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Re:How To Make Liver Work Better?

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How do I know that NAC and Niacinamide will help me with the liver. How does it

help to get liver phase 1 and 2 test ?



To: frequent-dose-chelation@...: deborah.edmeades@...:

Tue, 8 Jan 2008 10:15:39 -0800Subject: Re:How To Make

Liver Work Better?

>It was also>accompanied by a strong putrid odor from the right armpit that

would>not wash off. Like I was just overflowing with toxins. It all went>away in

4 days after stopping deprenyl. Anything else does the same>in various

degrees...B vitamins, st johns wort, ginkgo, lexapro,>nortriptyline, tyrosine,

DMSA, adrenal cortex, you name it. My gut>instincts tell me I am not clearing

normal bodily toxins well, not>to mention environmental toxins. Any extra load,

such as>supplements, sends it all over the threshold. I can tell when it

is>happening because it is 3 to 4 days after starting something and>comes with

the putrid odor.i have had that putrid ordor that doesn't wash off, also in the

rightarmpit. Right now it seems to have abated - I attribute it to saunaingwhich

can definitely help to get the toxins OUT.Probably related, I seem to have the

fast phase 1 and slow 2 (chemsensitivities) I take NAC and niacinamidethe

grapefruit juice is very good too.deborah

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How do I know that NAC and Niacinamide will help me with the liver. How does it

help to get liver phase 1 and 2 test ?



To: frequent-dose-chelation@...: deborah.edmeades@...:

Tue, 8 Jan 2008 10:15:39 -0800Subject: Re:How To Make

Liver Work Better?

>It was also>accompanied by a strong putrid odor from the right armpit that

would>not wash off. Like I was just overflowing with toxins. It all went>away in

4 days after stopping deprenyl. Anything else does the same>in various

degrees...B vitamins, st johns wort, ginkgo, lexapro,>nortriptyline, tyrosine,

DMSA, adrenal cortex, you name it. My gut>instincts tell me I am not clearing

normal bodily toxins well, not>to mention environmental toxins. Any extra load,

such as>supplements, sends it all over the threshold. I can tell when it

is>happening because it is 3 to 4 days after starting something and>comes with

the putrid odor.i have had that putrid ordor that doesn't wash off, also in the

rightarmpit. Right now it seems to have abated - I attribute it to saunaingwhich

can definitely help to get the toxins OUT.Probably related, I seem to have the

fast phase 1 and slow 2 (chemsensitivities) I take NAC and niacinamidethe

grapefruit juice is very good too.deborah

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> How do I know that NAC

NAC is a powerful antioxidant and that part will help with the liver

and other organs. NAC contains cysteine, which is one of the amino

acid precursors needed to make glutathione, which is needed by the

liver. If your plasma cysteine levels are already too high you will

find that you feel worse with NAC, in which case you stop taking it.

It is something that has to be determined by trial and error, and can

change further down during chelation.

> and Niacinamide will help me with the liver.

All B vitamins are needed in large quantity for the liver to function.

Toxic people in general aren't absorbing B vitamins, and other

things, very well and ,as with most nutrients, there are limitations

in our food supply. " Andy says " that niacinamide will help with

chemical sensitivity. You can look that part up in his " Amalgam

Illness " book.

> How does it help to get liver phase 1 and 2 test ?


I don't really think it does help that much. If you read " Amalgam

Illness " you can estimate what your liver needs for support from your



> Thanks,


> Nadeem



> To: frequent-dose-chelation@...: deborah.edmeades@...: Tue, 8 Jan

2008 10:15:39 -0800Subject: Re:How To Make

Liver Work Better?





> >It was also>accompanied by a strong putrid odor from the right

armpit that would>not wash off. Like I was just overflowing with

toxins. It all went>away in 4 days after stopping deprenyl. Anything

else does the same>in various degrees...B vitamins, st johns wort,

ginkgo, lexapro,>nortriptyline, tyrosine, DMSA, adrenal cortex, you

name it. My gut>instincts tell me I am not clearing normal bodily

toxins well, not>to mention environmental toxins. Any extra load, such

as>supplements, sends it all over the threshold. I can tell when it

is>happening because it is 3 to 4 days after starting something

and>comes with the putrid odor.i have had that putrid ordor that

doesn't wash off, also in the rightarmpit. Right now it seems to have

abated - I attribute it to saunaingwhich can definitely help to get

the toxins OUT.Probably related, I seem to have the fast phase 1 and

slow 2 (chemsensitivities) I take NAC and niacinamidethe grapefruit

juice is very good too.deborah


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i keep reading about this NAC (and, as mentioned, haven't received my

book due to a shipping address mistake on my part) so... i want to

make sure that this is something that is okay to try and, if so, why

are injections of glutathione so bad? i was getting them until



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> i keep reading about this NAC (and, as mentioned, haven't received my

> book due to a shipping address mistake on my part) so... i want to

> make sure that this is something that is okay to try

NAC is a powerful antioxidant. That part is ok. Mercury does damage

through oxidation and we all need lots of antioxidants. Vitamin C is

another antioxidant, and we usually take as much vit C as we can tolerate.

