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Re: Newbie question: Do dark amalgams always contain mercury?

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In frequent-dose-chelation iam2l84t wrote:


I'm new to this group and am the mom of 3 kids,

-----------Hello and welcome! Lots of us here are moms.--------Jackie

one with serious

learning difficulties and 2 others with lots of allergies & other

health issues.

-----------Sorry to hear about this. Have you joined the Autism-Mercury

group? That is a group with lots of parents chelating their kids, mostly using

Cutler's protocol, and they don't all have autism. You are certainly welcome

here, but they might be very helpful to you also, and some people belong to


I'm just getting into chelation for my eldest with LDs

and since reading so much about metals toxicity in Andy's book &

elsewhere, have concluded that I am most likely mercury toxic and am

the main reason that my kids (and I) have many health issues.

----------What exposures have you had besides fillings? Have your kids been

vaccinated? Do/did you eat alot of fish?----------Jackie

I will be getting a hair test for myself soon and meanwhile want to

ask a couple of questions about amalgams.

------------It's good you are getting a hair test. Hopefully it will help

determine if you are mercury poisoned, and can point to many other things as

well. Did you or are you going to get hair tests on your kids?----------Jackie

Is there any way to know for certain if fillings contain mercury? I

only have 2 fillings that were done in the 80s in Canada - they are

dark in colour, metallic grey/black now. Is there *any* chance that

there is no mercury in these? Is there a way to test this or do all

dark fillings necessarily have mercury?

------------Sorry to say, but I believe that all silver/grey/dark fillings

contain mercury. The mercury is what mixes and holds the other metals together,

creating amalgam. I have never heard of any that don't contain


I've read that most dark fillings contain mercury, but does that mean

100% of them?

-------------I think so. I don't think there are any exceptions.-------Jackie

The reason that I am asking if there is a glimmer of hope is because I

have a really serious case of dentist-phobia due to traumatic dental

work I got as a child (I haven't seen a dentist in years). I am

entirely capable of procrastinating getting to the dentist especially

if he's going to do any drilling during an appointment. I've already

put off asking this question for a few months.

------------I believe in this case, you could ask to be put


My next question: if there is mercury, does it make more sense to pull

the teeth concerned rather than drill & replace the fillings? I've

read that some people get worse after drilling around amalgams since

the amalgams can leach into teeth enamel.

-------------The leaching into surrounding enamel would be a slow steady

process, the whole time the amalgam is in contact with the rest of the tooth.

This isn't going to happen during the short time that the drilling is taking

place. Some people feel worse during amalgam removal because they are

inevitably exposed to some mercury vapor during this process, and it is even

possible that some small bits may be swallowed. These exposures can be

minimized if the dentist uses proper procedures to limit them. And everyone is

different, some people will be more sensitive to removal than others.

Pulling the teeth would be a rather drastic measure, and you might have a hard

time finding a dentist who will do this. It would depend on how deep the

filling is and the health of the teeth involved. If the fillings are easily

replaceable, then that would probably make the most sense. Where are these

teeth located? If you pull them, then you are probably talking about needing a

bridge, and you are talking about alot more dental work and expense. I think

the minimum amount of time would be having the fillings replaced. Just tell the

dentist your concerns, and ask to be put under, or maybe gas would be enough for


Just writing about drilling, pulling teeth etc is making me shaky,

sick & faint so if there is a way to test for mercury without going to

the dentist I'm willing to go to the trouble & foot the bill.

-------------I would start with the hair test. Your reaction above sounds

like possible adrenal problems, and the hair test might pick this up also. The

only other thing I have heard of, but I don't think many, if hardly any

dentists, do it, is to use a mercury vapor analyzer. Supposedly you can stick

it in your mouth, and it will pick up the mercury vapors coming off of your

amalgams. I don't know how sensitive the equipment is, but it is very

expensive, so probably why not many use it. Anyhow, that's the only other thing

I can think of.----------Jackie

Thanks in advance for your help,

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> Is there *any* chance that

> there is no mercury in these? Is there a way to test this or do all

> dark fillings necessarily have mercury?


They are all mercury containing. Sorry.

> I've read that most dark fillings contain mercury, but does that mean

> 100% of them?

Yes it does.

> Just writing about drilling, pulling teeth etc is making me shaky,

> sick & faint so if there is a way to test for mercury without going to

> the dentist I'm willing to go to the trouble & foot the bill.

You can ask for Conscious Sedation when you have your fillings out. It is a

very 'pleasant' way to do it and you won't remember the experience at all.

Unfortunately, taking them out is the only way to chelate.

And extractions are a much more difficult process to go through for someone

who is very scared of a dentist (justifiably so, as they are silent serial

killers in truth).

