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Re: Would like help interpreting DDI results ...

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Can you email me a color version of this test or post it somewhere to

view. Sometimes you need to see exactly where the bars lie in order to

accurately interpret it.I would need to count the results in the

middle white and green that have short bars...Also keep in mind, that

some people do not meet counting rules until they begin treatment. So

this does not mean you don't have a mercury problem.

There are other things to look for to indicate mercury. And your

history and symptoms indicate mercury. I also see just with a quick

peak that you have no lithium in your hair. This is usually seen in

mercury poisoning. And also why mercury toxic people suffer depression

and mood disorders.

You also have three elements in the red..this is close to meeting that

rule. Which makes it suspicious.

For your medication sensitivity: This is your liver. People with

mercury have suppressed liver function and usually react to chemicals

and medication because their liver cannot detox it fast enough and it

builds up in the body. Taking milk thistle four times a day will

improve this. (as long as your not allergic to daisies)

Do you still have your amalgams? If, you would need to have them

removed safely.

Anxiety is usually related to adrenal function. So I am guessing when

I look at this test in color detail...you will have low adrenals.

High Tin, aluminum, antimony and/or silver are related to mercury from

amalgams. You tin being high means you have mercury from your

fillings. Having mercury in your body will cause you to retain these

other metals. cobalt and manganese being low..another mercury thingy.

This does not mean you should supplement those. Manganese is something

to be used very cautiously and only if certain symptoms of deficiency

are present. (we can get to that later..It's in Andy's book)

That's all at this point..without a color copy..

I would say your toxic..


> Hello,

> I got the DDI hair results back and while they don't implicate mercury

> toxicity according to the counting rules, something seems way off.


> Current symptoms: restlessness (physical in a kind of akathisia-like

> way, but also mental), anxiety, brain fog, pain, also seasonal mood

> fluctuation.A major, major issue is that I go allergic to almost every

> med I've tried recently. Similar reactions to most – itching

> usually. For acouple it's been generalized pruritis, but usually,

> it's limited to the mucous membranes – all of them, e.g. ENT,

> and the lower ones (trying not to be explicit). Two, though, I ended up

> with really really swollen lymph nodes and alarmingly bad generalized

> pain(well above my usual levels).

> History:anxiety/seasonal depression. For a while there was a bipolar

> diagnosis in play, but it seems to be more a summertime pep and

> wintertime blues overlaid across constant anxiety.


> Current meds/supps: Valium (15mg/day), Nortriptyline (1mg/day),

> Magnesium(1000mg/day) [these were pretty consistent for the 3 months

> before hair test]


> Dental history: Braces as a teenager. Wisdom teeth came straight out; no

> major work there. Amalgams: 9 on the flat parts of molars + 1 little one

> on the side of a tooth.


> Many vaccinations: the usual ones, and then various ones for travel to

> developing countries over the years. Last set of those was 6 years

> ago,but I had chicken pox and Hep-B vaccination courses about 2 years

> ago.


> BIG issue is the med intolerance. The allergic (and occasionally

> pain)reactions have applied to about 8 out of the last 10 meds I've

> tried and they've been from completely different classes. Most

> troubling is that I'm starting to get similar reactions to things

> that I've been able totolerate in the past (e.g. Tylenol).


> Results from the DDI hair test are below. If I'm getting these right, I

> do NOT have a " high probability " of mercury poising according to the

> counting rules.

> Number of results above 50% ............. 8

> Number of results in red ...................... 3

> Number of results in green .................... 18



> Some things do seem way off: e.g. very high Tin, very low lithium, and

> extremely low Manganese and cobalt. The lithium is weird because I was

> on that for a while when a bipolar diagnosis was being considered (last

> dose was about 2 years ago). My kidneys turned out not to be able to

> handle very much without attempting to flush it all out of my system.

> Symptoms were pain/discomfort in kidneys and diabetes insipidus

> (constant micturation). It was after this that my general med

> intolerance set in. But I'm not sure how to interpret whether

> there's a connection.


