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New member... still with amalgams.

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Dear friends,

I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

to write you to tell you my little history.

I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.

Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

back again.

I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?

The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

it. It was a very big shock for me.

This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

found the solution to my problems.

But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

painful cramps.

Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.

So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.

I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.

I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

happened often.

For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.

I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!

This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.

So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

early youth.

From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?

So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

quietly and alone.

But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

my little history (which is completely

trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

also worth the effort of writing this message.

I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

probably. So thank you for being there.

Warmest regards,

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> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid.

HI . Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds so familiar now,

reading stories like yours. Mine is similar too, every week, I read

stories like yours (and mine) on these forums. People searching for

answers, trying to figure out why why why nothing is working? It is

so frustrating…..but from what you describe, they look like mercury

symptoms and you have a mouth full too. All that coldness…mercury

symptoms. All that muscle weakness….mercury symptoms. I hear many

people talking of cold, drippy sensations too. Congratulations in

figureing it out.

Well done for ordering Amalgam Illness too. I remember reading that

for the first time in amazement as he listed out all my symptoms &

problems. The self diagnoses part of the book was very revealing for

me. Made me realise that I was not insane, that all my problems

stemmed from mercury and that I was just ill, not mental.

Couple of things; first and foremost, under no circumstances should

you proceed with amalgam removal without proper protection. You must

have at least a rubber dam and oxygen. If your dentist does not do

that, you need to find another dentist that does. I had one amalgam

whipped out by a regular dentist with no protection and I paid a

heavy heavy price with all my symptoms going crazy. I am still

suffering from that which was 10 months ago.

Herewith some safe removal protocols





Amalgam removal without protection is like crossing a motorway

blindfolded, it is bound to hurt like hell. If your dentist says

otherwise, change dentists.

Secondly; you must not take any chelators like DMSA, DMPS, ALA until

all mercury is safely removed. If you have crowns, you should have

them physically removed and checked nothing is hiding underneath

them. Chelation with even a tiny bit of amalgam is a `mare. The book

is full of thing to do in the mean time to prepare and protect


Anyway…..the book will open your eyes and you will soon know 99.9pct

more than most doctors. Good luck.


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> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid.

HI . Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds so familiar now,

reading stories like yours. Mine is similar too, every week, I read

stories like yours (and mine) on these forums. People searching for

answers, trying to figure out why why why nothing is working? It is

so frustrating…..but from what you describe, they look like mercury

symptoms and you have a mouth full too. All that coldness…mercury

symptoms. All that muscle weakness….mercury symptoms. I hear many

people talking of cold, drippy sensations too. Congratulations in

figureing it out.

Well done for ordering Amalgam Illness too. I remember reading that

for the first time in amazement as he listed out all my symptoms &

problems. The self diagnoses part of the book was very revealing for

me. Made me realise that I was not insane, that all my problems

stemmed from mercury and that I was just ill, not mental.

Couple of things; first and foremost, under no circumstances should

you proceed with amalgam removal without proper protection. You must

have at least a rubber dam and oxygen. If your dentist does not do

that, you need to find another dentist that does. I had one amalgam

whipped out by a regular dentist with no protection and I paid a

heavy heavy price with all my symptoms going crazy. I am still

suffering from that which was 10 months ago.

Herewith some safe removal protocols





Amalgam removal without protection is like crossing a motorway

blindfolded, it is bound to hurt like hell. If your dentist says

otherwise, change dentists.

Secondly; you must not take any chelators like DMSA, DMPS, ALA until

all mercury is safely removed. If you have crowns, you should have

them physically removed and checked nothing is hiding underneath

them. Chelation with even a tiny bit of amalgam is a `mare. The book

is full of thing to do in the mean time to prepare and protect


Anyway…..the book will open your eyes and you will soon know 99.9pct

more than most doctors. Good luck.


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, this is the protocol I followed to take my amalgam fillings out with

great success.

First make sure that your adrenals are working well and then your Thyroid,

before you remove your amalgam

fillings, and take your supplements that Andy Cutler recommends.



Your symptoms sound so very familiar and hopefully you are now right on track to

start sorting them out.

If it wasn't for this group, DeanSA, Stephani,,TK and others....thanks

again to all of you, I'm feeling a million times better than 2 years ago.

I'm alive again and living with hope again in getting even better.

Hope the same for you too and good luck.


Spam: New member... still with amalgams.

Dear friends,

I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

to write you to tell you my little history.

