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> Dear group, after my disaster with DMSA last December, I am now trying

> ALA. On my first round I managed only 6mg to start with and then upped

> to 12.5 by the end. I have started my second round at 12.5 and upped to

> 25 mg toward the end.

> Am I going the right way? and what sort of dose should I aim for.

> Also I would like to know if it will be necessary for me to use DMSA at

> sometime in the future, or can I do it all with ALA?

Its best to stick to the same dose throughout each round. You can

change the dose next round if you like but it shouldnt be done during

a round.


> Yours thankfully .

> ST JOHns Is helping to keep me on an even keel, along with B50's,

> valerian and Milk Thistle - oh and Melatonin for sleep.






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> Dear group, after my disaster with DMSA last December, I am now trying

> ALA. On my first round I managed only 6mg to start with and then upped

> to 12.5 by the end. I have started my second round at 12.5 and upped to

> 25 mg toward the end.

> Am I going the right way?


Because of your disaster with DMSA it is a good idea to start very low

with ALA (like you did) and increase very very gradually (which is

where you went to fast).

From what I understand, the dose is to be kept constant for the entire

round. For example, do a whole round at a 6 mg dose, then maybe a

couple more at 6 mg before increasing.

I think Andy says not to increase by more than 50% when you do

increase. Both times you doubled, which is too much of an increase at

once, and you increased in the round, which is not recommended.

I am interested to hear how you felt during those rounds and after.

> and what sort of dose should I aim for.

The dose that a person can tolerate at the beginning of chelation is

individual and can only be determined by experimentation. Because of

your DMSA experience it is best to be even more cautious than most

people would be.

See TKs general recommendations in the files section. Where he says

to start at 12.5 mg per dose, adjust that to 6 mg for your case and

alter the rest accordingly.

Once you get going with chelation the dose range to aim for is 1/8 -

1/2 mg per pound, starting at the lower end or lower.

> Also I would like to know if it will be necessary for me to use DMSA at

> sometime in the future, or can I do it all with ALA?


This is very individual. Some people find that DMSA or DMPS help very

much to control the side effects associated with ALA chelation.

Others find that they feel better with ALA alone.

If lead is part of your problem, then you would want to include DMSA

at some point, and chelate slowly over many years to catch the lead as

it turns over from bone.


> Yours thankfully .

> ST JOHns Is helping to keep me on an even keel, along with B50's,

> valerian and Milk Thistle - oh and Melatonin for sleep.


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Way way way way way too fast - especially for someone who already

experienced a chelation disaster. I would stay at one dose for at least 2

(and better yet 3) rounds even if you have no side effects, then increase by

no more than 50%, stay at that dose for 2 or 3 rounds at least, etc. I know

you're anxious to move ahead, but in the long run you will go much faster by

going slower.



Dear group, after my disaster with DMSA last December, I am now trying

ALA. On my first round I managed only 6mg to start with and then upped

to 12.5 by the end. I have started my second round at 12.5 and upped to

25 mg toward the end.

Am I going the right way? and what sort of dose should I aim for.

Also I would like to know if it will be necessary for me to use DMSA at

sometime in the future, or can I do it all with ALA?

Yours thankfully .

ST JOHns Is helping to keep me on an even keel, along with B50's,

valerian and Milk Thistle - oh and Melatonin for sleep.

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Hello ,

Slow DOWN. Stay at a given dose for the entire cycle.

Try it again at the same dose. Try it a 3rd time at

the same dose. Still no problems? Great. Now up the

dose. Do not up the dose during a round simply trying

to generate side effects. When you reach this point

you may already have caused damage.

I followed the Cutler protocol. I was introduced to

the Adult Metal Chelation website just before I had my

last silver/mercury amalgam filling removed. This

filling was in a rear molar and it sat directly across

from a tooth with a gold crown. This meant that

everytime the gold crown made contact with the

silver/mercury amalgam there was an accelerated

vaporization of mercury. In other words, every night

while I was asleep I had my jaw closed and was

poisoning myself. For me this triggered Tinnitus. It

started when my central processor (brain) was no

longer getting its daily dose of mercury. (My

Tinnitus does not seem to be related directly to

either ear.)

I remember trying the DMSA during the 3 month period

after all amalgams had been removed. I know I finally

started ALA. I'm sure I did both ALA and DMSA for a

couple of cycles. posted a paper to the site a

couple of weeks ago, in which the researcher stated

that DMSA and DMPS are hard on the Gastro-Intestinal

tract. I believe that was my issue. Lots of gas

generated and being uncomfortable. I switched to ALA

only without the problems. I chelated for about 2

years with ALA only because I wanted my brain back.

Only ALA is going to do any effective chelation of

your brain.