> Then there's the manganese. I've read that a deficiency might

> provoke immuno-allergic responses, consistent with my med reactions. But

> I've heard conflicting things about how mangenese relates to the

> dopamine system, esp. restlessness and tardive syndromes. I think the

> restlessness is a kind of tardive akathisia related to SSRI withdrawal

> and/or trials of atypical neuroleptics for anxiety. So I don't want

> to make the physical restlessness.


> And the cobalt/tin … no clue. Any input would be much appreciated.

> (I've put a ## next to the ones that are pretty far off normal range.


> Any help would be greatly appreciated.



> Thanks!




> element result ref range color

> =====================================================

> aluminum 4.7 < 7.0 Green

> antimony 0.010 < 0.066 Green

> arsenic## 0.082 < 0.08 Yellow (~68 %ile)

> beryllium < 0.01 < 0.02 [ND]

> bismuth 0.035 < 2.0 Green

> cadmium 0.010 < 0.15 Green

> lead 0.008 < 2.0 Green

> mercury 0.76 < 1.1 Green

> platinum < 0.003 < 0.005 [ND]

> thallium 0.001 < 0.010 Green

> thorium < 0.001 < 0.005 [ND]

> uranium 0.031 < 0.060 Green

> nickel 0.04 < 0.40 Green

> silver 0.01 < 0.12 Green

> tin## 0.96 < 0.30 RED (~96 %ile)

> titanium 0.31 < 1.0 Green





> element result ref range color under/over 50%

> ============================================================

> Calcium 527 200 - 750 Green Over

> Magnesium 42 27 - 75 Green Under (barely)

> Sodium 77 12 - 90 Green Over

> Potassium 40 9 - 40 Green Over

> Copper 13 10 - 28 White --

> Zinc 200 130 - 200 Green Over

> Manganese## 0.04 0.15 -0.65 RED Under

> Chromium 0.37 0.20 -0.40 Green Over

> Vanadium 0.050 0.018-0.065 Green Over

> Molybdenum 0.036 0.025-0.064 Green Over

> Boron 0.52 0.40 –3.0 Green Under

> Iodine 0.32 0.25 -1.3 Green Under

> Lithium## <0.004 0.007-0.023 RED/[ND] Under

> Phosphorus 160 160 - 250 Green/Red Under

> Selenium 1.2 0.95 – 1.7 White --

> Strontium 0.53 0.30 – 3.5 Green Under

> Sulfur 47800 44500-5200 White Under

> Barium 0.10 0.16 – 1.6 Yellow Under

> Cobalt## 0.002 0.013-0.035 RED Under

> Iron 8.2 5.4 – 13 White Over

> Germanium 0.032 0.045-0.065 Yellow Under

> Rubidium 0.054 0.011-0.120 Green Over

> Zirconium 0.041 0.020-0.440 Green Under


> Ratios

> Elements Ratios Expected Range

> ===========================================

> Ca/Mg 12.5 4 - 30

> Ca/P 3.29 0.8 - 8

> Na/K 1.93 0.5 - 10

> Zn/Cu 15.4 4 - 20

> Zn/Cd > 999 > 800





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OK..here's what I got:

You meet rule number 4, having 11 or less in the middle green/white

bands with SHORT bars. Dont count the ones that go to the middle or

end of green. Just the ones that are short..that would be 7.

So this confirms the other things I said. Since mineral transport is

deranged..the cobalt and manganese mean nothing. Basically, you can't

rely on the essentials to determine deficiency. But the hair lithium

as I said...goes with mercury poisoning. Taking supplemental lithium

(not prescription lithium because that is a toxic dose) can be useful

for you.

With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

fatigued and making too much adrenaline.

Your test is also considered an " all low presentation " this

again..says mercury.

Anyone else?

I'd say your toxic. Remove amalgams and chelate on Andy's protocol...