I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.

Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

back again.

I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?

The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

it. It was a very big shock for me.

This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

found the solution to my problems.

But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

painful cramps.

Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.

So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.

I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.

I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

happened often.

For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.

I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!

This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.

So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

early youth.

From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?

So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

quietly and alone.

But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

my little history (which is completely

trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

also worth the effort of writing this message.

I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

probably. So thank you for being there.

Warmest regards,

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, this is the protocol I followed to take my amalgam fillings out with

great success.

First make sure that your adrenals are working well and then your Thyroid,

before you remove your amalgam

fillings, and take your supplements that Andy Cutler recommends.



Your symptoms sound so very familiar and hopefully you are now right on track to

start sorting them out.

If it wasn't for this group, DeanSA, Stephani,,TK and others....thanks

again to all of you, I'm feeling a million times better than 2 years ago.

I'm alive again and living with hope again in getting even better.

Hope the same for you too and good luck.


Spam: New member... still with amalgams.

Dear friends,

I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

to write you to tell you my little history.

I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.

Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

back again.

I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?

The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

it. It was a very big shock for me.

This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

found the solution to my problems.

But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

painful cramps.

Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.

So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.

I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.

I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

happened often.

For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.

I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!

This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.

So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

early youth.

From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?

So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

quietly and alone.

But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

my little history (which is completely

trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

also worth the effort of writing this message.

I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

probably. So thank you for being there.

Warmest regards,

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Dear ,

Please read my following notes : it is MOST important!!

I thought you might want to check out the following dentist in

Madrid, whom I have not used BUT I found out about some months ago

from the web by doing a search for 'mercury free dentists'. Her name

is Judith Gelfo, phone number is (34) 91 528 6614.

I also had been looking for similar safe dentists in Spain. I did do

some research by reading up articles on Judith Gelfo on the internet

and she seems to be pretty knowledgeable in the field for a number of

years. Since my Spanish is very bad I managed to try and understand

the spanish articles about her, including the broken english articles

I found on the web.

I could not go to her because I found out about her too late. My

naturopathic doctor recommended a dentist to me saying they follow

protocols, but to my horror they used ONLY the rubber dam and nothing

else. I was told the chlorella will absorb the free mercury floating

around after my (2) removals. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL BY ANDY!!

I had become so desperate to find a dentist soon. I actually found an

iaomt.org dentist (a couple) who live just off the coast of Spain. I

was so excited and releived to have finally found someone who would

use the right protocol. BUT I had a very bad experience. ( They did

more than they should have done in a single visit, removed a number of

amalgams, crossed the midline, drilled another couple of decayed

teeth, drilled adjacent teeth to gaps, I had a horrible reaction to

some material used to take impressions - and I thought that evening I

was losing my mind!!!! I was told by folks here on this site that was

probably the mercury and my naturopath said it was too many nerves

touched in one sitting. This feeling of my emotions continued for a

number of weeks for which I took homeopathic meds, and lots of

vitamins that were recommended by Dr. Andy Cutler).

So I am wanting to caution you to PLEASE be careful and not rush into

visiting a 'regular' dentist who is not familiar with and will not use

most of the necessary protocols for amalgam removal.

I don't know which dentist is available in Spain since I did research

for close to a year! Are you sure your dentist knows what (s)he is


Good Luck.


> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> to write you to tell you my little history.


> I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.


> Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> back again.


> I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?


> The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> it. It was a very big shock for me.


> This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> found the solution to my problems.


> But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> painful cramps.


> Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.


> So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.


> I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.


> I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> happened often.


> For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.


> I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!


> This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.


> So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> early youth.


> From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?


> So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> quietly and alone.


> But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> my little history (which is completely

> trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> also worth the effort of writing this message.


> I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> probably. So thank you for being there.


> Warmest regards,




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Dear ,

Please read my following notes : it is MOST important!!

I thought you might want to check out the following dentist in

Madrid, whom I have not used BUT I found out about some months ago

from the web by doing a search for 'mercury free dentists'. Her name

is Judith Gelfo, phone number is (34) 91 528 6614.

I also had been looking for similar safe dentists in Spain. I did do

some research by reading up articles on Judith Gelfo on the internet

and she seems to be pretty knowledgeable in the field for a number of

years. Since my Spanish is very bad I managed to try and understand

the spanish articles about her, including the broken english articles

I found on the web.