NAC also contains the amino acid cysteine, which is a sulfur

containing amino acid. It has only one sulfur group, so drags mercury

around weakly, not chelating or helping to remove it. The dragging

around of mercury will make toxic people sicker.

Some people can tolerate NAC - the ones who have LOW PLASMA CYSTEINE.

With low plasma cysteine there is less collisions with mercury and

the cysteine that comes in quickly becomes incorporated in needed

molecules. The people who have high plasma cysteine (possibly because

mercury has blocked some enzyme pathways) will find that any new

cysteine added will have a high collision frequency with mercury, drag

it around weakly and they will feel worse.

and, if so, why

> are injections of glutathione so bad?

Glutathione is not a chelator. A chelator has two sulfur groups so

that it can hold mercury tight enough to remove it from the body.

Glutathione has one sulfur group so drags mercury around weakly making

people sicker. When small amounts of glutathione are made at one

time, that made can be quickly utilized in the body. With glutathione

injections a large quantity of glutathione goes in all at once, much

more than the body can deal with at once, and the chance of an adverse

reaction is high. You will find some reports in archives from people

who had adverse reactions to glutathione IVs. The more toxic/frail

the harder these inappropriate interventions are on people.


i was getting them until

> recently...

> ~robin


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> > How does it help to get liver phase 1 and 2 test ?

> >


> I don't really think it does help that much. If you read " Amalgam

> Illness " you can estimate what your liver needs for support from your

> symptoms.


> J


I'm commenting on this because after feeling confused about my liver

function, based on rereading & trialing supplements on and off for a

year, I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile done in November.

Evidently all liver detox function is poor, but I'm very much a fast

Phase 1/slow Phase 2, low with cysteine, sulfate, & glutathione, high

for lipid peroxide free radical activity, and notably low


I'll probably post the results to see if anyone with similar results

can share suggestions, but already I've found grapefruit, even moreso

than niacinamide, is helpful in boosting energy levels. I'm not sure

if the results suggest anything to help me with knowing safe dosage

levels for chelators & need help on that.

Quite honestly, I had related to what Andy's book said for fast phase

I/slow Phase 2, as well as the all-over slow detoxification. That

made it very hard to determine what to do for improvement. When I did

try niacinamide, the uncertainty made me a bit fearful to use it

regularly. It gets to be a LOT of supplements; now I've added 2 more.

I think there has been a time or two (probably with acute exposure,

i.e., after inappropriate detox/chelation or dental work) when phase I

was probably slow.

My recommendation is to do the test if there are any questions. Also,

it's through this process that I'm better understanding the

significance of liver function in developing toxicities as they affect

others, as well as myself. I think we could probably learn a lot

about what medications and environmental toxins to avoid that would

keep us healthier. Having done this test helps me greatly in

explaining the mercury/amalgam problem credibly to others.


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> > How does it help to get liver phase 1 and 2 test ?

> >


> I don't really think it does help that much. If you read " Amalgam

> Illness " you can estimate what your liver needs for support from your

> symptoms.


> J


I'm commenting on this because after feeling confused about my liver

function, based on rereading & trialing supplements on and off for a

year, I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile done in November.

Evidently all liver detox function is poor, but I'm very much a fast

Phase 1/slow Phase 2, low with cysteine, sulfate, & glutathione, high

for lipid peroxide free radical activity, and notably low


I'll probably post the results to see if anyone with similar results

can share suggestions, but already I've found grapefruit, even moreso

than niacinamide, is helpful in boosting energy levels. I'm not sure

if the results suggest anything to help me with knowing safe dosage

levels for chelators & need help on that.

Quite honestly, I had related to what Andy's book said for fast phase

I/slow Phase 2, as well as the all-over slow detoxification. That

made it very hard to determine what to do for improvement. When I did

try niacinamide, the uncertainty made me a bit fearful to use it

regularly. It gets to be a LOT of supplements; now I've added 2 more.

I think there has been a time or two (probably with acute exposure,

i.e., after inappropriate detox/chelation or dental work) when phase I

was probably slow.

My recommendation is to do the test if there are any questions. Also,

it's through this process that I'm better understanding the

significance of liver function in developing toxicities as they affect

others, as well as myself. I think we could probably learn a lot

about what medications and environmental toxins to avoid that would

keep us healthier. Having done this test helps me greatly in

explaining the mercury/amalgam problem credibly to others.


