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Re: Starting chelation tonight 12.5 mg dmps oral every 8 hours

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my 4-5 things that have helped me chelate..sorry no emerical prrof

evidence only what i think has happened

A) staying regular. Many times I have heard that mercury can block

you up..sure seems to be my problem, so now i take about a teaspoon

of vitamin C with each mean and one at night, and a magnesium

combination that provided called Magna-Calm by

Lonegevity Science

B) finding right dose of HC (hydrocortisone) and other adrenal help

(7 keto dhea-could not handle regular dhea) and pregnenolone

C) castor oil packs have I believe helped liver/gallbaldder

D) other vitamin B's and fish oil, taurine and co-q10 for heart

milk thistle for liver

E) Also I have ben menaing to mention, anderson uses co-q10

that is ubiquinol not ubiquinone...The former is supposed to be

4-5 times more effective

F) no bad foods, sugars, processed food, possibly milk (try an

elimination diet)

Good luck, michaal



> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of


> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

> I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth


> of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are


> some good.

> Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

> and the reason I'm starting tonight.

> Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

> sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

> hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

> symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.


> Doug


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my 4-5 things that have helped me chelate..sorry no emerical prrof

evidence only what i think has happened

A) staying regular. Many times I have heard that mercury can block

you up..sure seems to be my problem, so now i take about a teaspoon

of vitamin C with each mean and one at night, and a magnesium

combination that provided called Magna-Calm by

Lonegevity Science

B) finding right dose of HC (hydrocortisone) and other adrenal help

(7 keto dhea-could not handle regular dhea) and pregnenolone

C) castor oil packs have I believe helped liver/gallbaldder

D) other vitamin B's and fish oil, taurine and co-q10 for heart

milk thistle for liver

E) Also I have ben menaing to mention, anderson uses co-q10

that is ubiquinol not ubiquinone...The former is supposed to be

4-5 times more effective

F) no bad foods, sugars, processed food, possibly milk (try an

elimination diet)

Good luck, michaal



> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of


> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

> I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth


> of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are


> some good.

> Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

> and the reason I'm starting tonight.

> Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

> sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

> hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

> symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.


> Doug


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Not sure I can come up with 5 but here are a few:

1. Go low and slow. Be prepared to go as low as you need to go in order to

feel comfortable, and stay at that dose as long as you need to. Be prepared

to dash any preconceptions of just how low " low " may be.

2. Keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Expect to keep doing

it for at least two years. Patience, patience, patience.

3. Expect to go through periods of no progress. Expect to feel discouraged

at times. Know that EVERYONE who does chelation goes through this. Keep

the long view in mind.

4. When in doubt, just remember that chelation done right is all to the

good. When worried about the risk, remember that the risk of NOT doing it -

of letting the metals remain in your body - far outweighs the risk of


Congratulations Doug on taking that first step. I'm sure you'll be glad you



Starting chelation tonight 12.5 mg dmps

oral every 8 hours

Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

chelation protocols.

I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth copy

of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are doing

some good.

Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

and the reason I'm starting tonight.

Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.


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Just one - if you aren't sure you like every 8 h, try every 6 h. I

found that a bit better, and it works ok for me sleeping through the

night because I take my last dose about 12 - 1 am and first dose about

7 am.




> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

> I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth copy

> of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are doing

> some good.

> Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

> and the reason I'm starting tonight.

> Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

> sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

> hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

> symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.


> Doug


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> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

1. get saliva tests for thyroid/adrenals and get them adequately supported

before starting

2. do an elimination diet to see what you can eat that won't make you sick

3. start with a ridiculously small dose and work up slowly

4. make sure you take your supps regularly

5. plod along, round after round, patience, patience, patience....


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> Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

> to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

> submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

> chelation protocols.

1. get saliva tests for thyroid/adrenals and get them adequately supported

before starting

2. do an elimination diet to see what you can eat that won't make you sick

3. start with a ridiculously small dose and work up slowly

4. make sure you take your supps regularly

5. plod along, round after round, patience, patience, patience....


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Hi Doug,

I'd like to add to the list, if Dean doesn't mind:

5. You'll get your dreams back.

6. You'll reduce the times that you wake up drenched in sweat.

7. You'll eventually remember telephone numbers without repeatedly looking

them up.

8. You're sense of humor will return eventually--probably in spurts when

you're feeling well.

I'll say a prayer for you and also send you positive healing energy.

Good luck,



Not sure I can come up with 5 but here are a few:

1. Go low and slow. Be prepared to go as low as you need to go in order to

feel comfortable, and stay at that dose as long as you need to. Be prepared

to dash any preconceptions of just how low " low " may be.

2. Keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Expect to keep doing

it for at least two years. Patience, patience, patience.

3. Expect to go through periods of no progress. Expect to feel discouraged

at times. Know that EVERYONE who does chelation goes through this. Keep

the long view in mind.