I could not go to her because I found out about her too late. My

naturopathic doctor recommended a dentist to me saying they follow

protocols, but to my horror they used ONLY the rubber dam and nothing

else. I was told the chlorella will absorb the free mercury floating

around after my (2) removals. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL BY ANDY!!

I had become so desperate to find a dentist soon. I actually found an

iaomt.org dentist (a couple) who live just off the coast of Spain. I

was so excited and releived to have finally found someone who would

use the right protocol. BUT I had a very bad experience. ( They did

more than they should have done in a single visit, removed a number of

amalgams, crossed the midline, drilled another couple of decayed

teeth, drilled adjacent teeth to gaps, I had a horrible reaction to

some material used to take impressions - and I thought that evening I

was losing my mind!!!! I was told by folks here on this site that was

probably the mercury and my naturopath said it was too many nerves

touched in one sitting. This feeling of my emotions continued for a

number of weeks for which I took homeopathic meds, and lots of

vitamins that were recommended by Dr. Andy Cutler).

So I am wanting to caution you to PLEASE be careful and not rush into

visiting a 'regular' dentist who is not familiar with and will not use

most of the necessary protocols for amalgam removal.

I don't know which dentist is available in Spain since I did research

for close to a year! Are you sure your dentist knows what (s)he is


Good Luck.


> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> to write you to tell you my little history.


> I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.


> Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> back again.


> I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?


> The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> it. It was a very big shock for me.


> This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> found the solution to my problems.


> But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> painful cramps.


> Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.


> So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.


> I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.


> I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> happened often.


> For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.


> I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!


> This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.


> So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> early youth.


> From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?


> So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> quietly and alone.


> But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> my little history (which is completely

> trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> also worth the effort of writing this message.


> I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> probably. So thank you for being there.


> Warmest regards,




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Dear ,

Welcome to the group. Thank you for sharing your story. Many of us have


symptoms. May I ask how many amalgams you have? How old are they? How many

crowns do you have? Do you have any root canals? I'm afraid you are not going

to be able

to trust most dentists on this issue. You will have to research yourself.

There are many

reasons they will not tell you the truth about your teeth. Part of it is

liability. Part of it is

ignorance. Part of it is misinformation. I know this because I lived it. I

had 15 amalgams

placed in my mouth 25 years ago when I was just a young girl. I also had two

gold crowns

and one root canal. This was all so traumatic that I didn't see a dentist for at

least 10


Then it happened. I started having problems with my immune system. I started


very cold and I started having brain fog. I was a high school teacher and this

was very

scary and frustrating for me. I always thought it was a blood sugar problem ans


very hard with my diet to control this. However, I was plagued with yeast


(sometimes once or twice a month) I also developed severe allergies.

Ironically, I sought out a physician to help me with my allergies. I had 4

shots per week

for 10 years. I also used 12 hr nose drops because my nose was always stuffy.

Recently I

found that the shots and the nose drops contained a mercury perservative. Yes,


DOCTOR AND DENTIST POISONED ME. I don't think they ment to but they did.

I started to lose short term memory, my nervous system started to get out of

control with

anxiety attacks and twitching. I developed insomnia. My mind went crazy

bouncing from

this thought to that....Scattered. My ears started ringing constantly. At this

point (one year

ago) I felt deep inside that if I didn't do something soon, I would slide down

into the pit of

no return....autoimmune disease or lord knows what else.

That is when I started checking on my teeth. I had wanted to get the amalgams

out 2

years ago but a dentist talked me out of it. I also had a feeling that the root

canal tooth

was causing trouble. I went to four dentists and one root canal specialist.

They all told

me that my teeth were fine. I just couldn't take this advice anymore. I had to

follow my

instinct. The cost in the states for the dental work would be $10,000. Can you


that! You pay for dentists to put poison in and then can't afford to have them

take it out!

So, last year I borrowed $2,000. and went to Mexico. The first thing I did is

have that root

canal tooth pulled. It was the most disgusting thing you have ever seen. Under

the gold

crown was an amalgam filling. The three metal posts were completely corroded

and the

tooth was all black exept for one little spot. It smelled like hell. Then I

had the dentist

remove all the amalgam. (in quadrants and requiring four trips). He used a mouth

dam and

lots of water and constant suction. I put a filter over my nose that I brought

from home as

he did not have oxygen. He kept the drilling to a minimum and was skilled at


removal. I held my breath as much as possible.

