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Re: sulfation etc. vs. alternatives

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I had so many sensitivities that I came to the same

conclusions about it being liver issues.

They got much better after I had my amalgams out and I

tested positive for mercury allergy, so I came to

assume that much of the sensitivity was to mercury.

Then I had the IgG food allergies test, and most of

the sensitivities went away when I eliminated the

right foods. I am still somewhat sensitive, but I

have only just begun chelation. The sensitivity gets

worse after a round, so mercury is still a factor.

I have been taking all the supplements you mentioned

for 12 months, and could not detect any improvement

which I could definitely attribute to the supplements.

--- robin grainwreck@...> wrote:

> I've been studying page 110/111 in AI. It's pretty

> clear that I'm a

> fast phase 1/slow phase 2.


> I have very strong (life changing!) chemical

> sensitivities, a sudden

> harsh reaction to car exhaust, elevated bilirubin on

> blood profiles,

> react poorly to DHEA supplementation and don't even

> THINK about

> preservatives in foods.


> And I am benefiting from NCA supplementation, do

> fine with

> cruciferous vegetables and don't seem to have a

> problem with sulphery

> foods (except for garlic and eggs which are no-no's

> as per my IgG

> allergy test.)


> So the way I read it, it looks like I have " poor

> glutathione

> conjugation " as well as " impaired methylation " and

> " defects in

> sulfation " which, I THINK, means my " sulfate pathway

> is overloaded " ?


> If I want to increase my phase 2 metabolism it looks

> like I should

> increase foods like cruciferous vegetables, red

> grapes (ellegiac

> acid), rosemary and soy. Any other foods come to

> mind?


> And I should stay away from preservatives and

> acetaminophen (because

> they delete sulfates?)


> And I should supplement with choline,

> trimethylglycine, folic acid, B-

> 12 and S-adenossylmethione. (If I get injections of

> phosphatidylcholine, some German stuff called

> " LipoStabil " , is that

> good for me?)


> For the sulfation problem particularly, I should try

> to take any of

> the " sulfates " like glucosamine sulfate, etc.


> There are lots of little questions buried in this

> post and I'd also

> love to know what the difference is between the

> topics I've listed in

> the subject line.


> Thanks!

> ~robin




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