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Re: Re: Results of hair elements test.

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Once again did a wonderful job of hair test interpretation. I'll just

add a few comments below.------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:


> I am including at the end of the message the results of the hair

> elements test (Doctor's Data).

> I think that probably this makes me a formal member of the club of

> toxic people. Any comments will be welcome.

--------Welcome to the club! Not sure if this is one you want to be in

though! If it makes you feel any better, my first hair test was even worse than

yours, including my arsenic being higher.----------Jackie

Your hair test says you have both a mercury problem and an arsenic

problem. ALA and DMPS are the best chelators in this case. Wait

four days after all amalgam is removed before starting chelation.

See TK's general chelation suggestions in the files. I suggest you

use DMPS for a few months before adding ALA.

The all low appearance of the test suggests you would benefit from

treatments to improve digestion such as supplemental stomach acid

and digestive enzymes. For undetectable lithium, a supplement of

5 mg lithium (orotate or aspartate) can be helpful.

In Hair Test Interpretation, Andy says that high hair zinc may

mean more vitamin B-6 is needed. You might try adding some extra

B-6 along with the B complex you are already taking.

----------He also says that when mineral transport is deranged, elevated hair

zinc invariably indicates a low body burden and zinc supplementation is

appropriate. Absorption of zinc is severely impaired in mercury toxicity, and

very high amounts are needed. For adults, he recommends 100-200mg a day in

divided doses.-------Jackie

> Location: Madrid, Spain

> 1) Current symptoms and medical history;

> Male, 40.

> Brain fog, coldness, muscular weakness, multiple infections, fatigue,

> some muscular pain.

> These problems slowly started when I was very young (14? 16? 18?) and

> have increased (with on's and off's periods) to something that today,

> without supplementation, is quite miserable. With supplementation I

> feel much better.

The symptoms above suggest possible adrenal and/or thyroid problems.

If your supplementation fully corrects the symptoms, then you might

be okay, otherwise I suggest testing to determine whether hormone

support is needed. Many of us do need this. Saliva testing is best

for adrenals. For thyroid you need free T3, free T4, and TSH.

------------For thyroid, also test for antibodies.--------Jackie

> 2) Current dental work in place and dental history;


> My first amalgams came when I was 16 or so. I had 5 amalgams and three

> crowns.

> The five amalgams I had have just been removed. Next week the dentist

> will remove three crowns and then the dental work will be complete. I

> have also a couple or root channels, but my dentist has promised me

> that in the channels there is nothing but gutta percha. Hope she is



> 3) Supplements; medications and chelating schedule at the time of hair

> test;


> Vit C (as sodium ascorbate): 1 tsp 3 times per day.

> Vit E: 400 IU 3 times per day

> B-50: 3 times per day

> Magnesium: 400 mg three times per day

> Zinc: 50 mg once

> Chromium picolinate: 200 mcg three times per day

> Milk thistle: 3 times per day

> Hydergine: 1,125 mg three times per day (Just started few days ago,

> currently slowly increasing)

Andy recommends some additional supplements in Amalgam Illness, such

as EFAs, molybdenum, and others. I suggest adding these at some


> I also use a home made Alka Selzter Gold (potassium bicarbonate,

> sodium bicarbonate and citric acid in proportions 1:3:3): 1 tsp per day



> 4) Recently added supplements and medications after the hair test

and date

> added;

> None.


> 5) Other relevant information.

> My father was an amateur alchemist and experimented for many years at

> work (in a small shop where I used to spend many hours) and after

> retirement, at home. So since I was a child I was probably

> exposed to Hg, which is a main ingredient in any alchemist lab.

> His last 10-15 years of live were very miserable.

> My mother which is still alive (85) enjoys a very good health. She was

> 45 when I was born.

---------Your mother must be a good excretor of metals, and probably wasn't

exposed as much as your father. Do you have any idea where the arsenic came


Interesting. Your hair test agrees that you are very toxic, since

it comes close to meeting all three rules. You have lots of

chelation ahead of you.


> 6) Counting rules:

> #1: 6 (not satisfied)

> #2: 17 (not satisfied)

> #3: 3 (not satified)

> #4: 10 (satisfied)

> #5: Satisfied, due to #1 and #3



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