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Re: Help! I started Chelation too soon!

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is, don't worry. Just have the filling removed, and then chelate

properly. When you do, make sure to wait the 3 months before ALA.

There is no need to take out the whole tooth. The reason for waiting on

using ALA is simply that you are waiting for the mercury in the body vs

the brain to come into equilibrium.

And one more thing - dont' trust your dentist. Make sure you find a

dentist who is committed to a mercury free practice to remove the

filling and to confirm that you only have one such filling in there.

For one thing, there have been numerous storied about amalgam using

dentists leaving a little bit of amalgam behind when asked to remove it,

or putting some back in when it had already been removed (by someone

else). These guys are often very mercury toxic themselves, and it can

make them like " mad hatters " of Carol fame. As important is the

fact that these guys did not learn how to place composits when they went

to school, as the dental schools only teach how to place amalgams.

Composits take a great deal of care to place properly, and unless the

dentist has had the commitment to learn for themselves, then they don't

know how. A more difficult issue to discern is that the dentist also

need to have the dexterity to place them well. Many dentists have lost

this because the mercury causes an " intention tremor " .

So, your first step is to find a mercury free dentist.

As for the headache, it will probably fade, if it hasn't already. If

you want, you can try large doses of vitamin C, which is what people do

after an exposure, eg during amalgam removal.





What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?

if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

months to take ALA?

im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

temperature better than before.

is (in the uk and worried)

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is, don't worry. Just have the filling removed, and then chelate

properly. When you do, make sure to wait the 3 months before ALA.

There is no need to take out the whole tooth. The reason for waiting on

using ALA is simply that you are waiting for the mercury in the body vs

the brain to come into equilibrium.

And one more thing - dont' trust your dentist. Make sure you find a

dentist who is committed to a mercury free practice to remove the

filling and to confirm that you only have one such filling in there.

For one thing, there have been numerous storied about amalgam using

dentists leaving a little bit of amalgam behind when asked to remove it,

or putting some back in when it had already been removed (by someone

else). These guys are often very mercury toxic themselves, and it can

make them like " mad hatters " of Carol fame. As important is the

fact that these guys did not learn how to place composits when they went

to school, as the dental schools only teach how to place amalgams.

Composits take a great deal of care to place properly, and unless the

dentist has had the commitment to learn for themselves, then they don't

know how. A more difficult issue to discern is that the dentist also

need to have the dexterity to place them well. Many dentists have lost

this because the mercury causes an " intention tremor " .

So, your first step is to find a mercury free dentist.

As for the headache, it will probably fade, if it hasn't already. If

you want, you can try large doses of vitamin C, which is what people do

after an exposure, eg during amalgam removal.





What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?

if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

months to take ALA?

im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

temperature better than before.

is (in the uk and worried)

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> is, don't worry. Just have the filling removed, and then chelate

> properly. When you do, make sure to wait the 3 months before ALA.

Ok i will do that. Literally 3 months or approx 3 months?

> There is no need to take out the whole tooth.

Wouldnt that be easier than replacing the filling with a mercury free

one? What are the pros and cons of taking out a tooth vs replacing the


> The reason for waiting on using ALA is simply that you are waiting for the

mercury in the body vs the brain to come into equilibrium.


> And one more thing - dont' trust your dentist. Make sure you find a

> dentist who is committed to a mercury free practice to remove the

> filling and to confirm that you only have one such filling in there.

i have molar teeth that feel smooth. Could they contain harmful

fillings? Is there a file that details how it should be done properly?

i could show that to the dentist.

> For one thing, there have been numerous storied about amalgam using

> dentists leaving a little bit of amalgam behind when asked to remove it,

> or putting some back in when it had already been removed (by someone

> else).

!!!! i will watch my dentist carefully to make sure that she doesnt

put anything harmful back in. Is there a home test to see if mercury

is contained in the teeth?

> These guys are often very mercury toxic themselves, and it can

> make them like " mad hatters " of Carol fame. As important is the

> fact that these guys did not learn how to place composits when they went

> to school, as the dental schools only teach how to place amalgams.