> > Can you email me a color version of this test or post it somewhere

> to

> > view. Sometimes you need to see exactly where the bars lie in order

> to

> > accurately interpret it.I would need to count the results in the

> > middle white and green that have short bars...


> Here's a link to a jpeg of the test results:

> http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk124/brownian_monkey/DDI.jpg



> >

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> > Can you email me a color version of this test or post it somewhere

> to

> > view. Sometimes you need to see exactly where the bars lie in order

> to

> > accurately interpret it.I would need to count the results in the

> > middle white and green that have short bars...


> Here's a link to a jpeg of the test results:

> http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk124/brownian_monkey/DDI.jpg

Even though you do not meet the counting rules, your results do not

look normal. Three essentials in red is suspicious. It is common to

see tin very elevated when mineral transport is deranged and this

alone is suspicious for mercury. The " all low " appearance of the

test is common with mercury toxicity, and the toxics may be higher

than they appear on this type of test. Your results bear no

resemblance to the normal-looking tests in Andy's book.

After all amalgam is removed, I suggest you try several rounds of

chelation to confirm toxicity. See the safe chelation protocol

in the files.

> > Also keep in mind, that

> > some people do not meet counting rules until they begin treatment.

> So

> > this does not mean you don't have a mercury problem.


> I had thought that purpose of the counting rules was to determine

> whether one needed treatment. I will be up front: while I believe

> that many people react poorly to amalgams, I don't think the evidence

> is there that everyone with them is mercury toxic.

I agree with you this is the proper use of the counting rules.

Unfortunately, there are some false negatives. Your test really

does not look at all like the normal tests in Andy Cutler's book

Hair Test Interpretation. http://www.noamalgam.com/hairtestbook.html

See p. 28-33 for normal-looking tests.

> What I'd been hoping from (and I'm still in the process of reading

> Andy's book) is some sort of firmer guidelines to determine whether I

> have mercury problems that doesn't start from the presupposition that

> I do.

Many of the symptoms you described in your original post are very

consistent with mercury toxicity - allergies, anxiety, brain fog,

pain, mood problems. Many of us share these symptoms.

> > There are other things to look for to indicate mercury. And your

> > history and symptoms indicate mercury. I also see just with a quick

> > peak that you have no lithium in your hair. This is usually seen in

> > mercury poisoning. And also why mercury toxic people suffer

> depression

> > and mood disorders.


> As I mentioned, I'm working my way through Andy's book and hadn't

> seen that yet. The low lithium definitely stood out ...

Undetectable lithium is also commonly seen with mercury problems.

A supplement of lithium orotate or aspartate can be very helpful.

> > For your medication sensitivity: This is your liver. People with

> > mercury have suppressed liver function and usually react to

> chemicals

> > and medication because their liver cannot detox it fast enough and

> it

> > builds up in the body. Taking milk thistle four times a day will

> > improve this. (as long as your not allergic to daisies)

> >

> >


> Do you know if milk thistle has any interactions with meds? Does it

> alter the CYP system to change the effective levels?

Andy lists phase 1 inducers and inhibitors no p. 40 of Amalgam

Illness. Milk thistle is not included. It is one of the basic

supplements Andy recommends for mercury toxic people.

> > Do you still have your amalgams? If, you would need to have them

> > removed safely.

> >


> I am looking into having that done in a couple of months when I have

> a little money set aside. I don't think it's going to be cheap, which

> is why I'd done the hair test.

It is a big decision. If you are functioning okay at the moment,

I recommend taking your time to read Andy's books, read through

the files and links if you haven't, search the archives for more

information. Your hair test looks deranged to me, and along with

your symptoms, this makes a strong case for toxicity. It is

important that you make the case in your own mind, though. You

can post questions to the group as you go through this process.

> > You tin being high means you have mercury from your

> > fillings. Having mercury in your body will cause you to retain these

> > other metals.


> Aren't there other ways that tin could be high, though? Maybe I'm off

> base, but I thought the counting rules were supposed to allow me to

> to infer something based on a broader pattern of anomalies rather

> than one abnormality.

