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Hi Alyssa, this is what I would do if I were you:

I would call the nurse and tell her that you are NOT going to stop the PTU

for two days, but that you ARE going to cut your dose starting tomorrow to

50mgs a day.

This jumping around from hypo to hyper and back again is NOT good for you at

all and they should know that already.

How you are going to split your 50mg up 3 ways I do not know, but others

will... in fact, I wonder if it might be a smoother ride if you cut down to

75 and then to 50 in a little while??? How hypo are you feeling? Again, I'm

not the expert in cutting down PTU, but others are...

Good luck,

Pam B.

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Now Granny,

Calm down here everything is fine. I am going to be just fine you

see I'm only going off the meds for 2 days thats it then I will do

like you said, and reduce to 75mgs then down to 50mgs so how do I

split the 50mgs?

anyway I am not RAI bait hehe

things are going to work out for Alyssa you just wait and see.

My idiot doctor has gotten me this far and look I'm almost better

I'm going down to 50mgs so are you happy for me.

I will ask Endo about what you said, though makes scense but I do

feel hypo and fat and as far as that goes. I feel better when my

TSH is 2.0 and its not 2.0 so therefore Alyssa is not balanced!

Everything will work out you'll see

keep the faith and oh say a prayer for me that I don't go hyper in 2

days time I think I will just fine things will work out I will say a

prayer to I have to get that TSH down I'm to fat!



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Hey Pam,

Ya I'm feeling HYPO so I'm thinking a 2 day vacation cannot be all

that bad at least its not 3 days so things will be ok my Endo must

have some sort of a damn clue as to what she's doing I mean they go

to school for this shit right? Well one would hope!

I suppose I can take my PTU before bed that would give me 50mgs today

since I didn't take it at noon. Maybe I shouldn't go off cold turkey

but 2 days is not as long as 3 days and I think it will be ok so I

will be fine.

I hope.


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Alyssa - If you are going to do exactly as they say, then why are you

asking us? You know we will tell you that it is senseless to quit

the meds for 2 days and then resume with half the previous amount.

Some of us have tried this already, and it doesn't work!

The best thing to do would be to lower it to 75 mg a day, and let the

thyroid gradually move up a bit. There is no need to drop it for 2

days because all it will do is let the thyroid hormone production go

into full overactive swing for those two days. You can't play with

this stuff like this.

I won't advise you on this again because you already have your mind

made up and it's a waste of time. If you think that because your

doctor went to school for all those years, that makes him or her

smart...... think again. They obviously didn't learn a friggin thing

about effective ways to manage Graves' disease.


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Don't panic, Alyssa. It is NOT unheard of to be told to stop taking your

ATD for a couple of days when you go hypo. They want you to build up some

hormone to get closer to normal. As for myself, I went off my MMI for three

days last winter when I had a TSH of 37. Then, I started back on a lower

dose. Everything worked out fine.

Now, the only thing that concerns me is that your TSH is just 5.98. It does

seem to me like a dose reduction only would get that back into check pretty

quickly. If you don't want to stop for 2 days, then just go ahead and lower

your dose instead. You'll eventually come back up to where you need to be.

It just might take a little longer.

Are you taking 50 mg. 2X a day now? Cutting your dose in half seems a

little drastic, but I know PTU is different from MMI. Cutting my MMI dose

by half sent me on a rollercoaster ride. Maybe you should try 25 mg. 3 X a

day for a few weeks and see how you feel. If you still feel hypo, then cut

on back to 25 mg. twice a day. I do know that you probably shouldn't just

take PTU once a day. It doesn't have a long enough half-life. Still, I

only took PTU for about two months, so my dosing experiencing is really only

with MMI. Someone who has been using PTU for a while will probably have

better advice.

You do need to follow your doctor's guidance, but if what he tells you to do

goes completely against what you KNOW is right for you, then follow your

instincts, use a little common sense, and do what you feel is right. It's

not going to hurt you to just cut back your dose without stopping for two

days. And it's not going to hurt you to take 25 mg. more than what the

doctor tells you to take. You'll know soon enough if the dose is right or

not. Then you can adjust accordingly. I do know from experience that it

will be much harder on you if you go back to being hyper after being hypo.

So, my advice is take it slow and easy...you'll get to where you need to be.

Take care,


Dx. 8/2001; 5 mg. MMI for last three months (and starting to get muscle

cramps again!)


THE Nurse called my LABS ARE

TSH is 5.98

FT4 is 1.0

She told me to not taking any PTU for 2 days then start on 1 PTU per

day 50mgs so should I do this again?

I thought this wasn't good for me to skip PTU maybe I better call her

back. What is going to happen ette, says this is a mess and how

can this be and that I am RAI bait cuz how can I get better in less

than a year right?