> Composits take a great deal of care to place properly, and unless the

> dentist has had the commitment to learn for themselves, then they don't

> know how. A more difficult issue to discern is that the dentist also

> need to have the dexterity to place them well. Many dentists have lost

> this because the mercury causes an " intention tremor " .

i have had a non mercury filling placed in another tooth by this

dentist. i paid £100 for it out of my limited income. i was not happy

by the unfair choice i had to make " free but it could poison you vs

£100 to be healthy " .


> So, your first step is to find a mercury free dentist.


> As for the headache, it will probably fade, if it hasn't already. If

> you want, you can try large doses of vitamin C, which is what people do

> after an exposure, eg during amalgam removal.

i am taking a (500% RDA vitamin C) and zinc lozenge once a day.

Thanks for your support and encouragement!


> Dave.

> -----------------



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> is, don't worry. Just have the filling removed, and then chelate

> properly. When you do, make sure to wait the 3 months before ALA.

Ok i will do that. Literally 3 months or approx 3 months?

> There is no need to take out the whole tooth.

Wouldnt that be easier than replacing the filling with a mercury free

one? What are the pros and cons of taking out a tooth vs replacing the


> The reason for waiting on using ALA is simply that you are waiting for the

mercury in the body vs the brain to come into equilibrium.


> And one more thing - dont' trust your dentist. Make sure you find a

> dentist who is committed to a mercury free practice to remove the

> filling and to confirm that you only have one such filling in there.

i have molar teeth that feel smooth. Could they contain harmful

fillings? Is there a file that details how it should be done properly?

i could show that to the dentist.

> For one thing, there have been numerous storied about amalgam using

> dentists leaving a little bit of amalgam behind when asked to remove it,

> or putting some back in when it had already been removed (by someone

> else).

!!!! i will watch my dentist carefully to make sure that she doesnt

put anything harmful back in. Is there a home test to see if mercury

is contained in the teeth?

> These guys are often very mercury toxic themselves, and it can

> make them like " mad hatters " of Carol fame. As important is the

> fact that these guys did not learn how to place composits when they went

> to school, as the dental schools only teach how to place amalgams.

> Composits take a great deal of care to place properly, and unless the

> dentist has had the commitment to learn for themselves, then they don't

> know how. A more difficult issue to discern is that the dentist also

> need to have the dexterity to place them well. Many dentists have lost

> this because the mercury causes an " intention tremor " .

i have had a non mercury filling placed in another tooth by this

dentist. i paid £100 for it out of my limited income. i was not happy

by the unfair choice i had to make " free but it could poison you vs

£100 to be healthy " .


> So, your first step is to find a mercury free dentist.


> As for the headache, it will probably fade, if it hasn't already. If

> you want, you can try large doses of vitamin C, which is what people do

> after an exposure, eg during amalgam removal.

i am taking a (500% RDA vitamin C) and zinc lozenge once a day.

Thanks for your support and encouragement!


> Dave.

> -----------------



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In frequent-dose-chelation atrekkie22 wrote:


I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

wisdom tooth.

-----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told you

to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury fillings

are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn blackish. Those have

mercury in them, no questions asked. If a filling is white, it is a composite,

and doesn't contain any mercury, none of them ever do. The other places you

might find mercury amalgam is under a crown where it can't be seen, and it could

be inside a root canal, and also can't be seen. So you should ask your dentist

and make sure you don't have any of those either. And don't blame your mum,

it's hard to remember all that stuff!-----Jackie

What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?

-------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away. Lots

of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and not

knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next you

need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no reason

to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to do. An

exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have it

pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of people

don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up having

them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom tooth, the

very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it might give you


if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

months to take ALA?

----------Yes. You have to wait three months since last exposure, so it

doesn't matter if its pulled or replaced.----------Jackie

im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

temperature better than before.

-----------Like I said, others have taken ALA with amalgam still in their

mouth, and as long as you caught it now and start doing things the right way, it

should be ok. Hopefully your symptoms will start to subside, but worrying about

it, will probably just make things worse. What's done is done, and just move

ahead. You can try taking *lots* of Vit C to see if it helps. And I mean

grams, not mg. Many of us probably take 5-10 grams a day, but you might have to

build up to that. And Cutler recommends taking Vit C and B vitamins 3-4 times a

day for best results.-----Jackie

is (in the uk and worried)

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In frequent-dose-chelation atrekkie22 wrote:


I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

wisdom tooth.