The first two months after the removal was hard on me. I felt very sick. Also,

I had a hair

analysis and found my mercury level and copper level to be very high. I started


and am now on dmsa and ALA. I am no longer having the Foggy days but I have a


bad short term memory. My nervous system seems to be on the repair but I know

it will

take several years (I hope). My immune system is on the repair too after I had

all the dental

work done. (I had a bridge put in where the root canal was)

Anyway, I know this is a long story but I just wanted you to be encouraged to


mercury. Unfortunately it may not solve all your problems as some damage may be

permanent. Check out http://www.mercurypoisoned.com and watch the video. You


remove amalgam when you see this....pass it on.

Good luck,

> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> to write you to tell you my little history.


> I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.


> Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> back again.


> I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?


> The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> it. It was a very big shock for me.


> This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> found the solution to my problems.


> But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> painful cramps.


> Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.


> So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.


> I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.


> I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> happened often.


> For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.


> I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!


> This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.


> So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> early youth.


> From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?


> So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> quietly and alone.


> But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> my little history (which is completely

> trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> also worth the effort of writing this message.


> I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> probably. So thank you for being there.


> Warmest regards,




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Dear ,

Welcome to the group. Thank you for sharing your story. Many of us have


symptoms. May I ask how many amalgams you have? How old are they? How many

crowns do you have? Do you have any root canals? I'm afraid you are not going

to be able

to trust most dentists on this issue. You will have to research yourself.

There are many

reasons they will not tell you the truth about your teeth. Part of it is

liability. Part of it is

ignorance. Part of it is misinformation. I know this because I lived it. I

had 15 amalgams

placed in my mouth 25 years ago when I was just a young girl. I also had two

gold crowns

and one root canal. This was all so traumatic that I didn't see a dentist for at

least 10


Then it happened. I started having problems with my immune system. I started


very cold and I started having brain fog. I was a high school teacher and this

was very

scary and frustrating for me. I always thought it was a blood sugar problem ans


very hard with my diet to control this. However, I was plagued with yeast


(sometimes once or twice a month) I also developed severe allergies.

Ironically, I sought out a physician to help me with my allergies. I had 4

shots per week

for 10 years. I also used 12 hr nose drops because my nose was always stuffy.

Recently I

found that the shots and the nose drops contained a mercury perservative. Yes,


DOCTOR AND DENTIST POISONED ME. I don't think they ment to but they did.

I started to lose short term memory, my nervous system started to get out of

control with

anxiety attacks and twitching. I developed insomnia. My mind went crazy

bouncing from

this thought to that....Scattered. My ears started ringing constantly. At this

point (one year

ago) I felt deep inside that if I didn't do something soon, I would slide down

into the pit of

no return....autoimmune disease or lord knows what else.

That is when I started checking on my teeth. I had wanted to get the amalgams

out 2

years ago but a dentist talked me out of it. I also had a feeling that the root

canal tooth

was causing trouble. I went to four dentists and one root canal specialist.

They all told

me that my teeth were fine. I just couldn't take this advice anymore. I had to

follow my

instinct. The cost in the states for the dental work would be $10,000. Can you


that! You pay for dentists to put poison in and then can't afford to have them

take it out!

So, last year I borrowed $2,000. and went to Mexico. The first thing I did is

have that root

canal tooth pulled. It was the most disgusting thing you have ever seen. Under

the gold

crown was an amalgam filling. The three metal posts were completely corroded

and the

tooth was all black exept for one little spot. It smelled like hell. Then I

had the dentist

remove all the amalgam. (in quadrants and requiring four trips). He used a mouth

dam and

lots of water and constant suction. I put a filter over my nose that I brought

from home as

he did not have oxygen. He kept the drilling to a minimum and was skilled at


removal. I held my breath as much as possible.

The first two months after the removal was hard on me. I felt very sick. Also,

I had a hair

analysis and found my mercury level and copper level to be very high. I started


and am now on dmsa and ALA. I am no longer having the Foggy days but I have a


bad short term memory. My nervous system seems to be on the repair but I know

it will

take several years (I hope). My immune system is on the repair too after I had

all the dental

work done. (I had a bridge put in where the root canal was)

Anyway, I know this is a long story but I just wanted you to be encouraged to


mercury. Unfortunately it may not solve all your problems as some damage may be

permanent. Check out http://www.mercurypoisoned.com and watch the video. You


remove amalgam when you see this....pass it on.

Good luck,

> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> to write you to tell you my little history.


