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Re: Re: Starting chelation tonight 12.5 mg dmps oral every 8 hours

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Hi Doug -- Sounds like you've gotten lots of great tips already, and supposedly

you started already, so I hope it's going well. Please give us a report when

you get a chance, and congratulations for taking the leap of faith and giving it

a go! Prayers and good wishes are with you.

Top Five, probably some repetition:

1---If you're using DMPS, I agree with that more frequent dosing might be

needed. I also dose every 6 hours and prefer that to 8.

2--Find the dose that works for you and don't worry about what others are doing.

When I started out with DMSA, I felt really good on rounds at 12.5mg, and had to

stay there a long time, but I didn't mind because I felt good. If I tried a

higher dose too soon, then I didn't feel good and wanted to stay in bed. So

sticking to the right dose and not trying to increase too fast was important for

me. I'd rather be functional and take longer than to not be functional.

3--Wish I would have figured out the hormone stuff sooner, and probably still

don't have it all figured out yet, but adrenal support was huge for me. My

other hormones, like progesterone, etc., are out of whack too, and supporting

them has helped alot also, so more than just adrenals and thyroid, all hormones.

So saliva testing was very useful in my case.

4--Hair test was very informative, that's how I found out I had arsenic besides

mercury. So I think it's good to know what all you're dealing with. The

arsenic was in my well water, so I got a distiller. Also had an all low

profile, so definitely needed digestive aids. Met 2, almost 3, counting rules,

so definitely have a mercury problem also.

5--Take your supplements and keep working on what you need. May change over

time. The more things you address, the better you'll feel. I had extremely low

ferritin and low Vit D. Everything helps.

6--Last but not least, chelate, chelate, chelate, and then chelate some more!

Ok, I better stop, but glad to see you finally got on the chelation horse! Good


In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:

Just one - if you aren't sure you like every 8 h, try every 6 h. I

found that a bit better, and it works ok for me sleeping through the

night because I take my last dose about 12 - 1 am and first dose about

7 am.




> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

> I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth copy

> of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are doing

> some good.

> Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

> and the reason I'm starting tonight.

> Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

> sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

> hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

> symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.


> Doug


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Doug, congratulations for getting started! Good for you!--------Jackie

(more below)

In frequent-dose-chelation nhdougsimmons wrote:

Well, I did not quite get started when I thought I would. I had a

particularly busy stretch of work so I postponed yet again, and then I

waited for a weekend to collect urine to take a baseline, unprovoked

sample. Then finally last Wednesday I began. I am still on my first

round of 12.5 mg DMPS, sixth day. It's going pretty well. Mostly,

I've felt better, with some psychological issues much better. I did

notice some increase in pain and stiffness in my most susceptible

joints, some muscle spasms and the first day quite a spacy or foggy

feeling which has since passed.

I am going to do a provoked urine sample but I am going to do it in

the middle of a round and spread the provocation dose out over 18-24


--------What do you mean by provocation dose? Do you mean higher doses than

what you're taking now? That could cause problems, and you should just do it on

a normal round of chelation. The higher doses might cause alot of symptoms, so

I would consider this carefully.-----------Jackie

I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

------------I understand that feeling of not wanting to stop, especially when

you feel good on round. But since it's your first round, you probably shouldn't

push it too long, and you're going to have to stop sooner or later! And

stopping the round and having some symptoms is verification that you are toxic.

And finding out what your end of round symptoms are will help you determine what

your optimum dosage will be. So it's just something you're going to have to go

through and experiment with a little. End of round symptoms usually only last a

day or two. If they are tolerable, then stay at your current dosage, if they

are too bad, then lower your dosage. Only way you'll know.-----------Jackie

Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

round suggestions?

------------I haven't used any of the above, but fiber to keep things moving

is never a bad thing. But actually, DMPS excretes primarily through the urine,

so these might not be that relevant. Drinking plenty of water is always

important, continue on your supps, and possibly increase Vit C and maybe

minerals too. Alka Seltzer Gold might help if you get brain fog. Try to get

extra rest if you can, and know that this will pass and that we all go through

it :) ---------Jackie

Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.

----------I'm just glad you finally bit the bullet and got of the chelation

wagon! I hope things go well for you. Good luck-----------Jackie




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Doug, congratulations for getting started! Good for you!--------Jackie

(more below)

In frequent-dose-chelation nhdougsimmons wrote:

Well, I did not quite get started when I thought I would. I had a

particularly busy stretch of work so I postponed yet again, and then I

waited for a weekend to collect urine to take a baseline, unprovoked

sample. Then finally last Wednesday I began. I am still on my first

round of 12.5 mg DMPS, sixth day. It's going pretty well. Mostly,

I've felt better, with some psychological issues much better. I did

notice some increase in pain and stiffness in my most susceptible

joints, some muscle spasms and the first day quite a spacy or foggy

feeling which has since passed.

I am going to do a provoked urine sample but I am going to do it in

the middle of a round and spread the provocation dose out over 18-24


--------What do you mean by provocation dose? Do you mean higher doses than

what you're taking now? That could cause problems, and you should just do it on

a normal round of chelation. The higher doses might cause alot of symptoms, so

I would consider this carefully.-----------Jackie

I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

------------I understand that feeling of not wanting to stop, especially when

you feel good on round. But since it's your first round, you probably shouldn't

push it too long, and you're going to have to stop sooner or later! And

stopping the round and having some symptoms is verification that you are toxic.

And finding out what your end of round symptoms are will help you determine what

your optimum dosage will be. So it's just something you're going to have to go

through and experiment with a little. End of round symptoms usually only last a

day or two. If they are tolerable, then stay at your current dosage, if they

are too bad, then lower your dosage. Only way you'll know.-----------Jackie

Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

round suggestions?

------------I haven't used any of the above, but fiber to keep things moving

is never a bad thing. But actually, DMPS excretes primarily through the urine,

so these might not be that relevant. Drinking plenty of water is always

important, continue on your supps, and possibly increase Vit C and maybe

minerals too. Alka Seltzer Gold might help if you get brain fog. Try to get

extra rest if you can, and know that this will pass and that we all go through

it :) ---------Jackie

Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.

----------I'm just glad you finally bit the bullet and got of the chelation

wagon! I hope things go well for you. Good luck-----------Jackie




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