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Re: Jim--DMSA/lead, was Re:DMSA did me more harm than good

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Jim, thanks for posting this, I think its very informative, and can help others.

Sorry to hear about your lead exposure. I know it's frustrating when you have

setbacks, but at least you found the cause, and can do something about it. Some

more comments below.---------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation Jim wrote:


I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad time of it with DMSA. I too had

gastrointestinal distress when I first started rounds of DMSA. It took months

of pro-biotic usage to finally overcome the candida that I expect was the real

issue with my taking DMSA.

-----------You feel the candida is gone? Do you continue to use


As for the frequent urination, that became less frequent, but it is " the way

out " for the bound mercury with DMSA. Infrequent urination would be a greater


I stopped chelating with the DMSA (50 mg) for about six months and continued

with only the ALA (50 mg).

Unfortunately, this choice coincided with a severe (but unknown) exposure to

lead dust: don't trust the HEPA filters on shop vacs (mine fell off the mount,

spraying lead paint particles all around my work shop, and into my lungs). I was

feeling so ill that I almost gave up on my chelation altogether. I chose to do a

2nd hair analysis to see if I'd progressed over 18 months of chelation,

and I discovered my very high lead levels. Since I have added DMSA back for my

last 5 rounds, and I am feeling substantially better.

----------I am glad the DMSA is working and you are feeling


Now I wonder how long I am going to be pulling lead out of my bones (I feel

re-exposed within 3 days of stopping a round).

------------My understanding from HTI, is that it can take a long time. Lead

is something I wouldn't mess around with, and if it was me, I'd chelate for it

for a long time, even after symptoms diminish. Once you lower your levels,

hopefully the symptoms won't return so fast, and maybe you won't have to use

DMSA as frequently, or all the time. But, if you feel better on it with the

ALA, you'll probably just continue with it anyway, right?-----------Jackie

Even before the lead exposure, I believe that I did better on the DMSA / ALA

combo than on ALA alone.

My hair analysis still shows deranged mineral transport, but there is no

question that, overall, I have had diminishing neurological symptoms (MS

diagnosis, ADHD reality).

------------I am glad to hear that you have seen improvements. Did your hair

test improve at all, like going from meeting 2 rules to one?----------Jackie

I am one of few on this group that seem to tolerate larger dosages of both

DMSA and ALA. I have gone above 50 mg of both, but have settled on 50 mg as a

dosage that works without too much gastrointestinal distress.

----------Just curious, what dosages did you start out with?---------Jackie

Best wishes,


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Jackie –

Thank you for the comments. In response to some of your ?s –

--- You feel the candida is gone? Do you continue to use probiotics? ---

Yes, it seems to be. I had such a bad Herxheimer effect during the Candida

die off, that

I want to avoid repeating that experience. So, yes I continue with my

probiotic. I mix ¼ teaspoon of

Jarrow’s powdered Jarodophilus with FOS into my a.m. and p.m. Vitamin C

(Sodium Ascorbate)

Magnesium (Citrate – Gilliam’s Natural Calm), and ionic mineral (Now

Concentrace) cocktail.

It seems to keep the nasties at bay. As long as I’m doing dmsa, I’ll keep

that routine going.

--- But, if you feel better on it [DMSA] with the ALA, you'll probably just

continue with it anyway, right? ---

Yes, I plan to. I’m not sure how advisable it is to take DMSA without

having a heavy metal burden. As long

as I continue to show high lead levels and deranged mineral transport, I’ll

continue with it. It’s amazing what

can be accomplished without getting mired in fruitless Drs. visits. My

experiences with allopathic MS

practitioners would have been laughable had I not been so vulnerable and

scared at the time of my diagnosis.

--- Did your hair test improve at all, like going from meeting 2 rules to

one? ---

In both tests I met the first (and only the first) counting rule.

--- Just curious, what dosages did you start out with? ---

After my amalgam removal, I waited 3 weeks, and then did 4 rounds of DMSA at

25 mg, then 6 rounds at 50 mg,

and then added 50 mg of ALA. Truthfully, I was really looking for the

highest tolerable convenient dosages. VRP’s

25 mg caps had me up to 75 mg for a couple of rounds, but then I backed down

to 50 mg. I felt better at this dosage

both during and after each round. It has only gotten better since I’ve

gotten control of my Candida. DMSA and Candida

are not a fun pair.

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