My situation was slightly different from others on

this site. I was slammed so hard with mercury

poisoning from two gold crowns that had silver/mercury

filling material implanted in them, that I could not

function. I had no REM (dream) sleep and had my life

and career shut down in 1982. A Stanford University

trained Neurologist couldn't find anything wrong and

sent me home. Approximately 1983 an Internal Medicine

MD prescribed Dilantin for me at 400mg per night.

This was to bring back my REM sleep. This is a

seizure medication, but what it did was allowed me to

return to a normal sleep cycle including dream sleep,

with this high dose. For our modern medicine, this is

the ideal treatment. The patient is never cured, but

as long as the medication is taken, the symptoms are

relieved. The doctor gets his revenue from the annual

visits. The pharmaceutical corporation rakes in the

cash. This essentially allowed me to survive in spite

of the daily mercury poisoning.

Being on this medication is probably why I was able to

start with www.vrp.com 25mg, ALA without any problems.

(That's a fairly high dose.) I know I did a couple

of cycles to ensure no issues showed up. I boosted to

50mg, for a number of cycles. (Began at 6am Friday

morning. Dosed every 3 hours day and night until 6am

Monday morning. Repeated every weekend. Maintained

daily supplements throughout treatment.) I boosted to

100mg for about 6 months. Tried 200mg for about a

month, but didn't see any further changes. Continued

with 100mg for a period of time.

For me the clue that it worked was the reversal of my

original REM issues. I would have dreams at night

that were multi-sensational; vivid colors and

textures; 3 dimensional; incredible. (PC Gamers would

love them.) I had to reduce the Dilantin dose to

200mg to slow down this extreme mental activity.

Last summer my photographic memory of daily events

kicked back in after 2 decades. This was my personal

evidence that I had nailed my mercury problems. I

took a couple of months off to simply learn how to

sleep again, without waking up automatically every 3

hours. In January I found my bottle of 100mg DMSA and

did a couple of rounds of 100mg DMSA with 100mg ALA

every 3 hours for 3 days. No issues other than lots

of gas generated. I don't get that with ALA by

itself. No further improvements for me. I was

thinking that DMSA's ability to chelate lead might

give me some relief from the Tinnitus.

My last experiment on myself was the result of the

post by the 300 pound gentleman who said he was taking

600mg of ALA because it seemed to reduce his Tinnitus.

If my results are accurate and can be related in

anyway to his experience, I think he was simply

causing mercury redistribution that gave his brain its

expected dose of mercury. I just finished 2 cycles of

200mg ALA, every 2 hours for 30 doses. (60 hours).

My theory was that by dosing every 2 hours, instead of

the 3 hour half life of ALA, I would be providing my

system with a continuously increasing level of ALA

during this period. At the end of the first weekend,

I had one massive headache at the rear of my skull.

It felt like the Cerebelum and Visual Cortex areas.

It could also have been the muscles back there. I

took some aspirin and it went away. At the end of the

second cycle there were no problems. But, no change

in the Tinnitus either. The headache was probably

from waking up every 2 hours and simply ruining a good

nights sleep.

So the ALA will do the job. , don't change dose

during a round. Stay at a given dose for about 3

rounds. No symptoms? Great. Now up the dose and

keep progressing.


--- robertdavies14 robertdavies14@...> wrote:

> Dear group, after my disaster with DMSA last

> December, I am now trying

> ALA. On my first round I managed only 6mg to start

> with and then upped

> to 12.5 by the end. I have started my second round

> at 12.5 and upped to

> 25 mg toward the end.

> Am I going the right way? and what sort of dose

> should I aim for.

> Also I would like to know if it will be necessary

> for me to use DMSA at

> sometime in the future, or can I do it all with ALA?


> Yours thankfully .

> ST JOHns Is helping to keep me on an even keel,

> along with B50's,

> valerian and Milk Thistle - oh and Melatonin for

> sleep.





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- You're a bit of a dare-devil yourself. The guidelines for ALA

dosage are 1/8 to 1/2 mg/lb-bodyweight. Now unless you weight 400 lbs,

that 200 mg dosing was _far too much_. And when you go from 3 hours

down to 2, you have just increased total intake by a factor of 3/2, so

you were really taking the equivalent of 300mg. First of all, this is

nuts, and secondly, if you are going to experiment, you should change

one thing at a time. If you go down to 2 hours, you should decrease

your dose to 2/3 so that the total ALA intake is the same. Now, that's

not so critical down at 10 and 20mg, but at 200, you are just asking for it.

I mean it. This thing makes us crazy and you have got to learn to use

the other people on this list as, what a psychologist would call, an

" auxiliary ego " . Right now the two of you are acting in ways that are

going to lead to your damaging yourselves.

These are neuro-toxins we are dealing with. Think about what that

means. If you do the wrong thing, you are permanently damaged. As in,

no coming back. Go start poking around the web. You'll find more than

a few who have acted like this and now cant' string two words together.