Good luck,


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> -----------Sorry to hear about this. Have you joined the

Autism-Mercury group? That is a group with lots of parents chelating

their kids, mostly using Cutler's protocol, and they don't all have

autism. You are certainly welcome here, but they might be very

helpful to you also, and some people belong to both.----------Jackie

Thanks for the welcome & answers Jacquie. Yes I'm on the a-m list and

in fact started the Cutler chelation tonight for my daughter. I heard

about this list through someone on the a-m list

>----------What exposures have you had besides fillings? Have your

>kids been vaccinated? Do/did you eat alot of fish?----------Jackie

I believe that my main exposure has been fish, though the amalgams

probably account for some and there could be other unidentified

sources. I ate a *lot* of fish in my semi-vegetarian years (20-35)

when I especially favoured tuna, salmon, and swordfish. I was never

warned about the toxicity of fish when pregnant with my eldest child &

believe that she was exposed in utero to high doses of mercury.

> ------------It's good you are getting a hair test. Hopefully it

will help determine if you are mercury poisoned, and can point to many

other things as well. Did you or are you going to get hair tests on

your kids?----------Jackie

My eldest has had one. I am planning one for myself and the other two

when we have enough hair growth.

> ------------Sorry to say, but I believe that all silver/grey/dark

fillings contain mercury. The mercury is what mixes and holds the

other metals together, creating amalgam. I have never heard of any

that don't contain mercury.----------Jackie

I was expecting this answer. I am going to bite the bullet & get my

amalgams removed. I've got a lot of symptoms of mercury toxicity as

described in Andy's book, and recently I've also had a scare with cancer.

My journey & readings in biomed were to help heal my child, but

they've provided answers for me & my other two children's issues too.

I've come to think that mercury & other metals have probably been

triggers for cancer & heart disease for a few older relatives.

If I have any significant metals in my body, I just want them out!

> ------------I believe in this case, you could ask to be put


Yes, I may just have to do this!

> -------------I would start with the hair test. Your reaction

>above sounds like possible adrenal problems, and the hair test might

>pick this up also. The only other thing I have heard of, but I don't

>think many, if hardly any dentists, do it, is to use a mercury vapor

>analyzer. Supposedly you can stick it in your mouth, and it will

>pick up the mercury vapors coming off of your amalgams. I don't know

>how sensitive the equipment is, but it is very expensive, so probably

>why not many use it. Anyhow, that's the only other thing I can think


Yes, I've seen this vaporiser thing in a video - I think it was a

presentation by Boyd Haley a while back. I was hoping that this would

be avaiable as a testing tool.

Well, it sounds like these fillings have mercury so I will look for a

dentist & see about removal.

Thanks again for your help.

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> -----------Sorry to hear about this. Have you joined the

Autism-Mercury group? That is a group with lots of parents chelating

their kids, mostly using Cutler's protocol, and they don't all have

autism. You are certainly welcome here, but they might be very

helpful to you also, and some people belong to both.----------Jackie

Thanks for the welcome & answers Jacquie. Yes I'm on the a-m list and

in fact started the Cutler chelation tonight for my daughter. I heard

about this list through someone on the a-m list

>----------What exposures have you had besides fillings? Have your

>kids been vaccinated? Do/did you eat alot of fish?----------Jackie

I believe that my main exposure has been fish, though the amalgams

probably account for some and there could be other unidentified

sources. I ate a *lot* of fish in my semi-vegetarian years (20-35)

when I especially favoured tuna, salmon, and swordfish. I was never

warned about the toxicity of fish when pregnant with my eldest child &

believe that she was exposed in utero to high doses of mercury.

> ------------It's good you are getting a hair test. Hopefully it

will help determine if you are mercury poisoned, and can point to many

other things as well. Did you or are you going to get hair tests on

your kids?----------Jackie

My eldest has had one. I am planning one for myself and the other two

when we have enough hair growth.

> ------------Sorry to say, but I believe that all silver/grey/dark

fillings contain mercury. The mercury is what mixes and holds the

other metals together, creating amalgam. I have never heard of any

that don't contain mercury.----------Jackie

I was expecting this answer. I am going to bite the bullet & get my

amalgams removed. I've got a lot of symptoms of mercury toxicity as

described in Andy's book, and recently I've also had a scare with cancer.

My journey & readings in biomed were to help heal my child, but

they've provided answers for me & my other two children's issues too.

I've come to think that mercury & other metals have probably been

triggers for cancer & heart disease for a few older relatives.

If I have any significant metals in my body, I just want them out!

> ------------I believe in this case, you could ask to be put


Yes, I may just have to do this!