> I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.


> Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> back again.


> I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?


> The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> it. It was a very big shock for me.


> This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> found the solution to my problems.


> But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> painful cramps.


> Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.


> So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.


> I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.


> I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> happened often.


> For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.


> I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!


> This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.


> So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> early youth.


> From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?


> So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> quietly and alone.


> But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> my little history (which is completely

> trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> also worth the effort of writing this message.


> I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> probably. So thank you for being there.


> Warmest regards,




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Hi ,

Could you please tell me if the ringing in yours ears is getting any

better after starting chelation? My laft ear's ringing has been

getting progressively louder and now my right ear seems to be starting

too. I have yet to strat chelation, since I am currently getting

bridges and crowns put in the places my amalgmas were removed. I have

had the tendency to clench my teeth at night - so I amnot sure what

has contributed to mu tinnitus - it is very difficult to live with

besides the mercury side effects.



> Then it happened. I started having problems with my immune system. I

started getting

> very cold and I started having brain fog. I was a high school

teacher and this was very

> scary and frustrating for me. I always thought it was a blood sugar

problem ans worked

> very hard with my diet to control this. However, I was plagued with

yeast infections

> (sometimes once or twice a month) I also developed severe allergies.



> I started to lose short term memory, my nervous system started to

get out of control with

> anxiety attacks and twitching. I developed insomnia. My mind went

crazy bouncing from

> this thought to that....Scattered. My ears started ringing

constantly. At this point (one year

> ago) I felt deep inside that if I didn't do something soon, I would

slide down into the pit of

> no return....autoimmune disease or lord knows what else.




> > Dear friends,

> >

> > I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> > reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> > to write you to tell you my little history.

> >

> > I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> > Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> > completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> > read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> > understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> > very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.

> >

> > Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> > started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> > inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> > etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> > back again.

> >

> > I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> > happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know...

maybe 16?

> >

> > The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> > explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> > rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> > do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> > maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> > it. It was a very big shock for me.

> >

> > This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> > that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> > probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> > really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> > coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> > really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> > found the solution to my problems.

> >

> > But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> > went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> > my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> > painful cramps.

> >

> > Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> > weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> > Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> > to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> > paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> > instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.

> >

> > So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> > endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> > patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> > Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> > lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> > gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.

> >

> > I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> > Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> > problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.

> >

> > I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> > Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> > Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> > curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> > a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> > happened often.

> >

> > For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> > Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> > you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> > difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> > strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.

> >

> > I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> > macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> > cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> > are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> > seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> > Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> > felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!

> >

> > This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> > very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> > here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> > happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> > of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.

> >

> > So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> > answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> > turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> > early youth.

> >

> > From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> > equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> > point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> > sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> > coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?

> >

> > So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> > and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> > a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> > to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> > progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> > bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> > quietly and alone.

> >

> > But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> > for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> > my little history (which is completely

> > trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> > problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> > that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> > also worth the effort of writing this message.

> >

> > I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> > January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> > couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> > probably. So thank you for being there.

> >

> > Warmest regards,

> >

> >

> >


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Hi ,

Could you please tell me if the ringing in yours ears is getting any

better after starting chelation? My laft ear's ringing has been

getting progressively louder and now my right ear seems to be starting

too. I have yet to strat chelation, since I am currently getting

bridges and crowns put in the places my amalgmas were removed. I have

had the tendency to clench my teeth at night - so I amnot sure what

has contributed to mu tinnitus - it is very difficult to live with

besides the mercury side effects.



> Then it happened. I started having problems with my immune system. I

started getting

> very cold and I started having brain fog. I was a high school

teacher and this was very

> scary and frustrating for me. I always thought it was a blood sugar

problem ans worked

> very hard with my diet to control this. However, I was plagued with

yeast infections

> (sometimes once or twice a month) I also developed severe allergies.



> I started to lose short term memory, my nervous system started to

get out of control with

> anxiety attacks and twitching. I developed insomnia. My mind went

crazy bouncing from

> this thought to that....Scattered. My ears started ringing

constantly. At this point (one year

> ago) I felt deep inside that if I didn't do something soon, I would

slide down into the pit of

> no return....autoimmune disease or lord knows what else.




> > Dear friends,

> >

> > I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> > reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> > to write you to tell you my little history.

> >

> > I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> > Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> > completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> > read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> > understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> > very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.

> >

> > Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> > started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> > inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> > etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> > back again.