Posted by: " Klipfel " jklippy@...


jklippy http://profiles.yahoo.com/jklippy>

Sun Mar 9, 2008 1:49 pm (PDT)

Hello ,

Slow DOWN. Stay at a given dose for the entire cycle.

Try it again at the same dose. Try it a 3rd time at

the same dose. Still no problems? Great. Now up the

dose. Do not up the dose during a round simply trying

to generate side effects. When you reach this point

you may already have caused damage.

I followed the Cutler protocol. I was introduced to

the Adult Metal Chelation website just before I had my

last silver/mercury amalgam filling removed. This

filling was in a rear molar and it sat directly across

from a tooth with a gold crown. This meant that

everytime the gold crown made contact with the

silver/mercury amalgam there was an accelerated

vaporization of mercury. In other words, every night

while I was asleep I had my jaw closed and was

poisoning myself. For me this triggered Tinnitus. It

started when my central processor (brain) was no

longer getting its daily dose of mercury. (My

Tinnitus does not seem to be related directly to

either ear.)

I remember trying the DMSA during the 3 month period

after all amalgams had been removed. I know I finally

started ALA. I'm sure I did both ALA and DMSA for a

couple of cycles. posted a paper to the site a

couple of weeks ago, in which the researcher stated

that DMSA and DMPS are hard on the Gastro-Intestinal

tract. I believe that was my issue. Lots of gas

generated and being uncomfortable. I switched to ALA

only without the problems. I chelated for about 2

years with ALA only because I wanted my brain back.

Only ALA is going to do any effective chelation of

your brain.

My situation was slightly different from others on

this site. I was slammed so hard with mercury

poisoning from two gold crowns that had silver/mercury

filling material implanted in them, that I could not

function. I had no REM (dream) sleep and had my life

and career shut down in 1982. A Stanford University

trained Neurologist couldn't find anything wrong and

sent me home. Approximately 1983 an Internal Medicine

MD prescribed Dilantin for me at 400mg per night.

This was to bring back my REM sleep. This is a

seizure medication, but what it did was allowed me to

return to a normal sleep cycle including dream sleep,

with this high dose. For our modern medicine, this is

the ideal treatment. The patient is never cured, but

as long as the medication is taken, the symptoms are

relieved. The doctor gets his revenue from the annual

visits. The pharmaceutical corporation rakes in the

cash. This essentially allowed me to survive in spite

of the daily mercury poisoning.

Being on this medication is probably why I was able to

start with www.vrp.com 25mg, ALA without any problems.

(That's a fairly high dose.) I know I did a couple

of cycles to ensure no issues showed up. I boosted to

50mg, for a number of cycles. (Began at 6am Friday

morning. Dosed every 3 hours day and night until 6am

Monday morning. Repeated every weekend. Maintained

daily supplements throughout treatment.) I boosted to

100mg for about 6 months. Tried 200mg for about a

month, but didn't see any further changes. Continued

with 100mg for a period of time.

For me the clue that it worked was the reversal of my

original REM issues. I would have dreams at night

that were multi-sensational; vivid colors and

textures; 3 dimensional; incredible. (PC Gamers would

love them.) I had to reduce the Dilantin dose to

200mg to slow down this extreme mental activity.

Last summer my photographic memory of daily events

kicked back in after 2 decades. This was my personal

evidence that I had nailed my mercury problems. I

took a couple of months off to simply learn how to

sleep again, without waking up automatically every 3

hours. In January I found my bottle of 100mg DMSA and

did a couple of rounds of 100mg DMSA with 100mg ALA

every 3 hours for 3 days. No issues other than lots

of gas generated. I don't get that with ALA by

itself. No further improvements for me. I was

thinking that DMSA's ability to chelate lead might

give me some relief from the Tinnitus.

My last experiment on myself was the result of the

post by the 300 pound gentleman who said he was taking

600mg of ALA because it seemed to reduce his Tinnitus.

If my results are accurate and can be related in

anyway to his experience, I think he was simply

causing mercury redistribution that gave his brain its

expected dose of mercury. I just finished 2 cycles of

200mg ALA, every 2 hours for 30 doses. (60 hours).

My theory was that by dosing every 2 hours, instead of

the 3 hour half life of ALA, I would be providing my

system with a continuously increasing level of ALA

during this period. At the end of the first weekend,

I had one massive headache at the rear of my skull.

It felt like the Cerebelum and Visual Cortex areas.

It could also have been the muscles back there. I

took some aspirin and it went away. At the end of the

second cycle there were no problems. But, no change

in the Tinnitus either. The headache was probably

from waking up every 2 hours and simply ruining a good

nights sleep.

So the ALA will do the job. , don't change dose

during a round. Stay at a given dose for about 3

rounds. No symptoms? Great. Now up the dose and

keep progressing.


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