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Re: We must follow Cutler protocol

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I figured out why I have been feeling so rough on and after my last


I missed my second dose! First dose was 9pm, second dose at midnight

was missed because the alarm didn't go off. The 3am alarm woke me and

I thought (in my sleepy head) it would be ok because I'd only been on

round for 3 hours, I had only missed 3 hours…so I thought it would be

ok to just continue the round. Also I'd been feeling pretty good

recently….so I got a bit cocky and just popped the next cap in.

I thought I'd got away with it because nothing immediately bad

happened, and I (somehow?) forgot all about missing that first dose.

My memory plays strange tricks with me these days, nothing big…just

tricks. I forgot my pin number yesterday too from my cash card?

Lower back pain is back…..'mare

Feel tired and drained and a bit spacy, tingly, vision is slightly


Anger has calmed now, although I feel it bubbling away quietly in the


Did a castor oil pack for the last 3 days. Very soothing. Highly

recommended castor oil packs.

All this stuff is defo mercury redistribution `cause I screwed up the

round. I'm back on the next round now; 6mg every 3 hours and I'm

mostly back in one piece again, but it's been a difficult week. Not

one I want to repeat.

Its another painful mercury lesson for me. Cutler words yet again are

absolutely spot on. Don't deviate from the protocol!

It's amazing how much hassle I've had from missing that one little

dose…its only 6mg……


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I figured out why I have been feeling so rough on and after my last


I missed my second dose! First dose was 9pm, second dose at midnight

was missed because the alarm didn't go off. The 3am alarm woke me and

I thought (in my sleepy head) it would be ok because I'd only been on

round for 3 hours, I had only missed 3 hours…so I thought it would be

ok to just continue the round. Also I'd been feeling pretty good

recently….so I got a bit cocky and just popped the next cap in.

I thought I'd got away with it because nothing immediately bad

happened, and I (somehow?) forgot all about missing that first dose.

My memory plays strange tricks with me these days, nothing big…just

tricks. I forgot my pin number yesterday too from my cash card?

Lower back pain is back…..'mare

Feel tired and drained and a bit spacy, tingly, vision is slightly


Anger has calmed now, although I feel it bubbling away quietly in the


Did a castor oil pack for the last 3 days. Very soothing. Highly

recommended castor oil packs.

All this stuff is defo mercury redistribution `cause I screwed up the

round. I'm back on the next round now; 6mg every 3 hours and I'm

mostly back in one piece again, but it's been a difficult week. Not

one I want to repeat.

Its another painful mercury lesson for me. Cutler words yet again are

absolutely spot on. Don't deviate from the protocol!

It's amazing how much hassle I've had from missing that one little

dose…its only 6mg……


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I figured out why I have been feeling so rough on and after my last


I missed my second dose! First dose was 9pm, second dose at midnight

was missed because the alarm didn't go off. The 3am alarm woke me and

I thought (in my sleepy head) it would be ok because I'd only been on

round for 3 hours, I had only missed 3 hours…so I thought it would be

ok to just continue the round. Also I'd been feeling pretty good

recently….so I got a bit cocky and just popped the next cap in.

I thought I'd got away with it because nothing immediately bad

happened, and I (somehow?) forgot all about missing that first dose.

Hi sunshine -

In my case it takes 5 1/4 hours after the missed dose for me to start

feeling effects.

Early on, I also had trouble identifying what was going on. It seemed

like the

agitation, lack of ability to sit still, focus or concentrate, came out

of nowhere.

In time, I got the system down and stopped missing doses.


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> I figured out why I have been feeling so rough on and after my


> round.


> I missed my second dose! First dose was 9pm, second dose at midnight

> was missed because the alarm didn't go off. The 3am alarm woke me


> I thought (in my sleepy head) it would be ok because I'd only been


> round for 3 hours, I had only missed 3 hours…so I thought it would


> ok to just continue the round. Also I'd been feeling pretty good

> recently….so I got a bit cocky and just popped the next cap in.


> I thought I'd got away with it because nothing immediately bad

> happened, and I (somehow?) forgot all about missing that first dose.


> Hi sunshine -


> In my case it takes 5 1/4 hours after the missed dose for me to


> feeling effects.

> Early on, I also had trouble identifying what was going on. It


> like the

> agitation, lack of ability to sit still, focus or concentrate, came


> of nowhere.

> In time, I got the system down and stopped missing doses.


> Dave.

Hiya Dave

After I missed the dose I had only minor symptoms on round, but when

the round ended…..it got nasty.

However, every cloud has a silver lining; this was a great mercury

lesson for me. I learned a great deal. I had a miserable week and it

hurt like hell, still hurts in fact, but pain is the best teacher for

me……next time I miss a dose……my round will end!

I will not mess with the protocol; it's there for a reason.

I'm on the next round now and everything is going well again….think I

will stick at 6mg DMSA for a few more rounds. Seems like every time I

have a setback/cock-up that it will take 2-3 rounds to get back in

the groove again.


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