> >

> > I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> > happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know...

maybe 16?

> >

> > The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> > explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> > rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> > do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> > maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> > it. It was a very big shock for me.

> >

> > This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> > that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> > probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> > really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> > coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> > really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> > found the solution to my problems.

> >

> > But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> > went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> > my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> > painful cramps.

> >

> > Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> > weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> > Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> > to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> > paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> > instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.

> >

> > So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> > endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> > patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> > Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> > lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> > gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.

> >

> > I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> > Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> > problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.

> >

> > I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> > Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> > Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> > curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> > a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> > happened often.

> >

> > For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> > Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> > you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> > difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> > strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.

> >

> > I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> > macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> > cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> > are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> > seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> > Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> > felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!

> >

> > This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> > very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> > here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> > happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> > of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.

> >

> > So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> > answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> > turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> > early youth.

> >

> > From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> > equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> > point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> > sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> > coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?

> >

> > So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> > and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> > a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> > to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> > progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> > bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> > quietly and alone.

> >

> > But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> > for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> > my little history (which is completely

> > trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> > problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> > that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> > also worth the effort of writing this message.

> >

> > I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> > January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> > couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> > probably. So thank you for being there.

> >

> > Warmest regards,

> >

> >

> >


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-Hi there,

I'm not sure but I think the ringing is from a compromised immune system. I am


sensitive to various foods...for example, alcohol, caffeine, MSG, sugar, soy,

and corn.

Also, if I consume medications they ring louder. Another thing I know that is

related is

lack of sleep. My nerves are shot and sometimes I wake up every two hours.

Those are

the major ones. But, like you, I grit my teeth and I think this causes the

tension in my neck

and thus more ringing in my ears. You can tell if this is a contributing by

muscle soreness

in your neck. Sometimes I wonder if it all really comes down to my liver and

kidneys and

the poison of mercury not allowing them to filter properly.

To answer your question...I have only been chelating about 2.5 months. That's

not much

after 25 years of being poisoned. The answer is no I have not yet experienced

my ringing

getting better, but as my nervous system repairs (positive thinking) and as my


system builds, I hope to God the ringing will subside.

-> Hi ,

> Could you please tell me if the ringing in yours ears is getting any

> better after starting chelation? My laft ear's ringing has been

> getting progressively louder and now my right ear seems to be starting

> too. I have yet to strat chelation, since I am currently getting

> bridges and crowns put in the places my amalgmas were removed. I have

> had the tendency to clench my teeth at night - so I amnot sure what

> has contributed to mu tinnitus - it is very difficult to live with

> besides the mercury side effects.

> Thanks.

> >


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> Dear friends,


> I am new to the group. My name is and I am from Madrid. After

> reading the posting http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1635.html I decided

> to write you to tell you my little history.


> I am 40. I have a PhD in mathematics and I work at a University at

> Madrid. I say this to be clear: I am not a physician but I am not

> completely stupid (very stupid often, but not completely yet). I can

> read papers from medical journals (and I do it often) without

> understanding everything, but I get something sometimes. I am also

> very conscious of my big limitations in many (if not every) respect.


> Some years ago, I don't remember exactly, about 13 years ago or so, I

> started to feel cold. Very cold. It was unusual for me to have such an

> inner coldness. For some weeks, I had to use a huge amount of cloths,

> etc. Then the episode passed away. But, from time to time, it came

> back again.


> I had also some fatigue. Lack of energy. In fact, this thing has

> happened to me for some periods since I was... I don't know... maybe 16?


> The real problem came on 1999 (or so). My brain started to fail. I was

> explaining a very, very simple stuff to my students, namely, the chain

> rule to derivate a composition of real variable functions. I promise I

> do understand very well the chain rule. But suddenly, I was unable to

> maintain in my head the symbols, the ideas. I was unable to understand

> it. It was a very big shock for me.


> This kind of mental impairment waxed and wanned from time to time. At

> that time I was fat, really fat. My BMI was about 35. I decided that

> probably that was the problem. In December 1999 I started jogging. It

> really made a difference in my life. My brain was clear again. No more

> coldness. No more lack of energy. My BMI changed from 35 to 25. It was

> really a great effort, but I am quite systematic and I though I had

> found the solution to my problems.


> But on 2004 my legs started to fail. I began to have muscle cramps. I

> went to a sport physician and he told me he saw nothing wrong with

> my legs. But as soon I started to run, I had to stop because of the

> painful cramps.


