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I am convinced that I need to chelate my 6yo son.

His hair test (#155) is horrible, lots of therapies have had

marginal improvement. His history confirms that he is mercury toxic.

I am just really scared to start for fear of making him worse. He is

really high functioning, most people don't even notice any

differences; however, I know as he gets older, the developmental gap

will seem larger.

Of course, I know " mainstream " doctors are very against chelation,

but they have not done ANYTHING useful for us at all. Also, I think

reading about some of the group member side effects scare me a

little - I just hate to put him through that.

Does everyone experience negative side effects? Does anyone wish

they had not chelated? I guess hearing some positive outcomes would

really help me not view this process as scary/risky. Thanks for your

patience with a mom who really is trying to do her best...


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I understand your dilemma. I wanted to share my son's story with

you. My son was very healthy until age 12, now he is 16. I found

that I had heavy metal issues almost 3 years ago and my plan was to

chelate myself after dental work and then my kids and hubby. Things

have taken longer than plan due to my own health and money issues. My

son developed asthma and since age 14, worse every year and allergies.

I have hesitated because of unknown side effects also. This year he

had a walking pneumonia, allergies and is now on 2 asthma meds. I took

him to 2 alt practitioners but I knew that he needed to chelate, but

neither one agreed with me so I keep waiting. I just took him to an

alternative dentist and he has mercury under a non mercury filling and

is loaded with heavy metals. He also had a hair analysis which didnt

really show much but thats can happen also. This dentist checks with

a meridian evb machine( forgot the name). He uses homeopathic liquids

charged with the vibration of the heavy metals to reduce the body

burden. I am now going to remove the mercury filling and continue the

homeopathic and then in a few months start dmsa and ala on the

weekends. Issues with mercury do not go away, then can become worse.

I have filter and distilled water, shower filters, non metal cooking

pots,do not vaccinate, no mercury dental work and extremely good

foods for my family but all that is not enough. I have noticed some

emotional things with him also, more critical, a loss of his sense of

humor(he was a very funny ,happy kid) skin problems. I guess my

advice would be to chelate at very slow doses maybe 6 or 12 mg but to

chelate. I realize that my son's metals were worse than I thought

and affecting him more than I realized. I also would make sure your

son has no mercury in his mouth in case he ever did. I know also plan

to check my other son , this dentist is very expensive 600 buck but he

is the best in ct. I cant imagine sending my boys out in the world

heavy metal poisoned, this is very important and it affects

everything, your health, how you relate to others, how you see the

world, problem solving. Mercury is not a lit prob its a big prob but

chelation is the solution , slow, careful chelation. I think you

already realize that theres a good chance that mercury is the problem

, anything but chelation will be a band aid, helpful but does not

solve the problem. I also think I goofed with the vaccines, the

mercury fillings and I need to make it right. OF course I didnt know

but the effects are here and I need to help them(both boys) so their

adults lives are k. I spent a few bucks on alt practitioners who

didn't understand mercury and its side effect and I canceled my own

voice that said to chelate 2 years ago. I hope you do what you know

and feel , slowly and carefully. I have found chelation difficult but

so is living full of mercury. I am not well enough yet to say , its

worked, I am cured but I am heading in the direction. I am also

nervous about chelating my boys, ages 16 and 17 but the mercury has to

come out. In essense because your son is so young, you have a lot more

control of him, his foods, his time. I think older boys will

complaint and complaint but of course can tell me what they feel as

far as side effects. THis is scary its basically new territory and

many will not understand , thank god for this room and others like it.

Try to find an alt practioner that gets it , aslo join the other room

, adult chelation and the austism chelation room. Wishing you lots of

luck. ALso try to email Andy Culter to see what he says.



> Hello,

> I am convinced that I need to chelate my 6yo son.

> His hair test (#155) is horrible, lots of therapies have had

> marginal improvement. His history confirms that he is mercury toxic.


> I am just really scared to start for fear of making him worse. He is

> really high functioning, most people don't even notice any

> differences; however, I know as he gets older, the developmental gap

> will seem larger.


> Of course, I know " mainstream " doctors are very against chelation,

> but they have not done ANYTHING useful for us at all. Also, I think

> reading about some of the group member side effects scare me a

> little - I just hate to put him through that.


> Does everyone experience negative side effects? Does anyone wish

> they had not chelated? I guess hearing some positive outcomes would

> really help me not view this process as scary/risky. Thanks for your

> patience with a mom who really is trying to do her best...


> Janet


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Janet, you might want to take your questions over to Autism-Mercury where there

are lots

of parents chelating their kids.

I was scared to pieces when we first started. I have 2 NT kids whose hair tests

met the

counting rules. The kids were most definitely exposed to mercury.

Symptoms? Oh, mild when you compare it to being autistic, y'know? But look


here, and you can plainly see all kinds of emotional and physical problems

resulting from

metal toxicity. Did I want that in the future for my kids? I think reading

through Amalgam

Illness, and seeing the " future " is motivation enough!

I read and read at A-M, and here, and I noticed that the people who were having


problems with chelation were the ones who were not following Andy's protocol,

either in

the past or presently.

Once we got a few rounds under our belt (I'm chelating too), I had to wonder

what I had

been so afraid of. Follow the dosing guidelines religiously. Take supportive

supplements. It will be a LOT easier to chelate your child while he/she is

young and more

under your control, than waiting until puberty kicks in, more problems arise,

and by then

you don't have a compliant child.

The kids and I have taken several breaks since starting to chelate at the end of


We've done ~70 rounds.

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> Hello,

> I am convinced that I need to chelate my 6yo son.

> His hair test (#155) is horrible, lots of therapies have had

> marginal improvement. His history confirms that he is mercury toxic.


> I am just really scared to start for fear of making him worse.

Fear of the unknown is common. The more you read, the more you

understand, the more you talk to people who are chelating, the more

relaxed you will become.

He is

> really high functioning, most people don't even notice any

> differences; however, I know as he gets older, the developmental gap

> will seem larger.


The mercury will not fall out on it's own (natural clearance from the

body would be little, if any, and from the brain would be close to

zero). Mercury will cause problems with time. Once it is removed it

can't cause problems anymore.

It also gets more difficult to chelate kids as they get older and

refuse to cooperate.

> Of course, I know " mainstream " doctors are very against chelation,

> but they have not done ANYTHING useful for us at all. Also, I think

> reading about some of the group member side effects scare me a

> little - I just hate to put him through that.


> Does everyone experience negative side effects?

Negative side effects usually indicate that something is wrong. When

chelating with Andy's protocol (the only safe protocol around) it is

acceptable to have fatigue and body ache at the end of the round.

More than that indicates trouble shooting is in order. The most

common problem is that people use doses of chelators that are too high

for them. Lowering the dose solves that problem. There will be a

dose at which there are NO side effects. The optimum dose is

different for different people.

Other trouble shooting measures involve supporting the body with diet

and supplements.

Does anyone wish

> they had not chelated?

My biggest exposures to mercury were 30 years ago. I wish I had found

Andy Cutler when he first was developing his protocol.

I guess hearing some positive outcomes would

> really help me not view this process as scary/risky.

Have you read the " Love letters " file.

There are lots of positive outcome stories in autism mercury archives.

(there is also a lot of blah, blah, blah, in that group too, it's

sort of like panning for gold)

Thanks for your

> patience with a mom who really is trying to do her best...


The more you educate yourself, the safer your child will be.


> Janet


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