Tin is commonly elevated by deranged mineral transport. To some

extent this can be due to mercury-induced retention of tin. If there

is no ongoing exposure to tin, it should come down as you chelate

the mercury. Andy gives sources of tin in his Hair Test book.


> Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off as snipish. I'm writing in kind of

> a hurry. The full results can be seen at the link above.


> Regards.


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> With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

fatigued and making too much adrenaline.


I was under the impression that when cal/mag levels are up and

sodium/potassim down, that meant adrenal stress. I think that is what

told me. Please correct me if I've gotton something mixed up.

I am now giving my dd ACE because of these kind of results. Should I

stop ACE?

Thanks...again :)


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Let's apply some stochastic calculus to this monkey ...


You test fits the " unusual " category as Andy describes it. You are

also accumulating tin, which is quite typical in Hg poisoning cases.

Finally, your results tend to read on the low side (in essential

elements) so the same is probably going on in the toxic elements (they

are showing low than they are in your body.) The description as

" unusual " is where my test also lands, though I do have another

indicator (not mentioned by him in his book), which is that I had

mercury near zero (.08). The combination of the two was sufficient to

make a clear diagnosis - though I didn't really need it, because my

symptoms were typical mercury poisoning symptoms, and I was able to

match fluctuations in my symptoms with my exposures. (And as it turns

out, I have been wildly mercury toxic.) In your case, many of your

symptoms are typical mercury symptoms. The med problem means your liver

is overwhelmed - by what, we don't know. It could be mercury. It could

also be the collection of meds you are taking. How long has the problem

been going on?

Given your symptoms, I think it very likely that mercury removal and

detoxification would help - but then, I removed my amalgams in 1988,

before I was debilitated and before had any idea of what the effects of

Hg might be. It was just clear to me that mercury in my mouth was a

mind-bogglingly stupid idea. In your case, it sounds like you want to

explore this more before making a decision. I would suggest two

approaches. (1) Read up on mercury and its effects. Try to see if you

can get some idea of what they look like and see if that matches you.

Andy has some good lists of symptoms and various tests that are relevant

to mercury poisoning. (2) Try some of the nutritional interventions

that would typically help Hg poisoned persons - lots of anti-oxidants,

zinc, fish oils, and test out your reaction to sulfur. Response to any

of these might help you decide is you are looking at something that

could be Hg tox. (3) Try a porphyrin test - but be careful as they

often return false negative.

Those are my thoughts,


Oh, PS - B12 (because of the low cobalt) and lithium orotate (because of

the low lithium) _might_ help.


Posted by: " Brownian Monkey " brownian_monkey@...



brownian_monkey http://profiles.yahoo.com/brownian_monkey>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 12:41 pm (PDT)

> Can you email me a color version of this test or post it somewhere


> view. Sometimes you need to see exactly where the bars lie in order


> accurately interpret it.I would need to count the results in the

> middle white and green that have short bars...

Here's a link to a jpeg of the test results:



> Also keep in mind, that

> some people do not meet counting rules until they begin treatment.


> this does not mean you don't have a mercury problem.

I had thought that purpose of the counting rules was to determine

whether one needed treatment. I will be up front: while I believe

that many people react poorly to amalgams, I don't think the evidence

is there that everyone with them is mercury toxic.

What I'd been hoping from (and I'm still in the process of reading

Andy's book) is some sort of firmer guidelines to determine whether I

have mercury problems that doesn't start from the presupposition that

I do.

> There are other things to look for to indicate mercury. And your

> history and symptoms indicate mercury. I also see just with a quick

> peak that you have no lithium in your hair. This is usually seen in

> mercury poisoning. And also why mercury toxic people suffer


> and mood disorders.

As I mentioned, I'm working my way through Andy's book and hadn't

seen that yet. The low lithium definitely stood out ...