-----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told you

to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury fillings

are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn blackish. Those have

mercury in them, no questions asked. If a filling is white, it is a composite,

and doesn't contain any mercury, none of them ever do. The other places you

might find mercury amalgam is under a crown where it can't be seen, and it could

be inside a root canal, and also can't be seen. So you should ask your dentist

and make sure you don't have any of those either. And don't blame your mum,

it's hard to remember all that stuff!-----Jackie

What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?

-------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away. Lots

of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and not

knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next you

need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no reason

to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to do. An

exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have it

pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of people

don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up having

them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom tooth, the

very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it might give you


if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

months to take ALA?

----------Yes. You have to wait three months since last exposure, so it

doesn't matter if its pulled or replaced.----------Jackie

im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

temperature better than before.

-----------Like I said, others have taken ALA with amalgam still in their

mouth, and as long as you caught it now and start doing things the right way, it

should be ok. Hopefully your symptoms will start to subside, but worrying about

it, will probably just make things worse. What's done is done, and just move

ahead. You can try taking *lots* of Vit C to see if it helps. And I mean

grams, not mg. Many of us probably take 5-10 grams a day, but you might have to

build up to that. And Cutler recommends taking Vit C and B vitamins 3-4 times a

day for best results.-----Jackie

is (in the uk and worried)

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In frequent-dose-chelation atrekkie22 wrote:


I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

wisdom tooth.

-----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told you

to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury fillings

are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn blackish. Those have

mercury in them, no questions asked. If a filling is white, it is a composite,

and doesn't contain any mercury, none of them ever do. The other places you

might find mercury amalgam is under a crown where it can't be seen, and it could

be inside a root canal, and also can't be seen. So you should ask your dentist

and make sure you don't have any of those either. And don't blame your mum,

it's hard to remember all that stuff!-----Jackie

What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?

-------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away. Lots

of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and not

knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next you

need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no reason

to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to do. An

exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have it

pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of people

don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up having

them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom tooth, the

very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it might give you


if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

months to take ALA?

----------Yes. You have to wait three months since last exposure, so it

doesn't matter if its pulled or replaced.----------Jackie

im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

temperature better than before.

-----------Like I said, others have taken ALA with amalgam still in their

mouth, and as long as you caught it now and start doing things the right way, it

should be ok. Hopefully your symptoms will start to subside, but worrying about

it, will probably just make things worse. What's done is done, and just move

ahead. You can try taking *lots* of Vit C to see if it helps. And I mean

grams, not mg. Many of us probably take 5-10 grams a day, but you might have to

build up to that. And Cutler recommends taking Vit C and B vitamins 3-4 times a

day for best results.-----Jackie

is (in the uk and worried)

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> I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

> fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

> thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

> irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

> dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

> done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

> wisdom tooth.



> -----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told

you to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury

fillings are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn blackish.

i cannot see any metal in my mouth and neither can anyone else.

However my dentist claims i have metallic fillings in my mouth. i will

phone her again on Friday.

> Those have mercury in them, no questions asked. If a filling is white, it is

a composite, and doesn't contain any mercury, none of them ever do. The other

places you might find mercury amalgam is under a crown where it can't be seen,

and it could be inside a root canal, and also can't be seen. So you should ask

your dentist and make sure you don't have any of those either.

Ah yes thanks for that information.

> And don't blame your mum, it's hard to remember all that stuff!-----Jackie

i thought she would have remembered the fuss i was making during

mercury fillings as im so sensitive to pain. Instead when i told her

it could have hurt me she said " ok " , She doesnt understand as her

autism is worse than mine.


> What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

> metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?



> -------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away.

Lots of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and

not knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next

you need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no

reason to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to

do. An exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have

it pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of

people don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up

having them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom

tooth, the very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it

might give you trouble.----------Jackie

i had a message from my dentist saying i had metal in a wisdom tooth.

i have a brace on my top teeth so i hope its not contained there.