> -------------I would start with the hair test. Your reaction

>above sounds like possible adrenal problems, and the hair test might

>pick this up also. The only other thing I have heard of, but I don't

>think many, if hardly any dentists, do it, is to use a mercury vapor

>analyzer. Supposedly you can stick it in your mouth, and it will

>pick up the mercury vapors coming off of your amalgams. I don't know

>how sensitive the equipment is, but it is very expensive, so probably

>why not many use it. Anyhow, that's the only other thing I can think


Yes, I've seen this vaporiser thing in a video - I think it was a

presentation by Boyd Haley a while back. I was hoping that this would

be avaiable as a testing tool.

Well, it sounds like these fillings have mercury so I will look for a

dentist & see about removal.

Thanks again for your help.

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> You can ask for Conscious Sedation when you have your fillings out. It is a

> very 'pleasant' way to do it and you won't remember the experience at all.

Seconding this. My dentist called it " twilight dentistry " . I really hate going

to the dentist now

too, thanks to a few novocaine injections I had bad reactions to and thought I

was going to

have a heart attack. So when it came time to have my amalgams out I was really


about it. The dentist had me take a valium before being dropped off at the

office, and then he

gave me something else when I got there, plus nitrous. I was in la-la land the

whole time,

awake but totally out of it, not anxious one bit. I really recommend doing it

this way.


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> You can ask for Conscious Sedation when you have your fillings out. It

> is a very 'pleasant' way to do it and you won't remember the

> experience at all. Unfortunately, taking them out is the only way to

> chelate.

Thanks for this Dean, " conscious sedation " & not remembering much

sound pretty good to me ;-)

I will have to figure out the French term for this type of sedation. I

live in France & need to find a dentist who is experienced with

mercury amalgam replacement & can sedate this way.


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Here in Las Vegas we have " La Reve " at the Wynn

Resort. The Cirque du Soleil does a phenomenal job of

entertaining us. Perhaps you can ask your Dentist in

France for " La Reve " sedation.


Just dreaming.


--- iam2l84t mam78@...> wrote:

> > You can ask for Conscious Sedation when you have

> your fillings out. It

> > is a very 'pleasant' way to do it and you won't

> remember the

> > experience at all. Unfortunately, taking them out

> is the only way to

> > chelate.


> Thanks for this Dean, " conscious sedation " & not

> remembering much

> sound pretty good to me ;-)


> I will have to figure out the French term for this

> type of sedation. I

> live in France & need to find a dentist who is

> experienced with

> mercury amalgam replacement & can sedate this way.


> Regards,






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Here in Las Vegas we have " La Reve " at the Wynn

Resort. The Cirque du Soleil does a phenomenal job of

entertaining us. Perhaps you can ask your Dentist in

France for " La Reve " sedation.


Just dreaming.


--- iam2l84t mam78@...> wrote:

> > You can ask for Conscious Sedation when you have

> your fillings out. It

> > is a very 'pleasant' way to do it and you won't

> remember the

> > experience at all. Unfortunately, taking them out

> is the only way to

> > chelate.


> Thanks for this Dean, " conscious sedation " & not

> remembering much

> sound pretty good to me ;-)


> I will have to figure out the French term for this

> type of sedation. I

> live in France & need to find a dentist who is

> experienced with

> mercury amalgam replacement & can sedate this way.


> Regards,






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I sympathize with the anxiety. Unfortunately, you can be sure that

those fillings are amalgams.

If a dentist knows what they are doing, they will, in addition to other

precautions, use a slow speed drill to take out the mercury. The reason

is that the slow speed drill does not create as much heat as the high

speed ones, and so does not vaporize as much. I have been told that

there are even dentists (NB) who do not drill at all, or at least only

do it very minimally. Instead they laboriously use a pick to pull out

the mercury, thereby decreasing exposure even further. I don't have a

name, but I have been told that there is one guy in Arizona who works

this way. You might be able to find him or another who works the same

way if you call Leo at DAMS and ask. Check out Amalgam.Org.

And no, don't pull them unless there is a real good reason to. Save

those teeth.

Oh, and , I would also second this:

Just writing about drilling, pulling teeth etc is making me shaky,

sick & faint so if there is a way to test for mercury without going to

the dentist I'm willing to go to the trouble & foot the bill.

I would start with the hair test. Your reaction above sounds like


adrenal problems, and the hair test might pick this up also.

A lot of what we think of as psychological problems are not at all.

They are physiological. They may have effects on the mind, and you may

find yourself ruminating over old traumatic experiences, but that

doesn't mean that the experiences _caused_ your inability to handle the

situation. As a chinese doctor put it to me, " When the energy is low,

all of this stuff starts happening. " Eg. when there is something

systemic wrong (like mercury poisoning) you start having all of these

kind of uncomfortable reactions.

Good luck,


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