> For your medication sensitivity: This is your liver. People with

> mercury have suppressed liver function and usually react to


> and medication because their liver cannot detox it fast enough and


> builds up in the body. Taking milk thistle four times a day will

> improve this. (as long as your not allergic to daisies)



Do you know if milk thistle has any interactions with meds? Does it

alter the CYP system to change the effective levels?

> Do you still have your amalgams? If, you would need to have them

> removed safely.


I am looking into having that done in a couple of months when I have

a little money set aside. I don't think it's going to be cheap, which

is why I'd done the hair test.

> You tin being high means you have mercury from your

> fillings. Having mercury in your body will cause you to retain these

> other metals.

Aren't there other ways that tin could be high, though? Maybe I'm off

base, but I thought the counting rules were supposed to allow me to

to infer something based on a broader pattern of anomalies rather

than one abnormality.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off as snipish. I'm writing in kind of

a hurry. The full results can be seen at the link above.


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Let's apply some stochastic calculus to this monkey ...


You test fits the " unusual " category as Andy describes it. You are

also accumulating tin, which is quite typical in Hg poisoning cases.

Finally, your results tend to read on the low side (in essential

elements) so the same is probably going on in the toxic elements (they

are showing low than they are in your body.) The description as

" unusual " is where my test also lands, though I do have another

indicator (not mentioned by him in his book), which is that I had

mercury near zero (.08). The combination of the two was sufficient to

make a clear diagnosis - though I didn't really need it, because my

symptoms were typical mercury poisoning symptoms, and I was able to

match fluctuations in my symptoms with my exposures. (And as it turns

out, I have been wildly mercury toxic.) In your case, many of your

symptoms are typical mercury symptoms. The med problem means your liver

is overwhelmed - by what, we don't know. It could be mercury. It could

also be the collection of meds you are taking. How long has the problem

been going on?

Given your symptoms, I think it very likely that mercury removal and

detoxification would help - but then, I removed my amalgams in 1988,

before I was debilitated and before had any idea of what the effects of

Hg might be. It was just clear to me that mercury in my mouth was a

mind-bogglingly stupid idea. In your case, it sounds like you want to

explore this more before making a decision. I would suggest two

approaches. (1) Read up on mercury and its effects. Try to see if you

can get some idea of what they look like and see if that matches you.

Andy has some good lists of symptoms and various tests that are relevant

to mercury poisoning. (2) Try some of the nutritional interventions

that would typically help Hg poisoned persons - lots of anti-oxidants,

zinc, fish oils, and test out your reaction to sulfur. Response to any

of these might help you decide is you are looking at something that

could be Hg tox. (3) Try a porphyrin test - but be careful as they

often return false negative.

Those are my thoughts,


Oh, PS - B12 (because of the low cobalt) and lithium orotate (because of

the low lithium) _might_ help.


Posted by: " Brownian Monkey " brownian_monkey@...



brownian_monkey http://profiles.yahoo.com/brownian_monkey>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 12:41 pm (PDT)

> Can you email me a color version of this test or post it somewhere


> view. Sometimes you need to see exactly where the bars lie in order


> accurately interpret it.I would need to count the results in the

> middle white and green that have short bars...

Here's a link to a jpeg of the test results:



> Also keep in mind, that

> some people do not meet counting rules until they begin treatment.


> this does not mean you don't have a mercury problem.

I had thought that purpose of the counting rules was to determine

whether one needed treatment. I will be up front: while I believe

that many people react poorly to amalgams, I don't think the evidence

is there that everyone with them is mercury toxic.

What I'd been hoping from (and I'm still in the process of reading

Andy's book) is some sort of firmer guidelines to determine whether I

have mercury problems that doesn't start from the presupposition that

I do.

> There are other things to look for to indicate mercury. And your

> history and symptoms indicate mercury. I also see just with a quick

> peak that you have no lithium in your hair. This is usually seen in

> mercury poisoning. And also why mercury toxic people suffer


> and mood disorders.