Thanks for your help re the teeth.

> if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

> months to take ALA?



> ----------Yes. You have to wait three months since last exposure, so it

doesn't matter if its pulled or replaced.----------Jackie



> im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

> that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

> particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

> temperature better than before.



> -----------Like I said, others have taken ALA with amalgam still in their

mouth, and as long as you caught it now and start doing things the right way, it

should be ok. Hopefully your symptoms will start to subside, but worrying about

it, will probably just make things worse. What's done is done, and just move

ahead. You can try taking *lots* of Vit C to see if it helps. And I mean

grams, not mg. Many of us probably take 5-10 grams a day, but you might have to

build up to that. And Cutler recommends taking Vit C and B vitamins 3-4 times a

day for best results.-----Jackie

thanks for your help.


is (less worried now thanks)

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> I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

> fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

> thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

> irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

> dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

> done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

> wisdom tooth.



> -----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told

you to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury

fillings are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn blackish.

i cannot see any metal in my mouth and neither can anyone else.

However my dentist claims i have metallic fillings in my mouth. i will

phone her again on Friday.

> Those have mercury in them, no questions asked. If a filling is white, it is

a composite, and doesn't contain any mercury, none of them ever do. The other

places you might find mercury amalgam is under a crown where it can't be seen,

and it could be inside a root canal, and also can't be seen. So you should ask

your dentist and make sure you don't have any of those either.

Ah yes thanks for that information.

> And don't blame your mum, it's hard to remember all that stuff!-----Jackie

i thought she would have remembered the fuss i was making during

mercury fillings as im so sensitive to pain. Instead when i told her

it could have hurt me she said " ok " , She doesnt understand as her

autism is worse than mine.


> What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

> metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?



> -------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away.

Lots of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and

not knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next

you need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no

reason to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to

do. An exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have

it pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of

people don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up

having them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom

tooth, the very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it

might give you trouble.----------Jackie

i had a message from my dentist saying i had metal in a wisdom tooth.

i have a brace on my top teeth so i hope its not contained there.

Thanks for your help re the teeth.

> if they took out the whole tooth, would i still have to wait 3

> months to take ALA?



> ----------Yes. You have to wait three months since last exposure, so it

doesn't matter if its pulled or replaced.----------Jackie



> im still getting headaches and im worried about any permanent damage

> that i may have done to my system. My sensory issues are better

> particularly the light ones. Also my body is maintaining it's

> temperature better than before.



> -----------Like I said, others have taken ALA with amalgam still in their

mouth, and as long as you caught it now and start doing things the right way, it

should be ok. Hopefully your symptoms will start to subside, but worrying about

it, will probably just make things worse. What's done is done, and just move

ahead. You can try taking *lots* of Vit C to see if it helps. And I mean

grams, not mg. Many of us probably take 5-10 grams a day, but you might have to

build up to that. And Cutler recommends taking Vit C and B vitamins 3-4 times a

day for best results.-----Jackie

thanks for your help.


is (less worried now thanks)

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In frequent-dose-chelation is wrote:

> I took my mums word for it when she mentioned that i didnt have any

> fillings. So i took 1 round of ALA (i only managed 48 hours) and

> thought nothing of it. Then i began to get headaches and

> irritability issues only 2 days post chelation. i phoned up my

> dentist to double check that my mouth was mercury free (should have

> done this before) and shock horror!!! i have one filling in my

> wisdom tooth.


> -----------I guess we took your word for it also, and we should have told

you to look in your own mouth, or have someone do it for you. The mercury

fillings are silver or grey in color, and sometimes they can turn


i cannot see any metal in my mouth and neither can anyone else.

However my dentist claims i have metallic fillings in my mouth. i will

phone her again on Friday.

--------If it's a mercury amalgam filling, you should be able to see it,

unless it's small and in betweeen teeth, or under a crown, or something like

that. But most of them you can see. You will need to find out *for sure* about

this. Do you trust this dentist? Maybe you should get a second opinion from a

mercury free dentist. You could also get a PAN x-ray done, because the filling

would show up on there. Then you would know for sure.-----Jackie


> What should i do? Obviously i have to stop ALA for now until the

> metals out. Could i ask for my mercury filled tooth to be removed?