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--- In frequent-dose-chelation , " Joanne "

> I'm commenting on this because after feeling confused about my liver

> function, based on rereading & trialing supplements on and off for a

> year, I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile done in November.



Where did you have the test done? Did you need a doctor's order?

What kind of sample was it?


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--- In frequent-dose-chelation , " Joanne "

> I'm commenting on this because after feeling confused about my liver

> function, based on rereading & trialing supplements on and off for a

> year, I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile done in November.



Where did you have the test done? Did you need a doctor's order?

What kind of sample was it?


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I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.


> Joanne,


> Where did you have the test done? Did you need a doctor's order?

> What kind of sample was it?


> ----------Not Joanne, but I had the test done a couple years

ago. Back then the company was called Great Smokies, it is now

Genova. I was seeing a DO that used Great Smokies lab, and *I*

requested this test. It was a take home test kit, so you do part of

it at home, but then I think it required a blood draw the next

morning. Here's the link to the test information, it says saliva,

urine, and fasting blood draw.


> http://www.gdx.net/home/assessments/detox/


> You cannot order the test directly from Genova (Great Smokies).

You either need a doctor or it looks like you can order it from

Direct Labs. It was listed under the *order page* as Comprehensive

Detox Profile (GS) for $243, but I think I would call and make sure

this is the right one.


> http://www.directlabs.com/


> Hopefully Joanne can add something, since she did this recently.-



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> I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

> Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

> how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

> section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

> and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.


> Joanne



I think that would be very helpful. I don't know if it'll be enough

for the doctor but it would really help me decide if I want to spend

the money myself - I'm on a restricted income so it's a big chunk of

change! If you can't get it into the files section, could you just

send it email or pm?

Thanks again,

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ogroups.com, " Joanne "

> wrote:

> >

> > I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

> > Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

> > how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

> > section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

> > and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.

> >

If you go to the pages where Dean Network has been posting hair tests:


and go to hair test # 54 you will see " liver profile 54 pg 1,2,3,4 "

Click on the numbers for the pages of the Genova Diagnostics

Detoxification profile.

I think that is what you want?

> > Joanne

> >


> Joanne,


> I think that would be very helpful. I don't know if it'll be enough

> for the doctor but it would really help me decide if I want to spend

> the money myself - I'm on a restricted income so it's a big chunk of

> change!

You may be able to figure out what your liver needs by reading the

relevant sections of " Amalgam Illness " and comparing to your own symptoms.


> If you can't get it into the files section, could you just

> send it email or pm?


> Thanks again,




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> >

> > I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

> > Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

> > how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

> > section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

> > and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.

> >

> > Joanne

> >


> Joanne,


> I think that would be very helpful. I don't know if it'll be enough

> for the doctor but it would really help me decide if I want to spend

> the money myself - I'm on a restricted income so it's a big chunk of

> change! If you can't get it into the files section, could you just

> send it email or pm?


> Thanks again,




If you go to the Genova website, you can see a sample report and

you can also read more information about the test:



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> >

> > I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

> > Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

> > how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

> > section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

> > and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.

> >

> > Joanne

> >


> Joanne,


> I think that would be very helpful. I don't know if it'll be enough

> for the doctor but it would really help me decide if I want to spend

> the money myself - I'm on a restricted income so it's a big chunk of

> change! If you can't get it into the files section, could you just

> send it email or pm?


> Thanks again,




If you go to the Genova website, you can see a sample report and

you can also read more information about the test:



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> >

> > I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile from Genova (yes, f/k/a

> > Great Smokies). If it's a help, maybe I or someone who truly knows

> > how could white out names & scan a test result into the 'files'

> > section. That way a sample would be available that could be copied

> > and shown to doctors so they can understand what you're asking for.

> >

> > Joanne

> >


> Joanne,


> I think that would be very helpful. I don't know if it'll be enough

> for the doctor but it would really help me decide if I want to spend

> the money myself - I'm on a restricted income so it's a big chunk of

> change! If you can't get it into the files section, could you just

> send it email or pm?


> Thanks again,




If you go to the Genova website, you can see a sample report and

you can also read more information about the test:



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I should be receiving the AI book any day now (finally ordered it after reading

these lists for a year! lol) and I was wondering if info on the Comp.Liver Detox

Profile is in the book. All this talk about Phase1&2 is something I definitely

want to know more about 'cause, along with being mercury toxic since I'm a kid,

I've been chemically sensitive (in an obvious way) for about 20.

: Donna

>Joanne wrote: I'm commenting on this because after feeling confused about my


>function, based on rereading & trialing supplements on and off for a

>year, I had the Comprehensive Liver Detox Profile done in November.

>Evidently all liver detox function is poor, but I'm very much a fast

>Phase 1/slow Phase 2, low with cysteine, sulfate, & glutathione, high

>for lipid peroxide free radical activity, and notably low


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