As I mentioned, I'm working my way through Andy's book and hadn't

seen that yet. The low lithium definitely stood out ...


> For your medication sensitivity: This is your liver. People with

> mercury have suppressed liver function and usually react to


> and medication because their liver cannot detox it fast enough and


> builds up in the body. Taking milk thistle four times a day will

> improve this. (as long as your not allergic to daisies)



Do you know if milk thistle has any interactions with meds? Does it

alter the CYP system to change the effective levels?

> Do you still have your amalgams? If, you would need to have them

> removed safely.


I am looking into having that done in a couple of months when I have

a little money set aside. I don't think it's going to be cheap, which

is why I'd done the hair test.

> You tin being high means you have mercury from your

> fillings. Having mercury in your body will cause you to retain these

> other metals.

Aren't there other ways that tin could be high, though? Maybe I'm off

base, but I thought the counting rules were supposed to allow me to

to infer something based on a broader pattern of anomalies rather

than one abnormality.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this came off as snipish. I'm writing in kind of

a hurry. The full results can be seen at the link above.


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Posted by: " Jada " paxlforme@...



paxlforme http://profiles.yahoo.com/paxlforme>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 2:40 pm (PDT)


>You meet rule number 4, having 11 or less in the middle green/white

>bands with SHORT bars. Dont count the ones that go to the middle or

>end of green. Just the ones that are short..that would be 7.

Jada - Since when? There are three counting rules - number to the

left/right, number of reds, and number in the middle band. That middle

band is the whole green+white area. Our brownian friend is in the

" unusual " realm, with 3 reds. The number to the right is 8, but since

we don't know exactly where the base-line is, the number could be

anywhere from 6 to 8 ( " suspicious " to " not uncommon " ).

Still, I do agree that by symptoms s/he is probably toxic - thought they

need to convince themselves of that.


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One of the points Andy makes, is that if you have a lot so symptoms that

don't appear related to each other, then that is also a sign of Hg tox.



Posted by: " Brownian Monkey " brownian_monkey@...



brownian_monkey http://profiles.yahoo.com/brownian_monkey>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 8:36 pm (PDT)


> Many of the symptoms you described in your original post are very

> consistent with mercury toxicity - allergies, anxiety, brain fog,

> pain, mood problems. Many of us share these symptoms.

Sure, I see how mercury toxicity is one explanation. But aren't there

other explanations for the same symptoms, e.g. autoimmune conditions? I

guess I'm concerned that the money and time spent on mercury abatement

ends up being mis-spent, while some other root cause goes unaddressed.

I the question I'd like an answer to is not " could mercurcy cause these

symptoms? " , but rather " how likely is it mercurcy? " Unfortunately (and I

realize this) there isn't really a good answer to the latter question.

But that's why I'd been focusing on applying the counting rules.

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One of the points Andy makes, is that if you have a lot so symptoms that

don't appear related to each other, then that is also a sign of Hg tox.



Posted by: " Brownian Monkey " brownian_monkey@...



brownian_monkey http://profiles.yahoo.com/brownian_monkey>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 8:36 pm (PDT)


> Many of the symptoms you described in your original post are very

> consistent with mercury toxicity - allergies, anxiety, brain fog,

> pain, mood problems. Many of us share these symptoms.

Sure, I see how mercury toxicity is one explanation. But aren't there

other explanations for the same symptoms, e.g. autoimmune conditions? I

guess I'm concerned that the money and time spent on mercury abatement

ends up being mis-spent, while some other root cause goes unaddressed.

I the question I'd like an answer to is not " could mercurcy cause these

symptoms? " , but rather " how likely is it mercurcy? " Unfortunately (and I

realize this) there isn't really a good answer to the latter question.

But that's why I'd been focusing on applying the counting rules.

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Summer - it can be either way. If the Ca/Mg pair are down and the K/Na

pair are up, then you have too much adrenaline and not enough cortisol.

If it's the other way,then you have too much of both.