> -------------First of all, don't panic, you figured this out right away.

Lots of people have taken ALA, thinking only that it was a great antioxidant and

not knowing that it chelates mercury. So others have done this too. And next you

need to find a mercury free dentist to replace your filling. There is no reason

to pull a healthy tooth, so replacing the filling would be the thing to do. An

exception would be if this tooth needed a root canal, then I would have it

pulled. Also above, you say it is a wisdom tooth, are you sure? Lots of people

don't have room for them in their mouth or they get impacted, so end up having

them pulled or surgically removed. So if this is actually a wisdom tooth, the

very back tooth, right?, then maybe pulling it is an option if it might give you


i had a message from my dentist saying i had metal in a wisdom tooth.

i have a brace on my top teeth so i hope its not contained there.

Thanks for your help re the teeth.

---------Find out what the brace is made of, but it shouldn't contain any

mercury. It will probably be ok to chelate with the brace.--------Jackie

< >

thanks for your help.


is (less worried now thanks)

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On 27/02/2008, Dave - AM&FDC Posts mercury@...

> wrote:

>> is, don't worry. Just have the filling removed, and then chelate

>> properly. When you do, make sure to wait the 3 months before ALA.

>Ok i will do that. Literally 3 months or approx 3 months?

Read Jackie's post.

> >There is no need to take out the whole tooth.

>Wouldnt that be easier than replacing the filling with a mercury free

>one? What are the pros and cons of taking out a tooth vs replacing the


Read my response to your identical post on A-M.

And don't duplicate post!

> >The reason for waiting on using ALA is simply that you are waiting

for the mercury in the body vs the brain to come into >>equilibrium.


> >And one more thing - dont' trust your dentist. Make sure you find a

> >dentist who is committed to a mercury free practice to remove the

> >filling and to confirm that you only have one such filling in there.

>i have molar teeth that feel smooth. Could they contain harmful

>fillings? Is there a file that details how it should be done properly?

>i could show that to the dentist.

Just look in the mirror. If they're silver grey, they're amalgam.

> >For one thing, there have been numerous storied about amalgam using

> >dentists leaving a little bit of amalgam behind when asked to remove it,

> >or putting some back in when it had already been removed (by someone

>> else).

>!!!! i will watch my dentist carefully to make sure that she doesnt

>put anything harmful back in. Is there a home test to see if mercury

>is contained in the teeth?


Find a proper dentist.

> >These guys are often very mercury toxic themselves, and it can

> >make them like " mad hatters " of Carol fame. As important is the

> >fact that these guys did not learn how to place composits when they went

> >to school, as the dental schools only teach how to place amalgams.

> >Composits take a great deal of care to place properly, and unless the

> >dentist has had the commitment to learn for themselves, then they don't

> >know how. A more difficult issue to discern is that the dentist also

> >need to have the dexterity to place them well. Many dentists have lost

>> this because the mercury causes an " intention tremor " .

>i have had a non mercury filling placed in another tooth by this

>dentist. i paid £100 for it out of my limited income. i was not happy

>by the unfair choice i had to make " free but it could poison you vs

>£100 to be healthy " .

And you don't want to pay her any more. Find someone who is truly

committed to amalgam free dentistry.

>> So, your first step is to find a mercury free dentist.


> >As for the headache, it will probably fade, if it hasn't already. If

> >you want, you can try large doses of vitamin C, which is what people do

> >after an exposure, eg during amalgam removal.

>i am taking a (500% RDA vitamin C) and zinc lozenge once a day.

Nowhere near enough. See my response to your post on A-M.

>Thanks for your support and encouragement!

is, here is the key to getting through this. It's an emergency,

yes. And you've been poisoned, yes. But the emergency has been going

on for a _long time_. So you take a breath, you find the right way to

do things, and then you proceed when you are sure of what you are

doing. The key for you right now, is to take that breath.

> >Dave.

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