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Re: Next round dosing advice...

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What's the update on your low thyroid? Do you think you need Armour?

What are you taking for adrenals?

Have you been tested for gluten intolerance?

How are your cycles, and do you think you need progesterone?

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What's the update on your low thyroid? Do you think you need Armour?

What are you taking for adrenals?

Have you been tested for gluten intolerance?

How are your cycles, and do you think you need progesterone?

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Well here's the gist:

I am low thyroid but doc won't treat it. I do believe I need Armour, I

have steadily watched my TSH Get higher over the past 10 years and my

symptoms get worse. Both parent are hypo/Hashi's. I am currently on

Nutri-Meds porcine thyroid which is as close as you can get to Armour

without a script. It keeps the " frozen foot syndrome " away, but hasn't

corrected my hypo.

I am on adrenal cortex for adrenals..those are bad too.

My adrenal/hypo is diagnosed by symptoms and temperature charts. My

T3T4 were in range on labs but barely and the lowest end of in range.

No idea if I have a gluten problem or not.

I am on progesterone for estrogen dominance symptoms which do go away

as long as I stay on the progesterone. If I go off, I go back to long,

heavy painful cycles. If I stay on..then we are ok.

I just started a colon cleanse, a mild one to clean things out since I

have candida also that is hard to control lately.


> What's the update on your low thyroid? Do you think you need Armour?


> What are you taking for adrenals?


> Have you been tested for gluten intolerance?


> How are your cycles, and do you think you need progesterone?




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Well here's the gist:

I am low thyroid but doc won't treat it. I do believe I need Armour, I

have steadily watched my TSH Get higher over the past 10 years and my

symptoms get worse. Both parent are hypo/Hashi's. I am currently on

Nutri-Meds porcine thyroid which is as close as you can get to Armour

without a script. It keeps the " frozen foot syndrome " away, but hasn't

corrected my hypo.

I am on adrenal cortex for adrenals..those are bad too.

My adrenal/hypo is diagnosed by symptoms and temperature charts. My

T3T4 were in range on labs but barely and the lowest end of in range.

No idea if I have a gluten problem or not.

I am on progesterone for estrogen dominance symptoms which do go away

as long as I stay on the progesterone. If I go off, I go back to long,

heavy painful cycles. If I stay on..then we are ok.

I just started a colon cleanse, a mild one to clean things out since I

have candida also that is hard to control lately.


> What's the update on your low thyroid? Do you think you need Armour?


> What are you taking for adrenals?


> Have you been tested for gluten intolerance?


> How are your cycles, and do you think you need progesterone?




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In frequent-dose-chelation Jada wrote:

I am about to embark on round 20. Will be two years amalgam free in

May..so what 20 some odd months...

I had to stop rounds in October because I was sick all of November and

December with bronchitis. I had to break down and do a round in

January because I the mercury symptoms were getting too much, even

though I still have lingering congestion in my ears, sinuses and a bit

in the lungs. (already went thought the gamut of stuff with the doc,

they don't know why I am still sick..I am guessing my low thyroid they

won't treat)

----------Are you taking lots of antiviral stuff and things to boost your

immune system? How are your adrenals? Being sick so long is hard on them, and

on the flip side, lingering infections is a sign of adrenal fatigue. So maybe

you need more adrenal support.---------Jackie

Anyway, I have been in the stall for months now. I finally notices

some improvements in concentration, ambition and focus in October's

round. When I did January..nothing. I was still just as cruddy feeling

as always. Usually a round perks me up.

What I am wondering is..if it's time to increase the dose?

----------Usually after a break you would think you would need to stay at the

lower dose or decrease, but since you've been chelating so long and didn't get

your usual perk up, maybe you should try an increase.------------Jackie

I was using 12.5mg of dmsa/ala this entire time. It was what was

tolerable for me. I am tempted to go to 25mg of each..see what happens.

The only one I may have probs with is the ala which I could always

reduce...any thoughts?

-----------If you try an increase, I would only do one chelator at a time, I

wouldn't increase both of them. Maybe try a round with DMSA only at 25mg? And

going from 12.5 to 25 might be too much. I had to go to 16, then


I need some brain function back here.

------------Have you read the recent posts on Hydergine? It sounds very

promising, as reported. I wish there were more reports of people using

it, but its more available in Europe than here. Andy used it during his


I was gaining, but I seem to be

losing headway lately with being sick all the time, chronic fatigue

has returned...