The pairs have to be widely separated though, to draw this conclusion.



Posted by: " summergrogan " summergrogan97@...



summergrogan http://profiles.yahoo.com/summergrogan>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 8:40 pm (PDT)


> With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

fatigued and making too much adrenaline.


I was under the impression that when cal/mag levels are up and

sodium/potassim down, that meant adrenal stress. I think that is what

told me. Please correct me if I've gotton something mixed up.

I am now giving my dd ACE because of these kind of results. Should I

stop ACE?

Thanks...again :)


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Summer - it can be either way. If the Ca/Mg pair are down and the K/Na

pair are up, then you have too much adrenaline and not enough cortisol.

If it's the other way,then you have too much of both.

The pairs have to be widely separated though, to draw this conclusion.



Posted by: " summergrogan " summergrogan97@...



summergrogan http://profiles.yahoo.com/summergrogan>

Thu Apr 3, 2008 8:40 pm (PDT)


> With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

fatigued and making too much adrenaline.


I was under the impression that when cal/mag levels are up and

sodium/potassim down, that meant adrenal stress. I think that is what

told me. Please correct me if I've gotton something mixed up.

I am now giving my dd ACE because of these kind of results. Should I

stop ACE?

Thanks...again :)


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This is what is says in the Hair test book on page 113

" Potassium and sodium up , with calcium and magnesium down means the

person's adrenals are shot, making way too much adrenaline but not

enough cortisol. This generally goes along with being high strung,

excitable but not very stress tolerant.

Potassium and sodium down, with calcium and magnesium up means the

person's adrenals are not making enough cortisol or adrenaline and

their thyroid is somewhat low too. This generally goes along with

sluggishness and weight gain. "

So yes...cal/mag up also means adrenal stress. It just means the

glands are not making enough cortisol or adrenaline, and there might be slow

thyroid. No you don't need to stop the ACE..this is why I take it and

it does help a lot.

My son has the other end potass/sod up and cal/mag down..he also takes

ACE. So your fine.

> >

> > With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

> fatigued and making too much adrenaline.


> ***Jada,

> I was under the impression that when cal/mag levels are up and

> sodium/potassim down, that meant adrenal stress. I think that is what

> told me. Please correct me if I've gotton something mixed up.

> I am now giving my dd ACE because of these kind of results. Should I

> stop ACE?


> Thanks...again :)


> Summer


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This is what is says in the Hair test book on page 113

" Potassium and sodium up , with calcium and magnesium down means the

person's adrenals are shot, making way too much adrenaline but not

enough cortisol. This generally goes along with being high strung,

excitable but not very stress tolerant.

Potassium and sodium down, with calcium and magnesium up means the

person's adrenals are not making enough cortisol or adrenaline and

their thyroid is somewhat low too. This generally goes along with

sluggishness and weight gain. "

So yes...cal/mag up also means adrenal stress. It just means the

glands are not making enough cortisol or adrenaline, and there might be slow

thyroid. No you don't need to stop the ACE..this is why I take it and

it does help a lot.

My son has the other end potass/sod up and cal/mag down..he also takes

ACE. So your fine.

> >

> > With sodium/potassium up with cal/mag lower means your adrenals are

> fatigued and making too much adrenaline.


> ***Jada,

> I was under the impression that when cal/mag levels are up and

> sodium/potassim down, that meant adrenal stress. I think that is what

> told me. Please correct me if I've gotton something mixed up.

> I am now giving my dd ACE because of these kind of results. Should I

> stop ACE?


> Thanks...again :)


> Summer


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> I've ordered the second book now, but I don't suppose there are some of

> those pics available on-line somewhere that I could look at in the mean

> time.



> Sure, I see how mercury toxicity is one explanation. But aren't there

> other explanations for the same symptoms, e.g. autoimmune conditions? I

> guess I'm concerned that the money and time spent on mercury abatement

> ends up being mis-spent, while some other root cause goes unaddressed.

