infections.

It did nothing. I don't have green phlegm either..more of white/yellow

(sorry for being gross) So after seeing three different

physicians..they all said.. " we don't know, maybe an allergy "

So someone how I suddenly develop an allergy that looks like asthma??

OK?...there suggestion is a pregnisolone taper...which makes me

believe it's cortisol related for me.

Which kind of goes with you your saying. I have had to use HC cream to

stop the coughing and spasm when the oregano didn't work.

Whatever this is..I hope its not permanent..


> Jada and


> ---Jada your explanantion makes a lot of sense. When this brovchial

> ---infection first came on, I had green phlegm and just a really

> ---bad/sinus headache for about a week. I started taking oreganol

> ---P73. It is supposed to be a very pure concentrated form of

> oreganol. I think it knocked out the bacterial infection. I believe

> ---green phlegm is an indication of bacterial infection...


> ---One of the google articles on the oreganol is below. It is

> --- supposed to be anti-bacterial, anti microbial, anti parasitic;

> --- anti yeast...They say you should take lots of probiotcs with it

> --- cause i guess obviously it kills most everything


> http://www.oreganopro.com/oreganofaq.asp



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Jada, I'm curious: what antivirals did you use that were so effective? Thanks.

: Donna

>> " Jada " paxlforme@... paxlforme wrote:

>>I used antivirals for probably two months. So long that I cured my plantar

wart. So viruses >>are dead.

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Jada, I'm curious: what antivirals did you use that were so effective? Thanks.

: Donna

>> " Jada " paxlforme@... paxlforme wrote:

>>I used antivirals for probably two months. So long that I cured my plantar

wart. So viruses >>are dead.

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