------------I know how frustrating it is to have setbacks. Been there done

that. And as Michele asked in her reply, how is your hormone status, not just

adrenal and thyroid? My other hormones were/are a mess also, and supporting

them and adrenals has helped alot. Hope you get feeling better.---------Jackie

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In frequent-dose-chelation Jada wrote:

I am about to embark on round 20. Will be two years amalgam free in

May..so what 20 some odd months...

I had to stop rounds in October because I was sick all of November and

December with bronchitis. I had to break down and do a round in

January because I the mercury symptoms were getting too much, even

though I still have lingering congestion in my ears, sinuses and a bit

in the lungs. (already went thought the gamut of stuff with the doc,

they don't know why I am still sick..I am guessing my low thyroid they

won't treat)

----------Are you taking lots of antiviral stuff and things to boost your

immune system? How are your adrenals? Being sick so long is hard on them, and

on the flip side, lingering infections is a sign of adrenal fatigue. So maybe

you need more adrenal support.---------Jackie

Anyway, I have been in the stall for months now. I finally notices

some improvements in concentration, ambition and focus in October's

round. When I did January..nothing. I was still just as cruddy feeling

as always. Usually a round perks me up.

What I am wondering is..if it's time to increase the dose?

----------Usually after a break you would think you would need to stay at the

lower dose or decrease, but since you've been chelating so long and didn't get

your usual perk up, maybe you should try an increase.------------Jackie

I was using 12.5mg of dmsa/ala this entire time. It was what was

tolerable for me. I am tempted to go to 25mg of each..see what happens.

The only one I may have probs with is the ala which I could always

reduce...any thoughts?

-----------If you try an increase, I would only do one chelator at a time, I

wouldn't increase both of them. Maybe try a round with DMSA only at 25mg? And

going from 12.5 to 25 might be too much. I had to go to 16, then


I need some brain function back here.

------------Have you read the recent posts on Hydergine? It sounds very

promising, as reported. I wish there were more reports of people using

it, but its more available in Europe than here. Andy used it during his


I was gaining, but I seem to be

losing headway lately with being sick all the time, chronic fatigue

has returned...

------------I know how frustrating it is to have setbacks. Been there done

that. And as Michele asked in her reply, how is your hormone status, not just

adrenal and thyroid? My other hormones were/are a mess also, and supporting

them and adrenals has helped alot. Hope you get feeling better.---------Jackie

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In frequent-dose-chelation Jada wrote:

Well here's the gist:

I am low thyroid but doc won't treat it. I do believe I need Armour, I

have steadily watched my TSH Get higher over the past 10 years and my

symptoms get worse. Both parent are hypo/Hashi's. I am currently on

Nutri-Meds porcine thyroid which is as close as you can get to Armour

without a script. It keeps the " frozen foot syndrome " away, but hasn't

corrected my hypo.

---------Have you tried increasing your dosage, to see if it helps? Do you

take selenium, to help with conversion of T4 to T3? How about


I am on adrenal cortex for adrenals..those are bad too.

-------------Have you tried taking more? Are you taking plenty of Vit C?

It's very important for your adrenals, and especially since you've been sick so

much. If you can't get a doctor to prescibe HC or don't want to use it, you

could try Isocort, to see if it helps. I used it for a number of months, before

I got HC, and it helped alot. It only has 2.5mg of cortisol per pellet, so it's

easy to dose. Let me know if you need a link, or just Google


My adrenal/hypo is diagnosed by symptoms and temperature charts. My

T3T4 were in range on labs but barely and the lowest end of in range.

-----------These were still low after using the NutriMeds thyroid? Have you

ever tried taking more? These should be in the upper range to feel


No idea if I have a gluten problem or not.

I am on progesterone for estrogen dominance symptoms which do go away

as long as I stay on the progesterone. If I go off, I go back to long,

heavy painful cycles. If I stay on..then we are ok.

----------I tested severely low on progesterone, so I use the cream also. I

was also low on DHEA and testosterone, so am taking DHEA PLUS with pregnenolone

to help that. I certainly feel better since I've been supporting my hormones.

I don't think I really understood this until I started doing it. So make sure

you're taking enough hormones to be helping.----------Jackie

I just started a colon cleanse, a mild one to clean things out since I

have candida also that is hard to control lately.