You may want to list out the other possible explanations you

are thinking about and see what Andy has to say about those

health conditions. For example, I believe he says (not sure

whether it is in the book or in archives) that autoimmunity

is usually a mercury-related problem.

> I the question I'd like an answer to is not " could mercurcy cause these

> symptoms? " , but rather " how likely is it mercurcy? " Unfortunately (and I

> realize this) there isn't really a good answer to the latter question.

> But that's why I'd been focusing on applying the counting rules.

In my previous reply, I think I failed to make the important

point that mercury in the brain will not be reflected on the

hair test. Also, if you are already taking supplements, this

will make the test look more normal than it would otherwise.

Andy often makes these points when he reviews hair tests.

I found this post by Andy that you might find helpful in

understanding your own results:


I didn't understand the counting rules before I got started, so I

didn't bother with a hair test until 6 months into chelation. For me,

the most convincing evidence of mercury toxicity (and lead as well)

came from reviewing the most symptomatic periods of my life and

realizing these coincided with my heaviest exposures.

> > Andy lists phase 1 inducers and inhibitors no p. 40 of Amalgam

> > Illness. Milk thistle is not included. It is one of the basic

> > supplements Andy recommends for mercury toxic people.



> Thanks. I should have looked at the book before asking. Bad ettiquette

> on my part.

I didn't mean to imply bad etiquette on your part. Just wanted

to point out that Andy does recommend milk thistle and he doesn't

offer any caution that it should not be used with fast phase 1.

Since many mercury toxic folks have a fast phase 1, I'm sure we

would hear more reports of problems if milk thistle had an effect

on phase 1.

It is worth pointing out, though, that you can be sensitive to any

supplement. When you already know you have a lot of sensitivities

it pays to use caution when trying new supplements. Trying one

new supplement at a time, starting with a low dose is a good idea.

> > [in ref to me thinking about removing amalgams]

> > It is a big decision. If you are functioning okay at the moment,

> > I recommend taking your time to read Andy's books, read through

> > the files and links if you haven't, search the archives for more

> > information. Your hair test looks deranged to me, and along with

> > your symptoms, this makes a strong case for toxicity. It is

> > important that you make the case in your own mind, though. You

> > can post questions to the group as you go through this process.

> >

> I think part of it for me is that I've been dealing with the

> complexities of the mind and traditional meds/theories for going on 5

> years. And I'm pretty exhausted. I think I can justify some portion of

> the amalgam removal just based on aesthetic appeal. The remainder of the

> expense is smaller, but non-negligble. This is something I'm giong to

> have to chew over for a little while longer.


> Thanks for the input; it's much appreciated.

You're welcome. If you have more questions, just ask. As you can

see, we have a great range of knowledge and experience here and

lots of folks have ideas and advice to share.


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> OK..here's what I got:


> You meet rule number 4, having 11 or less in the middle green/white

> bands with SHORT bars. Dont count the ones that go to the middle or

> end of green. Just the ones that are short..that would be 7.

My understanding of counting rule 4 is that all bars within the

green/white area are counted. If you look through the tests in

Hair Test Interpretation, Andy counts tests this way. That is,

he counts even the longer bars, as long as they are within the

green/white area. When he lists his counts, he states it as the

number of bars " contained entirely in the middle green + white

stripe " .

If he has said something different here or a-m, can you please

share a link? Maybe I've missed something.


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> OK..here's what I got:


> You meet rule number 4, having 11 or less in the middle green/white

> bands with SHORT bars. Dont count the ones that go to the middle or

> end of green. Just the ones that are short..that would be 7.

My understanding of counting rule 4 is that all bars within the

green/white area are counted. If you look through the tests in

Hair Test Interpretation, Andy counts tests this way. That is,

he counts even the longer bars, as long as they are within the

green/white area. When he lists his counts, he states it as the

number of bars " contained entirely in the middle green + white

stripe " .

If he has said something different here or a-m, can you please

share a link? Maybe I've missed something.


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