Granny what should I do? If I go off PTU for 2 days I will loose it

and I haven't taken my noon dose today cuz I'm so damned confused she

said, off the PTU for 2 days and back on 1 50mgs after that so am I

going to go hyper again and just be RAI bait?


Alyssa is a wreck!

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It sounds to me like Alyssa has made a choice that feels right to her. It's

wrong of us to chastise her about it. We need to support her. I agree with

Simon, that what the doctor is suggesting is NOT completely unreasonable,

but I can also understand her and us hesitating about it because her TSH is

really not all that high. Sounds like she's listened to what we have to

say, and what her doctor has told her to do, and has made a decision based

on what she feels is best for her. Enough said.


Dx. 8/2001; 5 mg. MMI for last three months (and starting to get muscle

cramps again!)


Alyssa - If you are going to do exactly as they say, then why are you

asking us? You know we will tell you that it is senseless to quit

the meds for 2 days and then resume with half the previous amount.

Some of us have tried this already, and it doesn't work!

The best thing to do would be to lower it to 75 mg a day, and let the

thyroid gradually move up a bit. There is no need to drop it for 2

days because all it will do is let the thyroid hormone production go

into full overactive swing for those two days. You can't play with

this stuff like this.

I won't advise you on this again because you already have your mind

made up and it's a waste of time. If you think that because your

doctor went to school for all those years, that makes him or her

smart...... think again. They obviously didn't learn a friggin thing

about effective ways to manage Graves' disease.


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It sounds to me like Alyssa has made a choice that feels right to her. It's

wrong of us to chastise her about it. We need to support her. I agree with

Simon, that what the doctor is suggesting is NOT completely unreasonable,

but I can also understand her and us hesitating about it because her TSH is

really not all that high. Sounds like she's listened to what we have to

say, and what her doctor has told her to do, and has made a decision based

on what she feels is best for her. Enough said.


Dx. 8/2001; 5 mg. MMI for last three months (and starting to get muscle

cramps again!)


Alyssa - If you are going to do exactly as they say, then why are you

asking us? You know we will tell you that it is senseless to quit

the meds for 2 days and then resume with half the previous amount.

Some of us have tried this already, and it doesn't work!

The best thing to do would be to lower it to 75 mg a day, and let the

thyroid gradually move up a bit. There is no need to drop it for 2

days because all it will do is let the thyroid hormone production go

into full overactive swing for those two days. You can't play with

this stuff like this.

I won't advise you on this again because you already have your mind

made up and it's a waste of time. If you think that because your

doctor went to school for all those years, that makes him or her

smart...... think again. They obviously didn't learn a friggin thing

about effective ways to manage Graves' disease.


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Thanks Holly,

I'm not panicicking yet on all this. I took 50mgs yesterday but

today I decided to go cold turkey until Friday 2 days is not going to

kill me and I want to get that TSH down so I'm not fat. Then I will

do the 50mgs in 1/4, 1/4, 3/4 pill like Jody said, then I'm going to

ask for the block and replace thingy


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Thanks Holly,

I'm not panicicking yet on all this. I took 50mgs yesterday but

today I decided to go cold turkey until Friday 2 days is not going to

kill me and I want to get that TSH down so I'm not fat. Then I will

do the 50mgs in 1/4, 1/4, 3/4 pill like Jody said, then I'm going to

ask for the block and replace thingy


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Thanks Holly,

I'm not panicicking yet on all this. I took 50mgs yesterday but

today I decided to go cold turkey until Friday 2 days is not going to

kill me and I want to get that TSH down so I'm not fat. Then I will

do the 50mgs in 1/4, 1/4, 3/4 pill like Jody said, then I'm going to

ask for the block and replace thingy


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Thanks Holly,

I am considering what you are all saying this is why I come here to

get advise not that I don't want to listen but I'm trying to do whats

best for me you hit the nail on the head.

I need to take some sort of interest in what my doctor is saying she

has done right by me so far granted last time was different I was off

the PTU for over 3 days this time its just 2 days then back on and

when I go back on I will go to 75mgs then reduce a week later to

50mgs in the 3 times a day regiment. I am off right now so I have to

go from there.


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Thanks Holly,

I am considering what you are all saying this is why I come here to

get advise not that I don't want to listen but I'm trying to do whats

best for me you hit the nail on the head.

I need to take some sort of interest in what my doctor is saying she

has done right by me so far granted last time was different I was off

the PTU for over 3 days this time its just 2 days then back on and

when I go back on I will go to 75mgs then reduce a week later to

50mgs in the 3 times a day regiment. I am off right now so I have to

go from there.


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