----------That probably can't hurt. And I'm sure you know the whole candida

routine, probiotics, biotin, antifungals, etc. Good luck, hope you get feeling

better soon! -------Jackie

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In frequent-dose-chelation Jada wrote:

Well here's the gist:

I am low thyroid but doc won't treat it. I do believe I need Armour, I

have steadily watched my TSH Get higher over the past 10 years and my

symptoms get worse. Both parent are hypo/Hashi's. I am currently on

Nutri-Meds porcine thyroid which is as close as you can get to Armour

without a script. It keeps the " frozen foot syndrome " away, but hasn't

corrected my hypo.

---------Have you tried increasing your dosage, to see if it helps? Do you

take selenium, to help with conversion of T4 to T3? How about


I am on adrenal cortex for adrenals..those are bad too.

-------------Have you tried taking more? Are you taking plenty of Vit C?

It's very important for your adrenals, and especially since you've been sick so

much. If you can't get a doctor to prescibe HC or don't want to use it, you

could try Isocort, to see if it helps. I used it for a number of months, before

I got HC, and it helped alot. It only has 2.5mg of cortisol per pellet, so it's

easy to dose. Let me know if you need a link, or just Google


My adrenal/hypo is diagnosed by symptoms and temperature charts. My

T3T4 were in range on labs but barely and the lowest end of in range.

-----------These were still low after using the NutriMeds thyroid? Have you

ever tried taking more? These should be in the upper range to feel


No idea if I have a gluten problem or not.

I am on progesterone for estrogen dominance symptoms which do go away

as long as I stay on the progesterone. If I go off, I go back to long,

heavy painful cycles. If I stay on..then we are ok.

----------I tested severely low on progesterone, so I use the cream also. I

was also low on DHEA and testosterone, so am taking DHEA PLUS with pregnenolone

to help that. I certainly feel better since I've been supporting my hormones.

I don't think I really understood this until I started doing it. So make sure

you're taking enough hormones to be helping.----------Jackie

I just started a colon cleanse, a mild one to clean things out since I

have candida also that is hard to control lately.

----------That probably can't hurt. And I'm sure you know the whole candida

routine, probiotics, biotin, antifungals, etc. Good luck, hope you get feeling

better soon! -------Jackie

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Thank you...

I am probably not on enough NutriMed..two a day. I was on selenium for

a while but it was making restless legs at night which was driving me

insane..so I had to stop it. (25mcg) I take some periodically but not

every day for this reason and there is some in my multi.

I am on celtic sea salt as much as I can eat. Can't do iodine

though..long story but the only way I can have it is if it's sodium

iodine..not potassium iodine. And I have not found a source of sodium

iodide I can order. I did try Sea Kelp iodine drops and it really got

my potassium aggravated muscle disorder going. I had to stop using it.

So I contacted Andy and he said I could use sodium iodide, if could

find it.

Was taking tons of C..got lazy the past week or so, but I was up to

6,000mg without any symptoms. Probably could use more ACE too, but

three of us are on it...and I can only afford so much. I only take 1-2

a day.

Pregnenolone is a no no for me. I did try for two weeks and what

happen was that my progesterone cream was null and void and I had a

horribly cycle that month, all my estrogen symptoms came back. So I

stopped it, increased the progesterone the next month to straighten

out. Too bad because mentally I felt calmer.

Yep on the yeast protocol...using GSE, probiotics, etc. Judging by how

this cleanse is working..I think I needed it for sure..

I know my hormones are a mess. I am a mess lately. I will try adding

some more NutriMed and some more ACE. This gets so frustrating

sometimes!! Thanks again..I think your right..that I do need more of

those things...they don't seem to do being doing much..but keeping me

from crashing totally.



> ---------Have you tried increasing your dosage, to see if it

helps? Do you take selenium, to help with conversion of T4 to T3?

How about iodine?--------Jackie




> I am on adrenal cortex for adrenals..those are bad too.


> -------------Have you tried taking more? Are you taking plenty of

Vit C? It's very important for your adrenals, and especially since

you've been sick so much. If you can't get a doctor to prescibe HC or

don't want to use it, you could try Isocort, to see if it helps. I

used it for a number of months, before I got HC, and it helped alot.

It only has 2.5mg of cortisol per pellet, so it's easy to dose. Let

me know if you need a link, or just Google it.-------------Jackie




> My adrenal/hypo is diagnosed by symptoms and temperature charts. My

> T3T4 were in range on labs but barely and the lowest end of in range.


> -----------These were still low after using the NutriMeds thyroid?

Have you ever tried taking more? These should be in the upper range

to feel best.----------Jackie




> No idea if I have a gluten problem or not.


> I am on progesterone for estrogen dominance symptoms which do go away

> as long as I stay on the progesterone. If I go off, I go back to long,

> he

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