4. When in doubt, just remember that chelation done right is all to the

good. When worried about the risk, remember that the risk of NOT doing it -

of letting the metals remain in your body - far outweighs the risk of


Congratulations Doug on taking that first step. I'm sure you'll be glad you



[frequent-dose- chelation] Starting chelation tonight 12.5 mg dmps

oral every 8 hours

Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

chelation protocols.

I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth copy

of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are doing

some good.

Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

and the reason I'm starting tonight.

Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.



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Hi Doug,

I'd like to add to the list, if Dean doesn't mind:

5. You'll get your dreams back.

6. You'll reduce the times that you wake up drenched in sweat.

7. You'll eventually remember telephone numbers without repeatedly looking

them up.

8. You're sense of humor will return eventually--probably in spurts when

you're feeling well.

I'll say a prayer for you and also send you positive healing energy.

Good luck,



Not sure I can come up with 5 but here are a few:

1. Go low and slow. Be prepared to go as low as you need to go in order to

feel comfortable, and stay at that dose as long as you need to. Be prepared

to dash any preconceptions of just how low " low " may be.

2. Keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Expect to keep doing

it for at least two years. Patience, patience, patience.

3. Expect to go through periods of no progress. Expect to feel discouraged

at times. Know that EVERYONE who does chelation goes through this. Keep

the long view in mind.

4. When in doubt, just remember that chelation done right is all to the

good. When worried about the risk, remember that the risk of NOT doing it -

of letting the metals remain in your body - far outweighs the risk of


Congratulations Doug on taking that first step. I'm sure you'll be glad you



[frequent-dose- chelation] Starting chelation tonight 12.5 mg dmps

oral every 8 hours

Your top five list welcome in this thread. Top five pieces of advice

to someone just beginning a chelation proptocol. Prerequisite for

submitting your " top five " - emperical experience with frequent dose

chelation protocols.

I have been foot dragging for four years. Just received my fourth copy

of Amalgan Illness. Other three copies lent out - hope they are doing

some good.

Sick and afraid of getting sicker. Both the reason I waited so long

and the reason I'm starting tonight.

Been having a rough time lately. Feels like re-distribution - not

sure why and don't care. If it is redistribution then DMPS every 8

hours should help. Prayers for successful outcome and easing of

symptoms from any faith tradition welcomed.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Well, I did not quite get started when I thought I would. I had a

paricularly busy strech of work so I postponed yet again, and then I

waited for a weekend to collect urine to take a baseline, unprovoked

sample. Then finally last Wednesday I began. I am stilon my first

round of 12.5 mg DMPS, sixth day. It's going pretty well. Mostly,

I've felt better, with some pyscological issues much better. I did

notice some increase in pain and stiffness in my most susceptible

joints, some muscle spasms and the first day quite a spacy or foggy

feeling which has since passed.

I am going to do a provoked urine sample but I am going to do it in

the middle of a round and spread the provocation dose out over 18-24


I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

round suggestions?

Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.




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Well, I did not quite get started when I thought I would. I had a

paricularly busy strech of work so I postponed yet again, and then I

waited for a weekend to collect urine to take a baseline, unprovoked

sample. Then finally last Wednesday I began. I am stilon my first

round of 12.5 mg DMPS, sixth day. It's going pretty well. Mostly,

I've felt better, with some pyscological issues much better. I did

notice some increase in pain and stiffness in my most susceptible

joints, some muscle spasms and the first day quite a spacy or foggy

feeling which has since passed.

I am going to do a provoked urine sample but I am going to do it in

the middle of a round and spread the provocation dose out over 18-24


I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

round suggestions?

Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.




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Guest guest

Well, I did not quite get started when I thought I would. I had a

paricularly busy strech of work so I postponed yet again, and then I

waited for a weekend to collect urine to take a baseline, unprovoked

sample. Then finally last Wednesday I began. I am stilon my first

round of 12.5 mg DMPS, sixth day. It's going pretty well. Mostly,

I've felt better, with some pyscological issues much better. I did

notice some increase in pain and stiffness in my most susceptible

joints, some muscle spasms and the first day quite a spacy or foggy

feeling which has since passed.

I am going to do a provoked urine sample but I am going to do it in

the middle of a round and spread the provocation dose out over 18-24


I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

round suggestions?

Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.




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Posted by: " nhdougsimmons " seeheargear@...



nhdougsimmons http://profiles.yahoo.com/nhdougsimmons>

Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:55 pm (PDT)


>I am actually a bit nervous about stopping. Toward the end of last

>week I was 1-2 hours late for a dose and started to feel what I would

>describe as a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Yup, that sounds like it could well be it. Were you 1 hour late, or

two? That's a big difference.

If you keep having reactions to the chelation, you can conclude you are

toxic, and won't need to bother with the urine test.

>Has anyone had any experience with the use of dietary fibers like

>modified apple pectin or alginates between rounds? Any other end of

>round suggestions?

Ya. Lots and Lots and Lots of vitamin C - and other anti-oxidants.

>Thanks to all of you who gave useful suggestions to my original post.




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