> Later, I started to have more muscular problems. I found myself really

> weak. Even maintaining a phone in my ear was difficult.

> Coldness came back. Mental foggy came back too. Sometimes I was unable

> to do trivial things like counting pocket money, not to talk about

> paying annual taxes! I started to gain weight again. I tried to walk

> instead of running, but it seemed pretty useless.


> So I started to visit physicians. Very soon they routed me to

> endocrinologists. I have to say that I found some of them very, very

> patient with me. Some others only told me: 'TSH is ok so you are ok'.

> Of course, hypothyroidism was the main conjecture. Some others made a

> lot of tests. TSH: normal. T4, T3: normal. Stimulus of the pituitary

> gland: normal. Brain NMR: normal.


> I really had no disease! So why my corporal temperature was so low?

> Why I was cold? Why I was getting fatter? Maybe psychological

> problems? I went to a psychiatrist and he found me reasonably normal.


> I should also mention some other problems I had by that time.

> Infections were very common and lasted for long. I developed

> Peyronie's disease, a strange malady which eventually makes the penis

> curved when in erection. Chronic sinusitis. Lack of sexual drive. And

> a terrible fear of being caught in my classes by brain foggy, which

> happened often.


> For some weeks, I tried by myself T4. It is not possible to find

> Armour Thyroid in Spain, at least to my knowledge, but pharmacies sell

> you thyroxine without prescription. It really made a

> difference. Like day and night. But my endocrinologist discouraged me

> strongly to continue doing that, so I quited.


> I turned my attention to natural alternatives and I discovered

> macrobiotics. This is a sort of traditional Japanese cooking. Lot of

> cereals, grains, some vegetables. One should do it carefully. There

> are certain supplementary foods that are essential in MB, like miso or

> seaweed and things like that. Well, on February 2006 I started MB.

> Again it seemed I had found a solution! My BMI fell to 20,5 and I

> felt really good. Even Peyronie's disease disappeared!


> This order of things lasted until recently. Now I have started to be

> very, very cold again. Brain foggy is coming back. It is not clearly

> here now yet, but I can feel it coming. Is not the first time it

> happens to me and I recognize the early symptoms. I have gained a 10%

> of weight with my bird-like diet. Infections are back again.


> So what to do? If I start to look for help in physicians I think their

> answer will be the same as before. For sure I am ok. So, by chance, I

> turned my attention to dental amalgams. I have plenty of them since my

> early youth.


> From a macrobiotic point of view the thing is clear: if you have an

> equilibrated diet (from the energetic Japanese traditional yin-yang

> point of view) and you are not OK, you should start looking for other

> sources of disequilibrium. Dental amalgams could be this source,

> coming with me along all these years and slowly doing its work?


> So the next step (unless I find some better idea) is to remove them

> and to try chelation after that. What a problem! Will I manage to find

> a doctor in Madrid willing to help me to do it properly? I would like

> to have some urine tests or something like that, to follow the

> progress... In any case, I fear I will dig deeper in the hole of

> bizarreness in which I am already. I see I will probably have to do it

> quietly and alone.


> But discovering your group and the posting above is very encouraging

> for me. I am really grateful for it. So I thought you would understand

> my little history (which is completely

> trivial compared with other histories, for example, of parents with

> problems with their little kids I have read). And if it is apparent

> that I am insane, probably some of you will tell me plainly, which is

> also worth the effort of writing this message.


> I have already ordered Cutler's book and I will read it throughly. On

> January 8 I have an appointment with a dentist to remove the first

> couple of amalgams. I will include crowns! There is a long way ahead,

> probably. So thank you for being there.


> Warmest regards,




Querido .

Believe what member on this group tells you. (No lo dudes).

I had 8 amalgams taking without protection, and I paid a heavy price

for that (did not believe it at that time).

I felt I was dying ( queria morir de verdad).

Out of desperation I started to mess with different protocol and

things, without knowing that I had some hidden pieces of amalgams on

my mouth .Things couldn't be worst at that time.

I put all my faith in God to give me strength and start all over

again, and finally amalgam free.

Mr. Cutler protocol is helping a big deal, now I feel OK must of the

time doing his protocol.

Se fuerte mi amigo, todo saldrá bien.

Lee el libro del Señor Cutler como si leyeras un libro sagrado.

Be Strong my friend.

Joe from Miami.

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